Ryan Blaney (2)

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Part two for betourneautumn's Ryan imagine. A little refresher, the two were childhood best friends but drifted apart. They met back up at the race (at Pocono), and they connected again. This is just a short drabble, but I hope you enjoy! Thanks for requesting! <3


Bethany shifted as she gently swayed to music booming through small speakers. She picked up a small outfit and giggled as suddenly hands landed on her hips. "Like it?" Ryan asked softly, his hands gliding around her slightly rounded stomach. She giggled as she looked it over, front to back.

"Cute, if the baby is a boy." The light blue and pale grey outfit had a cute plaid shirt along with some soft overalls that weren't actually denim but a much gentler fabric. lLong with the outfit were a watching hate and light blue socks.

"Oh, he's a boy." Ryan nodded, placing a kiss to her cheek. "Come on Bethany." He laughed, setting the outfit in the cart. She giggled, following after him, his hand slipping in hers as the two walked. They gathered a few more items before checking out. They made a pit stop at a restaurant because Bethany was hungry, and because Ryan had been babying her since she found out she was pregnant, he bought her anything she asked for.

Of course, not really him buying things. It was weird to think about. Bethany's things were Ryan's and Ryan's were hers. Coexisting with your former best friend and current love is insanely exhilarating and just plain joyful. It fulfilled so many wants of Bethany's and made her feel... content and whole, as cheesy as it sounded. 

And it'd only been a year since they met back up. Things moved fast after that night of celebrations. He asked her out, and then again after that. Pretty soon, they were dating, and shortly after they moved in together, and so on. She's pregnant now, and they're the happy, geeky couple people gawk at in public. 

She was a regular guest at the race track and on his podcast, as well as a partner in crime against Bubba and Chase. He was her rock, her support, her best friend, and her lover all in one--and her baby's father. That one spoke for itself.

Sharing a place was Ryan was... difficult at first. In the beginning, they were both stressed and overwhelmed and treated each other as if they were glass. Then when things mellowed out--, things got more laid back and playful. They were spending a lot of time together and joking around. A while later, they began to realize some things.... especially after Bethany learned she was pregnant. They began enjoying their times as adult-children before they had to raise a child. Then, there they were, 3 months later. Hand in hand in an old local store, planning out the future. 

They returned to their sweet little apartment, which actually wasn't so little. Ryan begged her for an upgrade from the smaller place they had, so they now had a three bedroom apartment with two bathrooms, a large kitchen, and a gorgeous living room with a view of the town. Bethany and her best friend decorated in cute, subtle colors with room decor everywhere, leading to a rather homey apartment.

Although, the day Bethany told Ryan she was pregnant, he'd been looking into houses. Of course, they'd need one in North Carolina because of Ryan's career, but neither minded. Bethany wanted to raise the child in the right environment and show the child all that ryan had accomplished. To give the child opportunities-- if the baby wanted to grow up and race she'd support he or she. 

They walked inside their apartment and quickly put everything down before Bethany went and plopped onto the couch, smiling warmly at the TV. Ryan joined her, sitting beside her with his arm around her shoulders. His other hand landed on her stomach and his head rested against hers. "You're gonna be such a great mother, Beth." He whispered softly, his voice husky. A smile spread across her face as she leaned into him, resting her hand over his.

"You're gonna be a great dad." She paused, biting her lip before smiling geekily. "And your sisters will be great aunts, and Bubba and Chase great unbiological uncles, and--" He laughed, sitting up and gently pushing her down onto the couch before crawling atop her, pinning her hands down with a smile. His brown curly hair was messy, even more so as he gazed down at her with care in his eyes.

"They are not going to be uncles. We're sheltering this baby from them as long as we can." He teased and she giggled, scrunching up her nose.

"That's just rude."

"If we pretend we don't have the baby, they'll probably forget." He smiled, leaning down.

"Right." He hands freed them from his and found their way around his neck, sliding them into his hair. "I love you." She whispered before gently kissing him. He kissed her back with just as much care, compassion and love as his his rested on her stomach.

"I love both of you."

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