Chase Purdy

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For the perfect Bowlingirl101! Thank you for your patience and I am extremely sorry for the wait! You're great! Sorry for any mistakes babess!!! 


Liked by chase_purdy, justin

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Liked by chase_purdy, justin.haley, and 201 others
adillon5 Okay, my babes and I's vacation was beautiful. THANK YOU @chase_purdy ILY 😘

blogano How sweet you two

hailiedeegan woweeeee real keeper 

austindillon3 Don't screw up, bud. I'll kill ya😐👏

          chase_purdy Duly noted....

chase_purdy I love you too, baby g💞

samanthabusch Kyle, this makes me want a vaca! @rowdybusch So happy you two are truly living

          adillon5 Do it for her Ky-ky 

ty_dillon Aw baby sissssss----- Clothes. Now.😐

Liked by ryanblaney10, austindillon3, and 691 others

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Liked by ryanblaney10, austindillon3, and 691 others.
chase_purdy Forever helping me look human..... thanks babe🌹💕

adillon5 Can't have anyone thinking we're less than 90% attractive now can we😉

          chase_purdy Well we can, your bedhead is.... man.😣

          adillon5 Couch tonight baby 😄

bradkeselowski Bad move. Take it from me bud ^ 

zanesmith77 Keeper dude!

          chase_purdy Stop. Just stop.

          zanesmith77 Okay I'll GO HOME DEN

          adillon5 Sorry Zane Chase gets jelly real fast. He keeps it up and he won't even have the couch😁😂

jimmiejohnson Yeah, don't push it man. BK knows how it is, just like me. You don't wanna find out.

          chase_purdy Wth are your wives doing to you people jeeeesh

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