Chapter 49: Alot Stronger Than We Thought

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"I can't see!" Dash shouted.

"Guys, get down!" Danny said.

"Say farewell, ghost children!" Skulker shouts as a bright light appears and I see Skulker holding up a lit flare, I look over and only see Dash, Danny was nowhere to be found. "Where did he go?" Dash asked me. I shrugged as Skulker smiles at me. "Well, I was hunting both you and the Ghost Boy but I could just as easily have your head and this human's head in my trophy room." Skulker said as he raises his fist to reveal a gun attached to the top of it.

"Ewww!" Dash said, disgusted.

"Ew, is right!" Danny's voice said behind us. Dash and I turn around and see the mouse and it said. "Get back!" Dash and I ducked while Danny swings the tail at Skulker, who flies back and hits the wall. Dash picks up the flare and smiles. "Dude, that's awesome! You took over the mouse!" Dash said. 

But the mouse starts to struggle as Danny said. "Not for long!" Then Danny flies out and lands next to me as we look up at the mouse, who looked very angry for being overshadowed. I looked over to the side and see an opening and I tap Danny's shoulder and point at it. He nods as the mouse gets closer to us. 

Danny grabs the flare and stands in front of the mouse. "Run! Go!" He shouts at Dash, who didn't need to be tols twice as he runs to the opening. Danny and I look up at the mouse as it growls at us. Danny holds up the flare, grabs my hand and the two of us run, making the mouse chase after us.

I saw a chunk of cheese and grabbed it as we hand over to Skulker. "Dude, hold this." I said as I set the block of cheese on his lap. "Oh, and this!" Danny said as he places the flare ovef the cheese and we run over to Dash and out of the mouse hole and into the kitchen.

"Ok, just follow our lead and...." Danny started to say until we heard Dash crying. "Dash?" We asked. "I can't do this! I can't! Everything's bigger than me!" Dash exclaimed. 

"Dash?" Danny started to say but Dash talks over him.

"And you two! You're losing your powers! We're doomed! DOOMED!" Dash shouts.

"DASH, STOP! LISTEN TO ME!" Danny shouted, angrily. "Danny, calm down." I said to him. Danny straightens up and takes a deep breath. "Why did you come to Fenton Works?" Danny asked him.

"I'm Danny Fenton's fitness partner. I was suppose to help him because he was too puny, weak, scrawny and...." Dash said until I held up my hands. "Yeah, we get it! Can you get to the point?" I asked.

"He's not strong enough to pass the fitness test!" Dash replied. Danny and I look at each other for a moment then we let out a sigh. "Well, and I can't believe I'm saying this, we need your help. Because we're not strong enough to do this alone." Danny said as Dash stares at us. "So fitness buddies?" I asked as Danny and I hold out our hands. Dash smiles and takes both of our hands.

We help him up to his feet until we heard a noise. Danny and I look down and noticed our feet were glowing and instead of his white boots and my (f/c) boots, they changed to our normal human shoes. "Hey, what happened to both of you guy's feet?" Dash asked us. "Um....they're special high speed ghost shoes." Danny said with uncertainty until we heard a rumble. We looked up and see that it's Jazz, who was wearing this techno headwear, punching and kicking thin air.

"And one, and two! Keep going! Keep sweating!" She said. Then she took off her headwear and starts to shake the sweat off of her face, causing raindrops of sweat fall towards us. We make a break for it and dodge all of the drops of sweat and run towards the another section of the kitchen. 

We stop and take a breath and see that Skulker has tamed the mouse and riding it like a horse. "Oh great!" I muttered as we run away from them. "Keep running, welps! I'm about to make mouse meat out of you!" Skulker shouted. "That's mince meat, bonehead!" Danny shouts at him. "Not this time, it's not!" He replied as we skid to a halt and run around the corner.

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