Chapter 44: Secret Weapons

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(A/N: I'm going to change this episode a bit, it'll still have the same story but I'm gonna change it up.)

They say one moment can improve your life or destroy it. Either way it can change your life. Like when I moved to Amity Park, I thought it would be a negative impact on my life. But then I met Danny, Sam and Tucker and it made my life into a positive one. Then Danny had the accident and got powers and, for better or worse, had a big impact on his life. And now, a new moment has come into my life and has changed it. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

It started a few weeks after we fought Danny's evil future self. Everything was returning to normal but the only difference was that Jazz, who had known about Danny's powers since the Spirit Week incident, has now joined us. And whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, it depended on who you asked.  

But lately, it seemed that Jazz was driving Danny insane as she was becoming overbearing and over protective about the whole ghost hunting. 

One day, Sam, Tucker and I walk out of the movie theater after sitting and watching the Cyper Zombie Commando movie marathon. We stretched out legs and arms as Sam said. "I can't believe we sat through all three cyber zombie commando movies."
I nod in agreement as Tucker said. "I could've used s little less zombie, and a little more cyber. But that's me, I'm all about the cyber."
Sam rolls her eyes as I hold a hand up then I looked up and down the street. The I turn to the empty space next to me and said. "Coast is clear, Danny!"

"Sweet! No sign of Jazz?" Danny said as he turns tangible.

"No sign of Jazz." I assured.

"Good, ever since Jazz found out I was fighting ghosts, she's been kind of--" Danny started to say but then a car pulls up and Jazz shouts. "Danny!" Then she jumps out of her car, grabs Danny and shoves him against the wall of the theater. "---pushy." Danny finished with a groan.

"Danny, are you okay?! You know you should never leave the house without the Fenton Thermos. What if there's a ghost around?" Jazz said as she shoves the Thermos in his arms.
"There's no ghost around. If there was my ghost sense would go off." Danny said.
As if on cue, Danny's gasps as his ghost sense goes off. "Like that?" Jazz said, arms folded across her chest.

We looked around and up above was Skulker, flying overhead. "Skulker?! He's hunting you again?!"  Tucker asked.
"Again?! As in more than once?!" Jazz asked Danny, fearfully.
"Jazz, take it easy. There's a rhythm to these things. Ghost attacks, we exchange witty banter, I kick ghost butt, and we all go home having learned a valuable lesson about honesty...or something such nonsense." Danny said, a smirk on his face.

Jazz pulls out a notebook and mutters. "Attack. Banter. Kick butt. Lesson. Got it. So, why's he not attacking?" Jazz asked.
"What!" Danny exclaimed as he looks up and sees Skulker flying away from us. "No attack! He's ignoring me?!" 

Danny goes ghost and flies after Skulker while Sam, Tucker and I jump into Jazz's car and she drives off. "Uh, Jazz? Has it occurred to you that Danny's been doing just fine on his own, without your help?" Sam asked. "Exactly! So imagine how much better he will be with it!" Jazz said, happily. Then above us we saw Skulker flying, Danny following close behind. 

Jazz stops the car, pulls out the Thermos and runs out of the car. "You just earned your one-way ticket to Fenton Thermos land, gho...." Jazz started to shout but somehow she lost her balance and pushed the button on the Thermos and instead of sucking Skulker in the Thermos, the beam hits Danny and sucks him in. Jazz looks down at the Thermos then over at us.

All three of us glare at her as she gives a small smile. "Think I should work on my banter?" She asked.
"Start with your aim!" Tucker replied, firmly.

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