Love Triangle - Chase Purdy | Harrison Burton

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Welcome back, quick update, huh? I've got one more after this to do, and I *think* Imma be able to do it right now or a little later. SO, stick with me. This is for Writing_My_Only_Hope, so thanks for the request bb!!!!!!!!! Enjoy and sorry for mistakes <3


Keely Gragson, take a lucky guess of who is sister she is, is and has been in a predicament. Noah Gragson's little sister found herself torn between two young men, who just so happened to race with her brother. Chase Purdy had accidentally created this predicament-- as he introduced Keely to Harrison, who soon enough, fell in love with the girl's precious charm.

However, clearly, her personality was something to adore. Chase had fallen for her as well, her quirks quickly becoming everything he loved. Chase and Harrison loved Keely in two different ways, and her feelings didn't reflect the same way.

She sat on a bench behind garages, sighing with a slight pout as she thought about the issue she found herself in. Before now, barely any boys cared about her, didn't even look twice! Now, two guys, both decently attractive, found themselves competing for her attention. She couldn't help what her heart wanted. She couldn't help what their hearts wanted either, so when she had overheard Chase admitting his feelings to Noah about her, she nearly screamed in excitement and ranted about her own feelings. But she didn't, because Harrison had walked up and asked her out on a date. 

And of course, she said yes.

Not because she felt anything for Harrison, and not purely because she wanted to make Chase a little jealous (however, that was positive in the situation.) She liked Harrison, yes, perhaps more as a friend. But her feelings for Chase went so much deeper.

"Hey," She heard a voice and her head snapped up and heart skipped at the sound of  Chase's voice. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, walking over and plopping down beside her. 

"Stressing, like always." She muttered and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He nodded slowly and clasped his hands together, deciding not to comment. He knew. Of course, he knew. He sighed 

"You shouldn't stress about it. Can't make everyone happy, you know." He sighed and she nodded slowly. "Just tell him you're not into it." 

"How do you even know I'm not into it?" She snorted and he raised his brows and shrugged. 

"Just thought... like, you and me?" That was the thing about Chase. He assumed it was, would be, and always would be him. And yeah, she did like Chase more. He was very attractive, but how he always thought it would automatically be him irked her. Then again, maybe that was just a well-known fact? Or maybe he was being a little douchey? Or--

"Oh, what are you two doing back here?"

"Of course," Chase muttered bitterly. He had a habit of spoiling the good vibes when it came to Harrison.

"Bad time?" He asked, pointing behind him. "I'll go,"

"No, you don't have to." Keely quickly said before Chase could shoo him off. 

"Well, are you okay? You look sad. Is there anything I can do?" He asked, brows furrowed in worry. Keely smiled softly. There's that sweet, caring part. The part Chase's ego wouldn't let him show in fear he'd appear less "strong." She didn't care too much about that-- that was the one thing that deferred her from him. 

"No, I'm alright. Actually, I'm kind of tired. I should probably go to sleep before the sun rises." She stood, brushing off her jeans from the dusty bench. Chase rose to his feet along with her as Harrison stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I'll walk you, then?"

"No, I can do that all by myself." Chase input his two-cents, his hand wrapping around her waist. She clenched her jaw slightly and shook her head.

"I can walk alone, but thank you both." She stepped away from Chase's embrace and walked by Harrison. "Um... look, you guys, I'm really sorry. About all this. These types of things don't happen to girls like me, and it's...." She paused, trying to look for the words.

"No offense, Keely. I think you're beautiful, obviously, we both do." Chase shrugged. "But sooner or later, you're gonna pick. And the longer you wait, the more it'll hurt. So, my suggestion is to pick. Sooner rather than later, because I don't want to be lead on."

"I sort of agree..." Harrison spoke softly before turning to her. "But it's up to you. When, where, who... it's all on you, Keely. I'll support you either way, and that's a promise Take your time, make sure you're sure. And when the time comes, I'll be good with it." He nodded. Keely's soft smile widened. She appreciated it--she really did.

"Thank you so much, Harrison... That means a lot to me. Thanks." She smiled softly and he smiled right back. On her walk back, she thought and thought about what to do. The longer she thought, the more her thoughts wandered to each boy. She walked into Noah's motor home, him passed out on the couch. She walked inside and plopped down on her bed.

She bit her lip before typing up a text.

Hi... tomorrow I want to talk. I care about you. Text me tomorrow 

Then another,

Hey, we've gotta talk. Please call me tomorrow, I made a decision.

Pressed send, and was happy with who she picked.

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