Chase Elliott

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For the lovely Writing_My_Only_Hope... Hope you enjoy, sorry for mistakes <3 Also, sorry for the wait, guys, I've been incredibly busy and emotionally all over the place. I'm good now. Also, I just posted a Chase Elliott fanfiction with securx ... go check it out on my profile. Selfless self-promo


Annette stared at her dress in the full-length mirror on the back of her best friend's bedroom door. Chase poked his head in and smiled at the girl, her eyes drifting to his. She gave him a little twirl, freshly painted nails flashing in the minimal light. "What do you think?" She asked, shrugging one shoulder with a warm smile on gloss-covered lips. Chase walked the rest of the way inside his bedroom and grinned at her, eyes dropping from her curled hair to her strappy sandals.

"You look beautiful. Is there.... an occasion?" He asked his best friend. Annette simply shrugged and brushed a bouncy curl over one shoulder.

"No reason. Hey, I'm gonna go out, but we're still on for after the race. I'll so kick your ass." She was referring to the very heated game of Mario Karts he had won, though she claimed that it was unfair and wanted a rematch. The tall brown-eyed boy agreed enthusiastically and they made the plans.

"You bet. But I'll win, again." He shrugged and she rolled her eyes with a grin and brushed by him, shaking her head.

"Whatever, Chase!"

"Better believe it, Annette!" He yelled back, zipping his firesuit the rest of the way up. The girl laughed as she hopped down the stairs of Chase's trailer and smiled as she spotted her other good friend William Byron. The two attacked each other in empty insults and gave each other a side hug just as Chase walked out. Chase frowned slightly at the interaction as the girl spun around, showing him her new dress.

"Do you like it?" She beamed and smoothed it out after spinning, smiling and smirking like a model> William nodded, hand on his chin as he leaned back, acting like he was really taking in the dress' appearance.

"Hmmm... yes, yes indeed." He nodded in an odd baby-ish accent before reaching over and pulling on the spaghetti strap, nodding like he had seen art. Annette laughed and punched his shoulder, going to tease him but a hand clapped her shoulder and pulled her back slightly.

"What's going on?" Chase asked loudly, eyes burning into William as a fake smile was plastered on his face. Annette frowned and glanced at Chase, then William.

"Nothing, why?" She asked, suddenly confused. William's smile disappeared as Chase dropped his fake smile.

"Why? Oh, because he was touching you and I was just--"

"It's not like he was trying to hurt me, relax, Chase." Annette furrowed brow matched her upside down smile.

"Seriously, man." William nodded, stepping closer to Annette and bumping her shoulder with his. "We're all friends here."

"Are we? Because I don't recall befriending you." Chase shook his head and William's pale cheeks turned red and his eyes widened a bit, eyes falling to the ground in a shy manner.

"What?" Annette asked and shook her head. Chase looked back down to the girl and shook his head.

"He shouldn't be touching you, he--"

"Chase, stop. He's my friend. What's gotten into you?" She asked and his eyes turned a shade darker.

"What's gotten int-- Annette, seriously? I l--" He scoffed, shaking his head. "I want him away from me, my trailer, and you, got it?" She looked at him with wide eyes, slowly looking to Willaim and scoffing. 

"You can't control me. William and I are hanging out, so if you don't like that go elsewhere." Chase scoffed as Annette urged William away from Chase and his hostility. "What was that about?" She muttered, a frown still on her lips as she and William walked through two haulers. Her eyes darted to Chase, who was shaking his head as he stormed off. 

"I think he's jealous."

"Of what?" She scoffed with an incredulous smile. William gave her a look and shook his head.

"He clearly likes you." She shook her head, denying it. William dropped it and the conversation moved onto something else, but those words still attacked her thoughts. Later that day, after the race, she got a text from Chase.

u still coming over?

She sat down in her brothers RV, bottom lip in between her lip s she stared at the screen. Her thumbs hovered over the screen, but William's words haunted her. He couldn't... could he? She had given up on her feelings months ago. Could this be real?

If it was, she couldn't have him controlling her life and friends. That wasn't okay... she knew it. But what if it would work?

Thoughts jumped around in her mind, bouncing off like a rubber ball and bumping her tear ducts. Tears fell down her cheeks but she swiped them away. She was a stress crier.

I can't. I can't trust you, right now.. What happened with Will earlier.. I can't, okay?

She received no answer and was left with her conflicting thoughts... She didn't even notice when her brother walked in, eyes confused. He pawned it off, figuring she needed time alone to think. Austin sat down with his wife, her glancing up from her magazine. "Where's Annette?" She asked, licking her plump lips. Austin settled in bed beside her and shrugged.

"Just sittin' out there." He shrugged, curling up beside her. He gently kissed her arm as she rested the magazine on her lap and thought.

"Do you think she'll ever notice how he feels about her?" She asked softly and Austin chuckled softly, nodding very slowly.

"I think she already did..." The married couple stayed quiet as the youngest Dillion thought about her best friend and about what the future held. Hope sprouted in her heart, and she was suddenly eager for God's plan to play out.

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