Chapter 5: Parental Bonding

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"Strike three Tuck?" Danny asked Tucker as he sat down at the picnic table. "Try strike three thousand." Tucker said, frowning.
Later this week there is a school dance happening and Tucker has been asking almost every girl he can to go to the dance with, well he hasn't asked me or Sam but that's fine. I would've said no anyway.

"I don't know what the big deal is about going to some stupid dance. I don't need to be asked to some dance to know I'm special." Sam said and I nod in agreement with her.

Before Sam could continue she looks over at the boys and see them with this stupid happy smiles on their faces. "What?" I asked, annoyed that they weren't listening to Sam.

"Paulina..." They said in unison.

Oh of course Paulina, one of the most beautiful and popular girls at Casper High. She was walking by as all of the boys were fawning over her. "Oh please! Paulina? Girls like her are a dime a dozen!" I remarked. Danny and Tucker dig through their pockets and pull out some change. "How much change you got" Danny asked Tucker. "Ha, ha! Very funny!" said Sam. "Just remember, boys: you can't judge a book by it's cover." I said. "Well, there's only one way to find out. Go on, Danny. Go to that library and check out that book!" Tucker said as I gripped my fork a little tighter and dug it into my pasta salad a little harder.

Sam notices and gives me a concerned look, she knows about my crush on Danny because she's the only gal pal I have and I feel like I could talk to her about anything. "I can't! I get weak-kneed when I try to talk to cute girls." Danny replied and I shot my head up and glared over at him.

'Did he just say that?' I thought. "Oh, and you have no problems talking to me or (y/n)." Sam said. "Uh..." Danny said as he stares at us. I get up and walk behind him and grab his arms. "Skip it! Go give your weak knees some exercise." I said and pulled him out of his seat and shoved him towards Paulina, who was sitting under a tree.

​​​​​​*DANNY'S POV*

I stumble over to Paulina and I lean against the tree with one arm. "Hi! I..." I started to say but my arm turns invisible and I fall through the tree and lose my balance. "Please! Don't say you've suddenly fallen for me. That line is so last semester." said Paulina as I get back on my feet. "Yeah! I-I mean, no! T-that's not ot. I'm...I'm Danny." I said and suddenly my pants turn invisible and fall down to the ground, exposing my boxers. 'Oh man, this is embarrassing!' I thought as the other students laugh at me, along with Paulina.

"A gentleman usually tips his hat, but I'll give you points for originality." Paulina said. I look down at the ground, embarrassingly, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Kudos, Danny. You just set an all-time speed record for drowning in the shallow end of the gene pool." (Y/N) said.

Paulina looks off for a moment before she speaks. "Oh, no! You did not just call me shallow, did you?"  
"If you mean do I think I can stand in a puddle full of you and not get my feet wet, then yeah." (Y/N) replied with a smirk. "Shallow?! I am not shallow!" said Paulina and (y/n) grabs my arm and pulls me away from Paulina.

The next day, I was pulling out my books from my locker as Tucker stands next to me. "Thanks to you, I now know the quickest way to a woman's heart: clean boxers." He said. "Man, I blew it yesterday. Paulina probably won't even look at me now." I said. I guess I could ask..."Yoo-hoo, Danny!" Paulina's voice said, interrupting my thoughts. "Or not! Hey, Tuck?" I said looking over at him. "I get it. I'm out. Good luck." He said and he runs off.

"Hi, you." She said as she laughs flirtatiously at me.
"I just wanted to..." She said before I was shoved into my locker.

"Meet me? Who doesn't?" I hear Dash ask her.

I turn invisible and lean out of my locker, glaring at Dash. "Dash Baxter. All-star quarterback and school hero." Dash said as I place my hands on his shoulder, then suddenly I was sacked into his body. "I'm also--" He started to say but stops as I am inside his body and I look down.

"In Dash's body?" I asked.

"Excuse me?" Paulina asked.

"Right! Of course! I'm also president of the Casper High geek club and I have every toenail I've ever clipped. Want to see 'em?" I asked.

"No." Paulina replied.

"Oh, then you should get to know Danny Fenton. He doesn't scrub his mom's feet every night like I do." I said as I bend down and grab Paulina's foot.

She backs away and said. "Eew! Get lost, loser!"

And that was my que to leave Dash's body and fly back inside my locker. "Why do I suddenly feel like scrubbing my mom's feer?" I hear Dash asking and then my locker door opens to reveal Paulina at the other end and, like an idiot, I fall out of the locker. "We have to stop meeting like this." Paulina said as she kneels down in front of me. She looks off to the side and gasped. "Oh my gosh! What's that?" She asked, pointing at the object.

I look over and see a gold and green necklace. As she picks it up I asked. "That? Oh! Uh, it's a...uh....You like it?" "It's beautiful!" She exclaims. "Hey, that's great! Because I, uh, got it for you." I said as I stand back up. "Really?" She squealed. "Yeah. I-I-in case I got the nerve to ask you to the dance and you said yes, I thought I'd want to give you something and that's what it would have been. It's for you." I stammered.

Then I felt my pants start to disappear and I grab them before they fall. "Whether you go with me or not." I finished. "Well, you are kind of cute, and you have great taste in underwear. I'd love to go with you." She said as she puts on the necklace and walks away.

"What am I doing? That thing doesn't belong to me. It could be my mom's or my sister's." I whisperd to myself. "Bye-bye, Danny. See you!" Paulina shouted, waving at me. "Or I could worry about that later. Because she said yes! Woohoo!" I exclaimed as I raised my fists in the air and then my pants fall down again.
"Pantless again, Mr Fenton? Third time this week I've caught you--how do you kids say it?" I hear Mr Lancer ask me. I turn around to look at him as he pulls out a book titled How To Sound Hip For the Unhip. "Dropping trou. I think it's time I saw your father for a parent-teacher conference." He said as he hands me a slip. "Oh, man. My dad?" I asked.

"Until then, here." Lancer said as he holds out a belt to me. "It'll help keep your pants up and... out of trouble with the man." He said and I take the belt. 'Oh great, this can't be good' I thought as I put the belt on and head to class.

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