Chapter 2: Mystery Meat

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​​​​​​"I think I should tell them." said Danny as we walk to class. "Why? Parents don't listen. And even worse they don't understand. WHY CAN'T THEY ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM!!" Sam shouted. Me and the boys stare at her as Danny said. "Um Sam. We are talking about my powers, my problems?"

"Oh right. Me too." Sam said, embarrassingly.

"It's been a month since the accident and I still have barely any control. If somebody catches me I go from geek to freak around this place." Danny said as he starts to sink down the floor. "Kinda like what you're doing now?" I asked him. He raises his eyebrows and looks down and sees himself phasing through the floor and he yelps. I grabbed his right arm as Tucker grabs his left arm and the both of us pick him up. His legs and feet become tangible and he lands on his feet.

"Oh darn it! If my dad can invent something that makes me half ghost. Why can't he invent something that turns me back to normal?" Danny asked as he walks off. He goes intangible again and walks through the snack machine. "Danny, your powers make you unique. Unique is good! That's why I'm an ultra-recyclo vegetarian." Sam said as she walks in front of Danny as he goes tangible.

"Which means what?" Tucker asked.

"She doesn't eat anything with a face on it." I replied to him.

"Oh who cares about that stuff." Tucker said and he faces Danny. "Danny, two words: meat connoisseur." He said and then he sniffs the air around Danny. "Last night, you had Sloppy Joes. And (y/n)..." Then he sniffs the air around me. "Hmm you had steak last night." "Impressive." Danny and I said as Tucker smiles, smugly.

"Meat heightens the senses and my all-meat streak is fourteen years strong." Tucker said. "And it's about to end. The school board finally agreed to try a new cafeteria menu. I wore them down." Sam said. "Wait....what did you do?" Tucker asked her, alamred. 

Few minutes later, we make it to the cafeteria and see a big banner that said ULTRA RECYCLO VEGETARIAN WEEK. The boys and I walk up to the line and the lunch lady handed us a slice of bread with grass on top. "What is this?" Danny asked. "Grass on a bun?" I asked as Tucker turns to Sam and shouted, dramatically. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Sam just smiles at him and said. "Tucker, it's time for a change."

I just shake my head and we head to our table and look down at our pathetic lunch. "Don't you think this is a little extreme, Sam?" I asked her. "Ah, Miss Manson." said Lancer's voice. "The school board wanted me to personally thank you for ushering in this welcome experiment to our cafeteria." He said. At that moment, Tucker sniffs the air and said. "Meat. Near." Then he looks up at Lancer and sniffs the air around him. "No, no. The rumors about the new all-steak buffet in the teacher's lounge are completely untrue." said Mr Lancer as he pulls out a toothpick and places it between his teeth. "Thanks again." He said, quickly, to Sam and walks away from our table.

"Yeah, thanks again for making us eat garbage, Sam." Tucker said. "It's not garbage. It's recyclable organic matter." Sam argued.

"It's garbage." The boys and I said in unison. I look down at my bun grass and took a fork full. ' goes nothing.' I thought as I bring the fork closer to my mouth. "Uh-huh, guys? I've got a problem." Danny said when, suddenly, a handful of mud lands on the back of his head. "FENTON!" shouted Dash. "Make that two problems." Danny said, grimacing, as he turns around to face Dash. "I ordered three mud pies. Do you know what they gave me? Three MUD pies. With mud. From the ground!" Dash shouted and he grabs the front collar of Danny's shirt. "Dash let him go!" I said but Dash ignores me.

"These are the best years of my life! After high school, it's all downhill for me! How am I supposed to enjoy my glory days eating mud?!" He asked, angrily. "Actually, it's topsoil." Sam replied. "Whatever!" Dash shouted and he throws Danny at the table. Danny lands on the bench and Dash walks over and shoves the plate of mud towards Danny's face. "Eat it. All of it." He said. Danny picks up a spoon and scoops up a spoonful of mud and was about to put it in his mouth when he suddenly stopped. "Uh....uh.. GARBAGE FIGHT!" He shouted and throws a handful of mud in Dash's face. Soon the other kids start throwing the food everywhere in the cafeteria. "It's not garbage! It's--" Sam started to say before I grabbed her arm and pulled her down to the floor towards me and the boys as we start to crawl away from theme cafeteria. "You're gonna pay for this, Fenton!" Dash shouted. "Great. I'm still his favorite." Danny mumbled and I give him a sad smile and place my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me and gives me a small smile. I notice my hand is on his shoulder a few seconds too long and I remove it, look away from him and blush.
For a few weeks now, I've suddenly started to developed a crush on Danny and I want to tell him but I'm afraid he doesn't like me that way. 

