Joey Logano

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For josefsperfection. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for requesting and being patient! (Not edited)

Emma Turner had been under Joey's wing for a while now. He was her driving coach, teaching her the ins and outs of racing and all his secrets... Including how to perfect the Logano Loop. He saw great potential in the young girl and wanted to help her get to be the very best she can be. Perhaps that's why she was his first pick for his truck team. He didn't ask her right away, trying to play it off.

After all, a big ego is usually never too great for a driver. Unless you're a Busch brother, but that could be argued. 

Emma looked up to Joey in all perspectives. She adored his little family-- with Brittany as his gorgeous wife and Hudson, his sweet sweet son. She adored the drive-- no pun intended-- that he had to strive for the best. Every weekend he worked hard to do the best he could. She admired his happy demeanor. Even after most crashes he could muster up a smile. He was so easy to be around-- and he was a hell of a teacher. She was lucky.

Joey approached her one day in his come state of Connecticut where she was promptly fixing up an old car her father had bought her for her birthday. Joey showed up in her garage and casually offered her a job to work for him.

He'd never seen her smile so wide or jump up so fast. She ranted on and on about how she would not let him down. She didn't either, she was making large gains.

On a chilly Sunday afternoon, Emma sat in the stands cheering him on. She had the widest grin as he led the field, Brad Keselowski, yet another Penske guy Emma liked and admired, was on his tail. Emma clasped her hands together, her dad already standing with his arm pumping in the air cheering for Joey.

(The appreciation for Joey Logano was mutual throughout the Turner family.)

"Go! Inside, go to the inside!" Emma whispered under her breath, already knowing her intelligent coach was going to do that. And he did. Kyle Larson replaced the 2, on the bumper of the 22. He gave him a bump, slowing Joey down a little. Emma pouted briefly, but gathered herself as Joey gathered speed going into the corner. Emma jumped on the seat in front of her, cheering loudly.

Then it stopped. Larson's nose drove into the side of Joey's car-- sending Joey accelerating into the wall at a shocking speed. Emma's cheers died in the back of her throat. Her wide eyes from excitement replaced by shock. Her arms fell by her side, her lips fell apart. Joey's car whipped around into the second lane by the wall, Brad's car catching the part of Joey's car that was already in the air. He caught more air, landing on the car's side in the middle of the track.

Cars were crashing, the crowds were no longer cheering. There were so many lost up in the crash, spinning and sliding into the infield. One car flipped over the pit wall.

"Joey..." Emma choked out, her eyes trained on the yellow and red car. Her heart was caught in her throat as her eyes covered in tears. "Joey!" She yelled, darting down the bleachers. Her father was in just as much shock, simultaneously following  Emma.


Biggest crash in NASCAR history...


Leaves the driver of the 22 Pennzoil Ford PARALYZED!


Racing Careers OVER


Joey Logano not to finish the season. 


Who to fill the 2019 22 Ford?


"This is sickening." Emma spat as she threw the newspaper in Joey's hospital room. Brittany had taken Hudson for a walk because the young baby was getting restless from all the sadness in the small room. Joey stayed silent his eyes on the pile of papers. Those were just the ones they printed. He hadn't even looked online-- and Emma hoped he wouldn't. She looked over at him, a soft smile spread across her lips. "Try eating." She nodded to the tray hovering over his lap on the cart.

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