Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

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Hope you enjoy iloveNiallLouisnLiam... love you guys xx sorry for mistakes...
Crazy Daytona race so far... I'm shook


The annoying squeal that escaped my lips was a little more than I what I would have envisioned as I ran toward Ricky. The huge grin spread across my lips was vibrant, my excitement nearly overwhelming. I squeezed through the crowd as Ricky hopped off his car, setting the empty drink he had sprayed all over the place atop his car. He met my eyes and he smiled wide, his arms opening just in time for me to jump into them.

"I am so proud of you!" I squeaked, squeezing him as tight as I could. He lifted me off my feet very gingerly, laughing into my hair as he too squeezed me. He whispered sweet things in my ear before setting em down and pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. I kissed him back and tugged him close by the collar of his fire suit before breaking the kiss to grin like an idiot. "I love you."

"I love you too, Renea." He laughed before pulling back, glancing at the interview camera before smirking. I took that as a cue and went to pull away to give him space, only Ricky tugged me closer. The interviewer questioned him, and he quickly answered before clearing his throat. 

"Um... but what's more exciting is her. This girl right here," His arm wrapped around my shoulders and he turned fully to face me. I furrowed my brows, my cheeks beginning to heat up as he pressed a kiss to my cheek and leaned back. "The love of my life." He took a step back and I went to question him, but when he got down on one knee, I swear my heart stopped and tears slipped from my eyes immediately. His next words would forever remain in my mind, heart, and memories.

"I was going to plan this big thing with flowers and candles and everything, but now is a good a time as any and I don't want to wait anymore. I don't want to wait, I can't. I'm too excited to spend my life with you, share everything that I own and give you my whole heart. To raise kids and grow old, and then have grand kids. Can you imagine us being old and having grand kids?" He laughed, nose scrunched slightly as a light giggle escaped his lips. His eyes were covered in tears, his smile wide as I covered my mouth. The interview was holding the microphone low by Ricky so people could hear what he said. I blinked tears away, them rolling down my face and over my hands. "I love you, and I want to marry you. So... Renea..... will you m--"

"Yes!" I cut him off, my voice having a slight rasp to it as I darted toward him. He laughed and stood quickly, hands wrapping around me. I hugged him tight, tears flooding my eyes as I began to laugh and sob. "I love you, I love you, I love you." I choked out, his hands rubbing up and down my back as he pulled back, kissing my forehead. The interviewer said something, but whatever she said went right over my head.

I was in bliss.


Later that night, after Ricky finished with interviews, he showed back up and I burst out crying and hugged him again. He laughed against my hair and pulled back, kissing the top of my nose. "I owe you." He said and I furrowed my brows. He quickly left my arms and pulled me to our room, bent down, and took out what appeared to be a small ring case. I smiled broadly as he turned back to me and took my hand in his. "I had planned everything out for after the race, which is why I didn't have it with me."

"I.." I trailed off as he flipped the top open and the huge ring shone brilliantly toward me. I gasped and looked up to him as he took it out and slipped it on my ring finger. "Ricky, it's gorgeous."

"I know, that's why I bought it for you." He shrugged smartly and I scoffed, leaned up, and kissed him. When we pulled away, he kissed the ring over my finger before setting his hands on my hips. "I'm still doing what I planned, though. So... we're going to a hotel." He nodded and I furrowed my brow and laughed.

"You don't have to..."

"I want to. Go get your stuff, baby."


I was waiting on the couch in a motel room we rented out, staring at the gorgeous rock that sat on a beautiful band on my ring finger. My head was tilted, a light smile presented itself on my lips. Ricky needed ten minutes to get whatever he wanted to get ready ready. I wasn't complaining.

When he walked out of the hall to our bedroom, I was surprised to see him holding a bottle of champagne and a gift gift bag. He raised it up with a smile and I rose from my spot on the couch. "My lovely fiance, please accompany me to our room." He did a dorky boy and I giggled before following after him. Inside the bedroom, there were rose petals on the white bed sheets, a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the rose petals. I dropped my jaw and looked to him, genuinely shocked.

"This is so cute! Oh my God--Ricky!" I laughed and threw my arms around him. He laughed and hugged me back the best he could with those things in his hand. When we pulled back, he handed me the glass of champagne before reaching inside the bag and pulling out a small box. He flipped it open and the necklace was an opened heart with a wedding band looped through. I gasped and shook my head. "I love you so much, of my god." He grinned and set the bag down.

"I love you too, Renea." He ushered me to turn around and I lifted my hair so he could slip the necklace around my neck. The cool metal made me bit my lip to contain my grin. He leaned down my ear and set his hands on my hips, his voice low and husky as his hot breath brushed my neck. "There's a little more."

"You're overdoing yourself, babe." I bit my lip. "I'm not complaining, though." I beamed and he laughed and led me to the bathroom. The room had dim lights, the bath filled up with bubbles inside. Set up on the floor was a series of brand new shampoo and conditioner bottles, body and face wash, bath bombs, a set of 5 new towels with 5 new washcloths stacked up and combined with a beautiful matching ribbon, and finally a pack of four perfumes. "Wow." I breathed, my eyes tracing the candles that helped illuminate the sweet-smelling room.

"I'll be a good husband to you, Renea." he said softly, hands on my hips and chest pressed to my back. "I'll treat you like you deserve, you'll get everything you've ever wanted. I promise you."

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