John Hunter Nemechek

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This was a lot... but thanks for the request, Writing_My_Only_Hope! Hope you enjoy, love! <3 Sorry for mistakes, and sorry for all the spam! I'm trying to power through the load of requests I have piled up! This one was a little hard because it's hard to portray love at first sight sorta deal. But yeahhh


Anna Bell, Christopher Bells younger sister, is a determined, dedicated, intellectual, and compassionate human being. She cares deeply for her family, especially her brother, who she looks up to. In her eyes, Christopher walks on water. He's accomplished so much in so little time and she envies him, yet she's so proud. She always will be-- after all, she's his number one supporter despite her being unable to attend his races.

College courses take up the majority of her time, and when she's on vacation, it's the holidays or she visits her family. Not to mention the expenses of travel. Today, this week, this weekend-- it was a rare occurrence. Once in a lifetime, one could say (of course, it was exaggerated.)

She stood a fence while cars zoomed by, the hot sun beaming on sun-kissed shoulders as she plugged one ear and spoke loudly into her phone. She told her roommate that she shared a dorm with where heer part of a project was in their shared room over a voicemail--however she was pretty sure her words were drowned out by the gravelly grumble of huge engines whirling a tub of metal in a tri-oval.

She grumbled and hung up her phone, turning only to notice someone was approaching her--she nearly toppled them over. "Sorry! I'm sorry!" She gushed, the stranger stepping back. 

"It's all good, you're good." He chuckled, smile wide. His eyes darted to the pass that was on a lanyard around my neck then to the radio clipped to my shorts. "I'm John-- John Hunter Nemechek." She remembered hearing his name on the radio during the races. He was a racer.

"I'm Anna Bell, Christopher Bell's sister." She told him and he chuckled.

"Ah, I was beginning to think the kid made you up. You're a ghost girl around the tracks." He laughed and Anna rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I'm only busy, but I'm glad I could come out and watch a race. Hopefully, I'll be able to again, but I'm always busy." She nodded, hoping she didn't sound bratty. Clearly, she didn't as his smile grew, his eyes darting down her torso again to soak in her image.

"Well, you look lost. You look like you need a friend, and luckily, I'm taking applications." He beamed and she laughed. "Nah, but for real, Anna. Later tonight, me and a couple friends are gonna hang out at my motor home. You should come with Christopher and hang out with us. That way, next time, you'll know more people." He suggested and she raised her brows, surprised he'd offer such a thing.

"Sure, um... I'll let Chris know. Later," She elaborated and cleared her throat, her cheeks blushing a light tint thinking she sounded stupid. She smiled softly, looking down. "I'll tell him to text you."

"Better yet, get my number from him, then we could talk." He smiled and she bit her lip and nodded briefly.

"Sounds good." 


After getting the oh so kind boys number, the siblings walked over to John Hunter's motorhome. Upon getting there, there was only him, a girl named Avery, another guy, and a puppy. Anna went for the puppy. John Hunter walked over with a grin, sitting beside her on the floor beside the puppy bed where Anna sat with the puppy on her lap. Avery put on a horror movie and the room fell silent as the opening credits promised a fright.

Not five minutes into the movie, Anna got a text. She pulled out her phone and saw something odd. 

Hey, you're cute

She raised a brow and looked over at him, only to see him half covering his face with his eyes on the TV. She rolled her eyes and typed the same exact thing before sending it to him. He smirked and bit his lip as he read it, shaking his head. Quickly, she typed, as not to get his hopes too high.

But don't get excited, I have 0 free time. Nothing would work

John Hunter pouted and swiped her phone away, gracefully throwing his arm around her shoulders after taking her phone. She raised a brow at his sudden gesture but nonetheless relaxed into his side. He was kind, he was cute, so why not? They both knew nothing that started that night would end happily, or even start, but why not give it a try.

Even if anything was doomed. Life is too short. 

Halfway through the movie, Christopher finally noticed his sister snuggled into his competitor's arm, head on his shoulder and eye sleepy. He clenched his jaw, knowing the same thing the two committing the (not really) crime. He stood to his feet, stretched, and kicked his sister's sneaker. "We're leaving." She didn't question it, because she'd known this would happen.

While her brother is amazing, he's also overprotective. She brushed it off, gathered her belongings, and set the sleeping puppy in John Hunter's lap as he pouted at her.  She looked to him and smiled flirtatiously. "Text me." This pissed off Christopher, but she ignored him as the chilly night air nipped her bare arms.

They walked in silence, Christopher stomping angrily. She didn't care.

You only live once.

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