Chapter 1: Meeting New Friends

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"Ready for your first day at your brand new school, sweetie!" My mother exclaims as we pull up to the sidewalk that leads to my new school, Casper High. "Does being nervous count as being ready?" I asked, nervously. My mother chuckled and said. "Sweetie, I know it's hard moving to a new school but I promise it will get better. Who knows you might make some friends!" I nod at her. Back at (hometown), I had a few friends but I was never really close to them like a normal teenage girl. I was always the weird girl because I was always the quiet and do my work so I was always called the teacher's pet.

I look out the window and see all of my new classmates hanging outside, talking and waiting for class to begin. My mom put hher hand on my shoulder and said. "It'll be OK, (y/n). You'll see!" She said, cheerfully. I smile at her, take a deep breath and opens the door and walk out of the car. "Bye-bye, mom. Love you." I said. "Love you too, sweetheart." said my mom and I shut the car door and turn to face my new school.

I walk into the office and see a woman sitting at the desk. "Excuse me?" I said, quietly. The woman looks up and smiles. "Good morning!" The woman said. "Hi, I'm (y/n) (l/n). I was told to come here for my schedule and locker." I said. "Oh, yes! Miss (l/n), the new girl. Yes, I have your schedule right here and here is your locker number and the combination." She said as she hands me the stuff. I smile at her and said. "Thank you." She gets up from her desk and said. "Let me take you to your first class. I believe it's English with Mr Lancer, is it not?" I looked down at my schedule and see that she is right. I nod at her and she smiles and leads me to the classroom.

Once we arrive, she knocks on the door and walks in. I see a balding, overweight man, who perfumed to be Mr Lancer since he was standing in front of the class addressing the students. She and Mr Lancer are talking but I have no idea what they are talking about. Then she turns and faces the students and said. "Class, I would like to introduce you to your new classmate, (y/n) (l/n)." I stand there frozen. Seriously?! In front of everyone?! I think quickly. She turns to me and said. "Don't be shy....come say hi!" She said.

Somehow, I was able to move my legs and walk through the door. As I enter I look around the room and see all the faces of my new classmates, when suddenly I heard someone wolf whistle at me. I look in the direction of the whistle and see a blond boy wearing a varsity jacket. 'Of course a Jock' I think as I glare at him. Some of the students giggle at the boys wolf whistle as Mr Lancer said. "Enough of that! Well, Miss (l/n) it's nice to met you and let me be the first person to say Welcome to Casper High!" I smile at him and said, nervously. "Thanks, I think."

"Well, Miss (l/n) there is a free seat over there by Mr Fenton, so for now on that will be your assigned seat." I nod and look at the chair that he was pointing at. Next to the seat, my eyes laid on the boy seating next to my seat. He had black hair, crystal blue eyes and wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with a red circle on it. I slowly walk over to the chair as I stare at the boy and he stares back at me. I quickly look away and make it to my seat.

"Alright class, let's begin our lesson." said Mr Lancer as the secretary left there room.
"Hi, I'm Danny." The boy that was sitting next to me said. I turn to him and see he has his hand stretched out to me. I reach out to his hand, grasped it and shook it. "(Y/N), but of course you already knew that." I chuckled, nervously. "So where are you from, (y/n)?" He asked. "I'm from (hometown) (home state)." I replied. "Really? Cool." He said with a smile. "Enough chit chat back there!" Mr Lancer shouted and both Danny and I look up and I move my head away, embarrassed.

When the bell rang, all of the kids left the room in a hurry except for me and Danny. "So, what's your next class?" Danny asked me. "Um....Science." I replied as I consult my schedule. "Me too. You want me to walk you there?" He asked. I smile and nod at him and we walk out of the classroom.

"So how did you end up here in Amity Park?" asked Danny. "Well my dad was offered a job here. Axion Lab." I said and Danny nods. We continued to talk as we walked to our science lab. We talked about pretty much anything and everything we could think of, even through our science class and then I found out I have pretty much every class with Danny, which I thought was great because I'm starting to like Danny.
At lunch, he introduced me to his best friends: Tucker Foley and Sam Manson. From that day on, Sam, Tucker, Danny and I became really close.

*2 weeks later*

​​​"Smile!" Sam said as she takes a picture of Danny, who was standing in front of the Fenton Portal. He shakes his head and said. "Can we go now? My parents could be back any minute. Besides they said it doesn't work." I walk up to the portal and look around it before I reply. "Come on, Danny. A Ghost Zone? Aren't you curious? You gotta check it out." Danny, holding this white and black jumpsuit, walks next to me and said. "You know what? You're right. Who knows what kind of awesome, super-cool things exist on the other side of that Portal?" And with that he puts on the jumpsuit.

"Hang on." I said as I walk up to him. I pull off the picture of Jack's, Danny's father, face off his chest. "Can't walk around with that on your chest." I said and Danny nods at me. He looks back at the portal and makes his way inside. Tucker, Sam and I watch as he walks deeper into the portal. Suddenly, the portal comes on and all I see is a bright green light and I hear Danny screaming. "DANNY!!" I shouted and then the light disappears.

Then Danny walks out of the portal but he is not the blue eyed, black haired boy, Now he has snow white hair and neon green eyes. "Danny!" I said as I run towards him. He stumbles out of the portal and falls to his knees as I walk up to him and grab his arm to help him to his feet. Sam and Tucker come up behind me. Once I grab his shoulder, he turns invisible. My hand goes through him and then he turns intangible and falls to the floor on his side. "What the heck?" I asked and Sam and Tucker shrugged when suddenly there was a flash of white light and Danny turns back to normal.

"What the heck is going on?" Tucker asked. I look at the Fenton Portal and see that there is a swirl of different shades of green in the center. "I don't know but we will figure this out." I replied as I watch Danny with concern.

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