Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

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For the lovely EMTstrong... thanks for the request!


Savanna held my hand tightly, giving me gentle squeezes ever so often as I spoke to the people around the track. I'd nod my head, smile, and laugh sometimes. Though, I knew Savanna just wanted to go and eat and watch the race unfold-- and I did too. But even still, I remained polite, but when the girl got a phone call she just couldn't miss, I wasn't gonna complain. Savanna gave me a discerning look, her head tilted and brows raised high as she pursed her lips.

Before I could grin at her and tease her, another person approached us. I barely got to look up before the man was already engaging in conversation. "Hey guys, did you guys need anything?" His amicable voice offered. My head snapped up at the sound of his familiar husky voice and I smiled brightly.

"No, no, we're just looking around." I smiled, resisting the urge to unleash my inner fangirl. "Thank you, though... um..." I laughed softly, licking my bottom lip as I looked down at Savanna, who smirked at me with her devilish glint.

"Ricky." He smiled and I laughed softly as he held out his hand for me to shake. I shook his with a wide smile.

"Cheyenne, and this is my little Savanna." I smiled warmly. "Big fan, you and your team are doing great... Especially the last couple of races." He laughed softly, his smile wide revealing his perfect white teeth. My stomach flopped at the sight.

"Thank you. Really, it means a lot. If you guys would like, we got room in my pit box. You can stick out the next couple hours in the VIP lot." He clicked his tongue with a wink and suddenly my lungs constricted. 

"Really?" Savanna's high-pitched voice squeaked as she leaned up on her tip-toes, her grin wide and eyes bright. Thank God she spoke, because I'm not sure if I would snap out of my trance as I swallowed thickly, my smile remaining on my shocked face.

"Oh yeah, sure, sweetheart." He held out his hand, fingers curled into a fist. Savanna and Ricky knuckle punched, and she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. 

"You're the coolest." She squealed and looked up at me. "Did you hear?"

"I heard." I laughed and inhaled deeply, looking back to Ricky. "Thank you so much... Are you sure, though? I don't want to be any trouble..." I bit my lip and Ricky laughed and shook his head.

"I'm sure, and you're no trouble at all. Glad to have you both along. Enjoy the race, Savanna." He nudged her shoulder and she grinned widely at him.

"Well, come on. Let's go!" Savanna smiled enthusiastically. I laughed and followed after her as she dragged me toward Ricky's pit box. She crawled up first, smiling vibrantly. We were able to catch the last half of practice, which Savanna was tickled about. Just as I climbed down after practice and reached up to help Savanna down, I heard a familiar husky voice--one I'd wished I didn't.

"Hey-- it's my day." He rushed over, his footsteps slow and speech slurred. I whipped around after grabbed Savanna, holding her in my arms. I glared at him, gently setting her down beside me. 

"No, it isn't. Besides, we've been planning this trip for months." I spat, Savanna's father rolling his bloodshot eyes as he stumbled closer. "No-- go. Go, I mean it. This is Savanna and I's day, this is our trip, and you're not supposed to be here, so go."

"Hey, is there a problem?" Ricky asked after excusing himself from a conversation with a teammate. I set my hand on Savanna's shoulder and pulled her into me, my jaw clenched.

"Yeah," I muttered lowly and Savanna's father stumbled closer, his hand extending. Ricky stepped in front of him, arms extended with an unimpressed look on his face. 

"Sorry, man. You gotta go." He had waved at someone, his voice stone cold.

"Excuse me!" Her father screamed and then a slew of profanities escaped his lips in a mumbled manner, his hands flailing as an official got between him and Ricky. Ricky then turned to me, his stone face turned to concern. 


"Yeah, something of the sort," I mumbled, sighing heavily. "I'm really, truly sorry. I'm supposed to meet some people about him and..." I ran my free hand over my face tiredly. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize." He quickly shook his head and sidestepped closer out of someone's way. "Really, it's not a big deal. I'm just glad you and your little girl are good. I'll help out in anyway I can." He assured with that sweet smile of his. I smiled back widely, looking down at Savanna who looked up at me, then at Ricky. 

"Momma, can we hang out with Ricky after the race?"

"No, he's probably busy, hon." I laughed softly and Ricky laughed.

"No, hey, here..." He suddenly was digging in his pockets, pulling out a small receipt and a pen. "Here's my number..." My throat suddenly seemed parched as he leaned against his pit box and scribbled down the numbers. "And call or text whenever. Really, please." He laughed and handed it to me. I took it delicately between my fingers and laughed nervously.

"Thanks... again. We'll um... we'll see about it." I laughed and gently folded the piece of paper and stuffed it in my back pocket. 

"Ricky do you like my mom?" Savanna asked innocently. I laughed, set my hands on her shoulders and urged her away.

"Oookay... Bedtime. Thank you, Ricky... sorry again, and if we don't see you tomorrow before the race good luck." I laughed, my cheeks blazing red. Ricky burst out laughing.

"Good night, you two." He clicked his tongue, watching as I maneuvered Savanna through the minimal crowd. 

"Why you acting so weird?" Savanna groaned and I shook my head.

"You are... wise beyond your years." I laughed as she giggled.


The race went phenomenally. Ricky placed well, Savanna had the night of her life, and I had a hell of a lot of fun talking to Ricky. We even made plans for after the race, exactly a week and two days away from the race date, to go and get an ice cream.

Of course, that's today. Savanna and I got out of the car, her nearly running and making Ricky topple over in excitement. I resisted the urge to shout at her about the cars that may have been near but really weren't and instead followed after her. She rambled on, her little pig tails bouncing as she moved around energetically. Ricky laughed and responded just as enthusiastically.I only shook my head with a smile as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out after finishing Ricky a wide smile.

I frowned deeply when I saw the text and groaned.

Hey--need you at the station. This is our ticket to full custody

My lawyer. I looked up to Ricky, a frown plastered on my face. Ricky noticed and raised a brow at me, a frown dawning on his face as well. "My lawyer needs me..." I huffed and he shrugged.

"No problem, we can get an ice cream..." He shrugged and Savanna beamed. "Then you and I can go out later." He grinned and I shook my head.

"You don't need to play babysitter, I um..." I paused and looked around.

"No, just go. Really, we'll be good. I got your number if I need anything I know who to call. Go on. Then tonight.... tonight we can get dinner." He grinned and I bit my lip as a blush crept onto my cheeks. 

"Okay... Be good, girl." I bent down and kissed Savanna's head before backing away. "I mean it."

"Whatever mom." She teased back. "Rocky road?" She beamed and Ricky laughed, leading her toward where people order. I got back in my car, flashed Ricky one last smile before driving to the station.

Oh man, am I anticipating tonight...

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