Ryan Reed (2)

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Part 2 of josefsperfection imagine...... Refresher: She gets in a  crash in the Indy series and he is determined to stay by her side. 


He shakily sat down beside her, his hand resting over hers as her mother ran inside and hugged her gently, crying on her shoulder. Callie remained asleep as Ryan shifted closer, wiping beneath his eyes. He leaned down, gently kissing her cheek before he rested his forehead on hers and brushed her hair back.

"I love you." He whispered , bit the inside of his lip as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I love you." 

He threw his phone and sunglasses on the counter of his kitchen, eyes cold as he angrily slammed his fist against the granite. He let out a low growl, his head falling in his hands as he braced his weight against the counter. Everything seemed to be falling apart.

Her pale face was their, her cool hands and messy hair. Her lightly complected face looked so injured. The bruises decorating her porcelain skin made his stomach churn, and not because he felt any less about her, but just the opposite. He loved her with everything he had in him, and seeing her hurt made him sick. It was like his heart was tearing in two with every strained breath she took.

The doctors words sounded foreign, the bad news like a language he hadn't learned. It was like when he was told he'd never be able to race again because his his diabetes. Only this time, the discouraging defeat he felt was nearly unbearable. His hand on hers, his eyes red with tears. He was losing himself as he was losing her.

Ryan pushed himself away from the counter and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes shut, willing the nervousness away. He let out a shaky breath, his hand swiping over his forehead as the beginning of a headache snuck up on him. He shook his head before grabbing a glass of water. He gathered that and his phone before walking into his room solemnly. He placed the glass and the phone on the side table before taking a seat on the side of his bed.

A shift behind him and a gentle touch on his shoulder made him turn, his eyes softening drastically. "How'd you do?" Her frail voice asked, eyes still shut.

"Not great." His eyes darted to the TV that was still on the racing channel. "What'd you fall asleep?" he asked, turning to her. He gently brushed her hair aside, his touch easing up over the bruise on her forehead. 

"Yeah." She sighed softly, her hand slipping down his shoulder. Since the crash, Callie pulled through enough to go home. She had regular visits from a travelling nurse, and could barely function. Her back vertebrae were damaged, which hurt her spinal cord. This made her randomly not be able to feel her feet and sometimes not her legs. Apparently that'd progress until she was paralyzed from the waist down, so she was really doomed.

Callie was weak. So weak all the time. She was tired, thanks to the pills she needed to help with both her pain and healing. The nurses and doctors said it was a miracle she pulled through, and yet she still wasn't out of the woods yet. Her weakness was concerning and her lack of motivation made her neurosurgeon and specialist worried.

However, when it came to Ryan she was motivated and compassionate. He took her in after she was released and spent all the time he could with her. He took time off of racing for her, which, looking back, he found hilarious There was a time in his life when he'd trade everything to be able to race, and here hew as aiding somebody else at his own cost with virtually no gain. Or, as she saw it, no gain.

She felt she was crippled baggage to him. She would probably never race again, and she was in such denial she didn't understand that. She needed a lot of help to do basically everything. She was just a needy mess and she hated that. But she loved him. That's what's got her this far.

"Well how have you been all weekend?" He asked, helping her sit up a little more. He handed her the glass of water and adjusted the pillow behind her.

"I don't know. The nurse left at the night and showed up at five in the morning, so I wasn never alone. It was so annoying." She groaned before sipping her drink. She handed it back to him and he placed it back on the counter before crawling into bed beside her. He shut the lamos off and settled down beside her beneath the sheets.

"She's just keeping you safe." He laughed softly with a tired smile.

"Nobody can really do that." She sighed softly, leaning her head against the headboard. He set his hand over hers and yawned, eyes closing.

"I'll keep you safe, Cal." He sighed softly. She sighed before shimming back down beneath the covers. her eyes slowly traced over his tired face, her own eyes falling on his closed ones. 

"I love you too." She whispered, and his eyes snapped open. He didn't think all that time ago she heard him. It had been the first time either fo them had said it in the relationship, and here she was relaying her feelings back. He sat up a little before leaning down, gently kissing the frail girl.

No more words were exchanged as nothing could be said to make that night of understanding any more meaningful. The silence held a thousand words as they curled up beneath warm sheets together, accepting the present and carving out the future,, hoping and praying they will be in each others.

A.N Sorry for any mistakes, but I'm really tired lol  I got like 4 more requests, but just in case, if you're expecting an imagine PLEASE remind me in DMs. I'm worried my notes are wrong and I don't want to forget anybody. So... yeah. Thanks <3

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