Noah Gragson

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Heya— reminder if you request an Instagram imagine you have to provide a minimum of five drivers/people you want to interact in the comments. Maximum of 10...

Any who. This is for @dougthethug75
(I'll tag in the comments 😝)

Enjoy ♥️


Noah had finally made it to possibly have a title in a slightly bigger series. He made it to the Xfinity Series championship and was a strong contender to win... and Alison knew this. That's why she fully prepared a large speech for her announcement—

Win or lose.

The season was impeccable and a giant step to something huge; regardless of how the outcome will be.

She was proud, and more importantly, she was ecstatic about the future with her longtime boyfriend.

People were screaming and cheering and shouting— her hands shook as her bottom lip was clasped between two rows of teeth. Wild eyes blazed with a sudden emotion that could make anyone's heart rattle like the cages if the stock cars racing meters away.

He passed the leader— taking a firm spot in first as the laps ticked down. Soft words of an unheard pep talk fell from her lips as she eagerly watched with her stomach in her throat.





Alison began clambering down with a hopeful, beaming grin. She knew... she just knew as she rushed and ran by anxiety-ridden teammates and crew. Her hair wavered as her palm found its home on her stomach, eyes darting up to the screen.



Noah Gragson is the 2020 Xfinity Series Champion!

His celebration in the track flew by and pretty soon a crying Alison was awaiting his arrival in victory lane. When the car rolled up and he jumped out screaming in joy, her hands flew over her mouth as tears fell. She didn't have to wait long as he frantically searched the rambunctious crowd for his love— adrenaline soaking up his posture.

He ran to her and scooped her in his arms, laughing as he held her as close as possible. Bittersweet but incoherent congratulations were rapidly shot his way, his own words mumbled like hers.

"Hey, I need to tell you something..." He pulled back, grinning ear to ear as he wiped her cheeks free of tears.

"What do you mean— y-you just won!" She laughed incredulously. He chuckled and reached over, biting down on his bottom lip as the cheers echoed and cameras flashed on them.

"Yes... but not really. Not until I know that you'll be there when... maybe I eventually win the big shots." He laughed as her thin brows raised in question. "You've been there for it all. My first wins almost everywhere, it was always you there. I love you and I um... I want to spend my life with you. I— Uh, I'm..." he stumbled before laughing.

He turned to the man beside him, his crew chief and took something before turning right back...

Only this time he dropped to one knee and raised a small box. Her heart continued to rattle as more tears fell, hands shaking as she began to laugh and grin. "Will you m—"


"—Marry me, wait, y— yeah, yes?"

"Yes!!! Yes! Yes!" She allowed him to slide the ring on her finger before she pulled him off the ground as people all around cheered much louder than before. The newly engaged couple shared a kiss, Alison a crying mess as she tried wiping the tears away to remember her own announcement.

"I actually have something to tell you too..." she whispered softly. She knew it was too soon to tell the world... and maybe, just maybe she wanted a moment to herself... selfishly indulge in the moment just them.

So she pulled him in and wrapped her arms around him. With her lips to his ear, she whispered her news... him freezing in her arms. When the words registered, he pulled back and silently questioned if she were being truthful.

Her growing smile told him what he needed to know.

He let out a shaky breath as his smile grew, tears clouding his eyes as his forehead fell forward and rested against hers. The couple laughed and swayed, a few hundred people joining them to celebrate the news they did know.

However what they didn't know, was the few words she would share with him would be the only thing besides the proposal that he'd remember so clearly.

We're having a baby, Baby.

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