Chapter 17: Switching Back

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After I found Sam and Tucker, I explained everything that Danny told me. At first they didn't believe me until I told Sam about Tucker throwing up in her lunch box but he told her Ricky Marsh did it.

"What? I kicked him off the monkey bars for that!" Sam said angrily and Tucker was waving his hands behind her as I told her this. She turns to him, who smiles guiltily at her, and said. "It was you?"
"Guys! Calm down! You can fight about this later but right now Danny needs us." I said and I noticed that Tucker was carrying the gauntlets, that Mr Fenton had on earlier, in his hand. "Oh thank goodness you have those. Danny has a plan and this is what we need to do." I said and they gather round me and we begin to formulate a plan.


"Danny! Come quick! A bully is shoving a poor, defenseless nerd inside his own locker!" I said to Danny, now I should call him Poindexter, as I pull his arm as we run down the hallway. I stopped nearby Locker 724 and Sam and Tucker were standing indifferently near it.

"Tucker! I'll save you!" Poindexter shouted as he goes ghost. He looks around the halls then turns to me.

"Hey, there's no nerd getting shoved inside his locker." He said and Tucker walks forward and produces the gauntlets and grabs Poindexter. "There is now." He said and shoved him in Locker 724 and through the mirror as Poindexter screamed.

​​​​​​*DANNY'S POV*

I pull Poindexter through the mirror and into the hallway on the floor. "You've had your fun. Now I want my body and my life back." I said.

"Forget you, bully. You're not going anywhere!" He said and he flies towar8me but he is shaky and ends up hitting me with his backside, sending me flying across the halls and into the wall.

"Haha! I'm doing it!" I hear him say as I shake my head and look up and see him coming at me.

I move out of his way as he phases through the wall. "You may have my powers, but you sure don't know how to use them. Course I don't know how to use them either, but at least I know how not to use them better than you do." I shouted and he phases back throught the wall and tries to hit me in mid-air but was unsuccessful.

"You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses." I taunted as he aims a fist at me but I ducked.

"You couldn't hit a guy with glasses." I taunted again and he tries to hit me again but I duck it once more.

"In fact you couldn't hit the broad side of the barn!" I said with a smirk.

"Hold still." Poindexter said, frustrated.

The school bell rings and the students come out of the classrooms and crowd around Poindexter and I. He tries to hit me but I ducked, he tries again and he misses me again.

"Hey! Get a load of Poindexter. He's fighting the halfa!" One of the jocks said.

"Hehe! Look at him stand up to that weird haired ghost boy." Another Jock said.

"I'm not a bully!" I shouted and Poindexter took that opportunity of distraction to punch me into Locker 724. "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna live it up some more in your body." Poindexter said and I jump out of the locker and hold up the mirror. "What?!" Poindexter said.

"One false move, and I smash your door back to my world." I threatened.

"You wouldn't. You'd strand us both here." said Poindexter.

"Try me." I challenged as I lower the mirror. He tries to reach for it but I move it away from his reach.

"I've got a better idea. I can make you. With your powers, I can make you do anything." He said then he turns intangible and posses me.

"That's what I was hoping you'd do." I said then I feel the body distorting in strange position and falls down on the floor and I fly out of Poindexter's body, now in my normal body. "Huh? No!" Poindexter screams as he realizes the mistake he made and I fly through the mirror and head back to my world.

​​​​​​*YOUR POV*

Tucker, Sam and I watch the locker for a few minutes. After while Lancer comes walking by, carrying a box full of frogs when suddenly, Danny falls out of his locker knocking Lancer down to the ground.

The Frogs jump out of the box and hop away. "No! Come back!" Lancer shouted as he chases after them. "Oh, dear. Whatever will we do?" Sam asked, sarcastically. Danny walks up to us and I smile at him. "Good one, Danny." I said.

"Yeah. But how do we know you're really Danny?" Tucker asked.

"Because I used my powers for the wrong reasons and became exactly the kind of person I hatr. It got me into a load of trouble, and I'm not gonna do that again." Danny replied as he turns to his locker and takes out the mirror.

"Now that's the Danny I remember." I said as the other two smile.

"Just one more thing to do." He said and he throws the mirror down on the ground, shattering it.

"Fenton! That's school property." Lancer said from behind us. We turn around and see the Lancer is wearing one of Sam's Save the Frogs badges along with a bunch of other students wearing the same badge.

"I can explain......actually, I really can't." Danny said, hesitantly.

"I'm holding you responsible for this and the escaped frogs, but seeing how upstanding students like Dash Baxter have made their opinions known, I'm willing to overlook the frogs. Miss Manson, you could learn a this game or two front them about activism." Lancer said and Sam frowns at him. Lancer turns to Danny and holds up a notebook and pen, saying. "Still, that leaves the matter of your locker. I'm going to have to assign you a new one."

Later that day, we met up with Danny at his new locker by the Band Room. "Hanging with band geeks, Fenton?" Kwan asked Danny. "No amount of free sodas gonna fix that." Dash said and they walk away as another kid walks up to Danny. "Hi. I'm Lyle. Wanna help me clean my spit valve." The kid said holding up his instrument.

"My fifteen minutes of popularity is up, and I wasn't even here for it." Danny said, sighing.

"Yeah, but at least it wasn't a total loss. Looks like this baby's gonna get some use after all." Sam said as she looks down at the mechanical frog when suddenly the Box Ghost comes up and grabs the frog.

"Aha! I am no longer the Box Ghost. I am now the mechanical frog ghost!" He exclaims then the frog crackles with electricity and he drops it onto Tucker's head. "Uh, I've changed my mind! I am once against the Box Ghost, who will have nothing to do with mechanical amphibians. BEWARE!" He shouted then phases through the locker.

"Now there's a guy who know exactly who he is." Danny said.

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