We crawl towards the door and open it. Inside, we see a ghost that's dressed up like a typical lunch lady. "Shouldn't be so bad. She looks a little like my grandmother." Tucker whispered. "Shouldn't she be haunting a bingo hall?" Danny asked and I chuckled at this. The lunch lady turns around and sees us and floats towards us. "Hello, children. Can you help me? Today's lunch is meatloaf, but I don't see the meatloaf. Did someone change the menu?" She asked us. "Yeah. She did." Tucker replied, pointing at Sam.

Suddenly, the lunch lady turns from a sweet old woman to horrible monster as her hair is in flames and her eyes start to flash red. "YOU CHANGED THE MENU?! THE MENU HAS BEEN THE SAME FOR FIFTY YEARS!!" She shouted then she yells as green flames surround her. "Get behind me!" Danny said and the three of us get behind Danny. "Wow. I feel safe." Sam said, sarcastically. "I'm Going Ghost!" Danny yelled and he turns into his alter ego, Danny Phantom.

Once he transforms to his ghost form, he flies towards the Lunch Lady and said. "I'm command you to....go away!" The Lunch Lady's hand begins to glow and many piles of dishes begin to glow and float around and then hurl towards Danny. He becomes intangible, causing the dishes to pass through him before hitting the wall behind him. He turns tangible and smiles to himself. Suddenly, a bunch of dishes head in my direction but Danny was fast and catches them before they hit me.

He looks back at me and asked. "You ok?"  I nod at him and he smiles and flies towards Sam and Tucker as there was more dishes flying at them. After he catches them, he places them back on the counter. He removes the few dishes in his mouth and said. "Well, if this superhero thing doesn't work out, I can have an exciting career as a busboy." I snorted at this when behind me I hear loud movements behind me. I turn around and seen the stoves are moving. "I control lunch! Lunch is sacred! Lunch has rules!" The lunch lady shouted but suddenly turns calm and asked. "Anybody want cake?" Sam, Tucker and I nod our heads to her but she goes back to being angry.

"Too bad! Children who change my menu do not get dessert!" She phases through the ceiling while the stoves emit green flames towards Sam, Tucker and I. We dodge out of the way and I can tell the stoves did not like that and they start flying towards us. We flinch but I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Danny has grabbed my shoulder and Tucker's. Tucker grabs Sam's hand and the four of us become invisible and Danny flies us towards the wall. We make it to the hallway and we become tangible. "Hey! It worked!" Danny exclaimed as he looks down at his hands in amazement. "This is the thanks I get for thinking like an individual?" Sam asked, irritably. Before I could answer her, the lights go out and then the locker doors down the hallway suddenly open and a bunch of school supplies fly out and go towards the lunch lady, who is down at the end of the hallway.

Then, Tucker starts to sniff the air. "Steak....Rib-eye...No, porthouse! Medium-rare." He said as various meat products fly past us and towards the lunch lady and attach to her making her into a giant meat monster with glowing green eyes. "But where did it come from?" I asked. "Lancer!" Tucker growled. "Prepare to learn why meat is the most powerful of the five food groups!" The lunch lady shouted. "Cookie?" She asked Sam and I, politely. Sam and I look at her and shake our heads. "Then perish!" The lunch lady shouted, reverting back to her evil self. "Forget it! The only thing that has an expiration date here is you!" Danny shouted at her as slide in front of me and Sam. His hand begins to glow blue but then he reverts back to his human self. "Whoops! I didn't mean to do that." He said and the lunch lady roars and grabs Danny and I and throws us into Tucker.

The three of us hit the lockers and Tucker lands on one side and I land of the floor with Danny falling on top of me. He opens his eyes and stares at me for a moment then asked, quietly. "You okay?"  "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. I look out of the corner of my eye and see that the lunch lady has grabbed Sam and flies down the hallway. "Come on, lovebirds! Change back! We gotta go!" Tucker said as Danny and I get up on our feet when suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and a voice saying behind me.

"You three aren't going anywhere!" I look over my shoulder and see Mr Lancer had a hold of mine and Danny's shoulder. I look over to my right side and see Dash has a hold of Tucker and he glares over at Danny. "Told ya you'd pay Fenton!" He said, smirking. Danny looks over at Dash then at Lancer and finally looks at me with fear as Lancer and Dash takes us to the office.

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