Kasey Kahne

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A/N I feel this is appropriate especially for the news we got a bit ago about Kasey's retirement. Kasey is the man that got me into NASCAR, and despite what people say/think (ESPECIALLY THIS RECENT GENERATION OF NASCAR FANS) He is talented, kind, respectful, and a big contributor. Don't even @ me. He's a good dad, a decent racer, and a noble man. I'm entirely grateful for him to have been in this sport to drag me along for the ride. 

With that being said, AdrianaCenzano, I hope you enjoy <3 Sorry I couldn't get it up before the 17th-- my life has been really hectic x.x


"This way," Tanner lead us one way, Kasey holding both my hand and Tanner's as the young boy stumbled through the crowded area. The loud noises, smells of cooking food, and sweat filled my nose as I looked around. Fair rides were everywhere, ranging from the Ferris Wheel, to a little roller coaster, to something that spun and looked like a glider. It was hot, especially for the evening. Being in such a busy environment was something all three of us were used to, thanks to the races. So far, after rushing in, Kasey hadn't been recognized.

Not that we didn't appreciate the support, but it was a family trip and little Tanner is so excited. "Daddy, that!" He screeched, pointing to a little caterpillar ride that was like a mini roller coaster. Kasey chuckled and we got in line with Tanner, the young boy grasping both of our hands excitedly. When it was time to go, I waited outside while Kasey helped lift Tanner into the small cart and buckle him in. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the beaming boy I learned to call my own-- despite Kasey and I just being in a simple relationship.

I texted the image to Kasey as he returned to me, sliding his hand around me and pulling me close. we both hyped up Tanner as he pretended he was in a race car. He had taken the front, of course. "Go, buddy!" I cheered, waving. Tanner beamed at me, waving back.

"Look Adriana! Look!" 

"I'm watching, bud." I laughed. Kasey pressed a soft kiss to the side of my head and sighed contently. "We're gonna go on the Ferris Wheel, right?" I teased and he scrunched up his nose.


"Definitely." Although I thought it was cliche, I still wanted to. Kasey and Tanner are my family and I really want to make memories with both of them-- even the cliche memories. Kasey laughed as I looked up to him, leaning up to gently kiss him. We pulled away as the ride came to an end, Tanner rushing out and again, dragging us to the next ride. After a few, we grabbed some food and took a little break. We sat down and ate some overpriced fair french fries and lemonade. 

"Dad, I want cotton candy."

"Not right now, buddy." Kasey laughed, ruffling his already messy blonde hair. Tanner pouted as he turned to me, as he was sitting in between us. He raised his brows at me and smiled deviously. 

"I gotta use the bathroom, you, Tanne?" I spoke up and the young boy nodded enthusiastically. "We'll be back. I told Kasey, smiling at him. He rolled his eyes but nodded, finishing off the box of fries we all shared. I held Tanner's hand as we crossed the fairground to the outhouses. After both me and Tanner used the bathrooms, I led him to the cotton candy stand. I ordered it and handed him the bag. He thanked me by squealing and digging in, us both making our way to Kasey. 

"Wait!" Tanner squeaked and turned to one of the stands where you had to throw a dart to pop a balloon. "Please?" He pouted, jutting out his bottom lip. I burst out laughing and traded him two dollars for the cotton candy. Tanner paid the man with a beaming smile and excitedly gathered the three darts from the man. He threw the darts, missing two and nicking one. He won a small snake prize... only that wasn't it. He wanted the huge bunny stuffed animal. So he played again.

And again.

And again...

Until, finally, he hit all the balloons. By the end, Tanner and I were carrying six stuffed animals, the bag of cotton candy, and Tanners inflated ego. Kasey spotted us and he burst out laughing, shaking his head at me. "You gave in."

"I gave in." I sighed. He walked over and took a few stuffed animals from me, tucking a few in his hood. It was smart. I thanked him and went to take the rest from Tanner, but Kasey grabbed my hand. I looked over to him and rolled my eyes at his smirk. He kissed me softly. "You're so good to us."

"I know." I winked and kissed his cheek. "Ferris Wheel?" I asked Tanner who cheered and grabbed both of our hands and dragged us to the large structure with a long line. Kasey picked up Tanner, because the poor boy was getting sleepy. We softly talked through the line, a group of people who recognized Kasey walking over and having a conversation with us. 

When we got into the cart, Tanner sat on my lap and Kasey sat on the other side of the little cart. Tanner rested his head on my chest tiredly as Kasey reached over and held my hand. "I love you." He whispered and I smiled warmly at him and squeezed his hand.

I looked out over the fairgrounds, the blinking lights, the people scattered around then back to Kasey's ocean eyes. I smiled and squeezed his hand once again. "I love you too." 

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