Ryan Blaney

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A/N Only warning is some brief language and some cliche-ness. As you were <3

I shifted uncomfortably as a guy ran by me, shoving me into another girl. I scowled at his back as he continued to run through the crowd of people trying to work on the next scene for the upcoming film Logan Lucky. Ryan invited me to come and watch while he, Joey Logano, Brad Keselowski, Kyle Larson, Kyle Busch, and Carl Edwards started to film their parts in the movie. I offered to go get everyone a coffee, be being the so very kind person I am, and totally got lost.

Then, when I found the coffee shop and ordered everyone coffees, including their families coffee's, I got lost coming back. Then some douchebag runs by me while I'm carrying a small shopping bag and a drink tray willed with four coffees in one hand and in my other hand two drink trays filled with eight coffees, barely balancing them all. When I caught sight of the back of Joey's head, I grinned and shoved my way through the crowd. If that asshole could, I can.

"Joesph Thomas Logano!" I yelled and he turned to face me, grinning as I dodged my way toward him.

"Thought you went all the way to Europe, what took you so long?" He laughed and Samantha Busch smiled softly at me as Kyle Busch adjusted his cop costume. He jutted out his bottom lip and nodded approvingly as he straightened his badge.

"Got lost. Okay, in this one-- Joey, Brittany,  Brad, Paige-- in that order." I handed off the tray to Brittany, Joey's wife. "This one is Ryan, me, Carl, and Katherine, that order. I handed it to Carl's wife Katherine and looked down to the last tray. "Kyle Larson, Katelyn, Kyle Busch, Samantha, and in here are juices for Owen and Brexton." I handed them off and grabbed my coffee. They all thanked me and I gave them a sarcastic smile because of all the trouble they brought. I raised a brow as I noticed the wide grins on everyone's faces but Ryan's. "Did I miss something?" I asked and sipped my coffee.

Kyle Larson was off filming his scene but everyone else, and their families were seemingly laughing at Ryan. "We were just talking about how Ryan's the only single guy here." Brad snorted and Ryan rolled his eyes. I laughed softly as Joey burst out laughing.

"It's really not that funny." Brittany slapped Joey's arm and narrowed her eyes at him. He muffled his laughs but it didn't do much. Samantha bounced Brexton on her hip and grinned at Ryan.

"Poor little Ry." She fake pouted. Kyle opened his mouth with a smirk, going to offer his two cents but Ryan cut him off. 

"I'm actually... I'm not single." He shrugged anI Joey stopped laughing. I raised a brow and sipped my coffee as he glanced at me, then looked down before walking over to me. He slipped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. "We're together." I felt my eyes widen and my chest clench. I glanced up at him and he gave me a small hopeful smile. I slowly looked back to the others as I noticed their almost shocked faces. I opened my mouth to say something but confusion set in and I shook my head. "For a couple months now. That's uh-- that's why she's here." He smiled. They all looked to me and I smiled softly, my cheeks surely turning red.

"U--Umm.. Y-yeah. Uh, we're together." I swallowed, realizing how dry my mouth got. Joey nodded and clapped Ryan on his shoulder.

"Congratulations. I suppose..." Ryan smiled and nodded. The director called over Brad and Joey for their scene.

"Yeah, thanks. Hey, uh, Ryan, can we talk?" I asked nervously, my stomach flipping as I looked up to him. He met my eyes and smiled skeptically.

"Sure." He smiled before turning and pulling me with him.

"Um.. So..." I paused and laughed as I looked up to him with raised brows. "What the hell?"

"They've been bugging me about being single for the past, like, three weeks, so I got sick of it, and I'm really sorry." He grumbled with a frown. As soon as we were out of their view he jumped away from me and put at least three feet between us and avoided all eye contact.

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