Ryan Blaney

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A/N Figured I should warn y'all in case you're bothered by swearing. Just a precaution. Enjoy ^.^

I slid on my sandals as Ryan twirled his keys on his finger with a soft smile. He was leaning against the counter, waiting for me to get ready. We were heading down to some camp on a lake in the middle of nowhere with Bubba, Chase, and Ryan's sister Erin; my best friend. It was her birthday and orginally it had been just for the Blaney's, but some things came up and she figured it'd be a nice friends trip. "Ready?" He asked and scooped up both our bags. He slung them over his shoulder and motioned for me to follow after I nodded.

Chase and Bubba were already outside, arguing about who got to sit shotgun. "Thank god you're finally out. I was beginning to think you'd both leave us to go have your own fun." She said softly so the boys couldn't hear. I gasped and slapped her shoulder making her laugh. 

"Ryan is my friend." She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Sure, sure. That's why when I first met you at Darlington you were drooling over my brother."

"Was not." I blurted loudly and Bubba glanced at me.

"Not what?" He asked, glancing between Erin and me as my face turned red. Chase and Ryan looked over, raising a brow as Erin opened the passenger side door.

"Riding shotgun. I vote Callie since she's not immature about it." She glared at Chase and Bubba who both groaned loudly. "Anyone wanna tack on a vote?"

"I vote Callie." Ryan shrugged and put our bags in the trunk.

"Whatever. As long as it's not him." Bubba spat at Chase who scoffed and brushed by Erin.

"You're in the middle of us so I don't beat the life out of him." He growled lowly, but a hint of a smile was on his lips. 

"Like you could." Bubba spat back and followed him to the car. I gave Erin a dirty look as I turned tot he passenger side door.

"You're welcome, I saved ya." She winked and I laughed.

"Wouldn't need saving if you didn't put me in that position." I slid into the seat and pulled the door shut.

"Love ya." Erin winked at me.

"Love you too. Oh, and happy birthday." I smiled as Ryan got in.

"Aww, the girls love us!" Bubba smiled and sat up, slipping his arms around the seat and me. I wrinkled my nose as I pried his arms off.

"Girls love me." Chase corrected. Erin and I rolled out eyes.

"Callie, who do you like more, me or Bubba?"

"Why am I not in that choosing?" Ryan asked with an arched brow. Erin smirked.

"Because she likes you too much. Chase or Bubba?" She asked me and I shook my head as my cheeks grew hot.

"Neither." I shrugged and Bubba pouted and leaned back, crossing his arms with narrowed eyes. I giggled softly and brushed my hair back as Erin glanced between Ryan and me with a smile.


After a long drive filled with bickering, singing, loud music, and laughing, we arrived when the sun passed the trees. We went inside because it slowly started to get colder, and pretty soon, Chase broke out the music and beer. Hours went by and everyone a bit tipsy but containing themselves. For the most part, Bubba accidentally stumbled into the shelf and broke two vases and four picture frames. Not to mention Ryan broke the microwave.

We were all content on the floor with a bunch of pillows and blankets strewn around the living area by the fire, boxes and packages of food everywhere. "I'm bored. Truth or dare anyone?" Erin asked. This perked everyone's interest because after the music playlist played through, twice, and the food was eaten, things got boring. I sat beside Erin and Ryan, Chase across from me with Bubbe by Erin and Chase.

"Uh-- hell yes. Erin, truth or dare?" Bubba asked as he took a bite out of a sandwich he insisted he needed at 2 in the morning.

"Dare." She said as she fumbled with her bracelets.

"I dare you to...." He paused, glancing at Ryan before smirking. "take off one article of clothing." He smirked and Ryan jumped up slapped him. Bubba shrieked like a girl and glared.

"Dude, she's my sister." He growled and I chuckled as Erin pulled off her hoodie. 

"Enjoy your strip show?" She rolled her eyes. "It was getting hot anyway. As of right now, I am a friend, Ryan " She said. "Therefore, Callie," she said with a smirk and leaned down by my ear and whispered the dare. I gasped and shook my head.

"No. No way."

"Coward." Chase coughed and I glared. "Hey, you had a good truth or dare reputation there." He shrugged and sipped his beer. I rolled my eyes as Erin smirked. 

"Just do it." She laughed.  I groaned and turned to Ryan, my cheeks blazing hot. "This is a dare, you know I can't decline. I have a reputation to live up to." I mocked, glaring over at Chase before facing Ryan again. Ryan gave me a weird look and glanced at Erin. I turned Ryan's head to fully face me and smashed my lips into his. He froze for a split second before his hands laced through my hair, his tongue running over my bottom lip. I found my confidence and wrapped my arms around his neck as Erin laughed and clapped behind me.

 I didn't notice.

My heart was beating a thousand miles per hour, mind sifting through millions of thoughts. My skin seemed to burn with an electrifying fire I had no urge to put out. Teeth clashed, lips moved in sync, and hands roamed. I pulled back, my eyes finding his, searching them for any emotion, even if it was disgust.

It wasn't. It was something I couldn't quite decipher. All I knew was it was not anything negative.

"Whoa," Bubba commented and I pulled back completely, my hands falling to my lap as I tucked a stray hair behind my ear. My cheeks were hot, hair messy, lips swollen. Heart racing. I glanced at Erin who smiled. I couldn't help but return it before sitting up more and clearing my throat, noticing how close I still was to Ryan.

"So, Chase. Truth or dare?" I asked, quirking my lips into a soft smile as I glanced at Ryan. He was watching me, grinning like an idiot. I grinned back and raised a brow at Bubba.

"...dare." he said hesitantly, not noticng the grins Ryan and I had.

"I dare you to let Erin write something on your forehead," I said and Erin grinned and grabbed a permanent marker out of a stand beside the couch. She pulled off the cap with a smirk as he sighed.

She wrote something and grinned as everyone read the words.

Bubba's lackey

I giggled. "Chase is Bubba's bitch." I teased and he glared. He rubbed his forehead and looked at his hand with a scowl as Bubba laughed. 

"You deserved that." Bubba shrugged and lifted his beer to his lips. Before he could take a sip, Chase swiped it out of his hands and threw it in the trash bin. "Uh, excuse you?"

"Ryan, Truth or dare?" Chase asked, ignoring Bubba's glares. Erin and I chuckled as Bubba got up and retrieved another beer from the fridge.


"I dare you to... propose to the most recently called person.." He shrugged. Ryan pulled out his phone and chuckled before calling them. He put them on speaker and held the phone up, still holding that grin from before.

"Ryan, it's 4 am." I stiffled a laugh as I recognized the voice. It was Brittany Logano, Joey's wife and my friend.

"Brittany, I know it's only been a couple... seconds. But... will you marry me?" He said trying to muffle his laughs and smiles.

"Hi, Callie, Chase, Bubba. Happy birthday Erin. Good night Ryan." Brittany chuckled. I had told her about us going out here. She probably expected it.

"Fine. My turn." He hung up and turned to me, smiling as his eyes scanned my face. "Taylor, truth or dare?" He asked with a smile and I chuckled, smiling back and raising a brow challengingly.


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