Ryan Blaney

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cvrazon, I hope you enjoy! This is short, but I wasn't sure how to add anything else. Hope it was at least okay lmao, thanks for the request sweets <3 Sorry for mistakes as always


Annika smiled at the baby, grabbing her small fingers and swaying with her a bit. Ryan grinned as he watched her and Isla, laughing as he leaned on the counter. "You are the cutest thing." He smiled and she grinned up at him.

"Isn't she though? Like... I could have a million." She laughed and Ryan shook his head, pushing himself up off the counter.

"I was referring to you, but--"

"No," Dale laughed and shook his head. "You don't want a million. Certainly not with this idiot." He joked and Annika laughed as she picked Isla up, resting her on her hip as she gently bounce the baby. "You're way too young. Both of you."

"Ooh, are we talking babies?" Amy asked, walking out in a gorgeous outfit, her hair and makeup all done up nicely. "I love babies. Dale, are you talking them down again?" She laughed softly, brushing Isla's hair back.

"They're 5."

"They're pretty much adults. If they want kids, they get kids. Trust me." She laughed and Annika snickered as she glanced over at Ryan.

"Well, we'll think about that while you're out. And ask us again when you come back." She laughed and Dale nodded.

"Real life birth control, perfect. Let's go, and in two hours, we'll see how they feel." He laughed softly, walking by and patting Annika on the shoulder before bumping Ryan. "Don't hurt my baby. I'll kill ya." He winked and Ryan nodded, his smile wavering the slightest bit. They bid their goodbyes to each other, and as soon as the door shut, Isla's cries wailed out into the thin-walled trailer.

"Oh God." Ryan sighed, pulling the fridge open. "Food, diaper, or... toy? Nap?" He laughed softly as Annika bounced the baby, looking around for something to stop the baby from crying out. 

"Yeah, I second that. Oh God."


"ABCDEFG...." Ryan sang slowly, Isla staring at him as he leaned down to her height. Isla ssat in Annika's lap, Annika's arms wrapped around the small baby. Isla squealed, raising her hands and bouncing around as she mumbled. "That wasn't even close, Isla." He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Okay, ABC-- Isla, are you even listening? You need these to be able to talk on the radio. Do you want no communication? Do you want to crash? No, so--"

"Ryan, she's a baby." Annika laughed, shaking her head at Ryan. He rolled his eyes as he brushed Isla's hair aside and dragged Annika closer by her legs. 

"Come on, Annika. That is no excuse." He teased and leaned in for a kiss, but Isla raised her hand and smacked him away before giggling. Annika burst out laughing, bouncing the baby more with a wider grin.

"That's my baby." She said softly. "Yeah--that's my baby." Her voice was the annoying high-pitch most people use when speaking to babies. Ryan was less than impressed. 

It wasn't long after that Amy and Dale returned, and Ryan was sprawled across the couch beside Annika, who was changing the baby. Dale chuckled as he helped Amy get her coat off, setting it on the back of a chair. "Thank you guys...." He laughed softly as Annika secured the diaper on Isla. 

"No problem. Isla's an angel." She grinned widely, standing with the baby in her arms. Amy grinned widely, reaching out for the infant. 

"Yes. A pooping, crying, eating angel. So... great." He emphasised and Dale nodded.

"See, told you you don't want kids now."

"I want ten of them." he nearly cut Dale off and stood to is feet. He wrapped his arms around Annika and smiled at Dale. "Let's start now. Our kids would be so, so cute." He teased with a smirk and Dale rolled his eyes. Annika only laughed, the two bid their goodbyes, and left. Ryan hooked his arms around his girlfriend and lifted her off the ground, his husky voice in her ear. "Let's start now." He breathed and she bit her lip, nodding enthusiastically.


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