Chapter 8: One Of A Kind

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​​​​​​"Beware! I am the Box Ghost! I have power over all containers, cardboard and square." said the ghost.

"Okay, can we get this over with? I've got a rest to study for." I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"Study? There will be no time to study when you find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of..." He trails off and reads the label on one of the boxes. "Elliott Kravitz of Arlington Heights, Illinois!" He finished and he turns to me and sends the boxes and their contents my way.

I turn intangible and the stuff hits the wall behind me. "I don't have time for this! Hey, Tucker, let's go!" I said, annoyed. Tucker, Sam and (y/n) kick down the door and jump into the room we were in. (Y/N) is carrying a textbook and Tucker is carrying the Fenton Thermos. "Goodnight everybody!" Tucker said as he opens the thermos and activates it. I grab the Box Ghost and throw him into the beam of the thermos. He screams and gets sucked in and Tucker caps the Thermos.

"Perimeter secure." Tucker said.

"Perimeter secure? What are you, a Navy Seal?" Sam asked him.

"Seals: aquatic mammals that bark. They're canines, right?" I asked.

(Y/N) checks the textbook and said. "Wrong. That's zero for twenty-one."

Tucker spins the thermos on his finger, like it was a basketball, and said. "I'm not teacher, but I'm guessing that's an F."

"Come on, you guys. If you're gonna be superhero sidekicks, you're gonna have to be a little more focused." I said as I fly between (y/n) and Tucker. I turn to (y/n) and Sam and said. "You two are supposed to help me study for the test tomorrow." I said, then I fly over to Tucker and said. "And you're supposed to be helping me catch these ghost so I have time to study!"

 "What? They're all right here." Tucker said. And as if on que, the thermos falls off of Tucker's finger and lands on the floor and the cap bursts off to release multiple ghosts, even the Box Ghost gets loose. "Ha, ha! I am the Box Ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of a cylindrical container." He said and phases through the wall. "That's weird. According to my schedule, we should be done catching ghosts by now." Tucker said as he looks at his PDA. I glare at him as (y/n) face-palms at this.


​​​​​"I got a D?!" Danny exclaimed. It was the next day and we were in the library as Danny found out his test grade. "All this ghost hunting is taking away from my study time." Danny said. "So much for the Fenton's being a family of geniuses." Tucker said. "I can't get a D in biology. My parents will kill me." said Danny. Sam, who was sitting by a computer, said. "Not if you pull your grade up by doing an extra credit biology assignment on this magnificent creature." And she shows us a picture of a gorilla named Sampson.

"A purple back gorilla?" I asked her.

"Yep. Extremely rare. Only two left, both male. After this, they're gone forever. Which is why you are going to prove he deserves to be set free." Sam said, pointing at Danny.

"I don't have time for extra credit...or your agendas." Danny said.

Tucker holds up his PDA and said. "Actually, you do. You just have to learn how to manage it better. I decided to become your time manager. It's the least I can do after Sam and (y/n) made me let all those ghosts out." Tucker said. "I don't know." Danny sighs. "It'll be my job to keep track of your schedule so you can do your schoolwork and catch all those ghost that Sam and (y/n) let loose." Tucker said and Sam and I glare at him.

"Remember what happened when he let you manage the thermos?" I asked him, angrily. "And I've already scheduled 'Remember: not to let Tucker handle the thermos'." He said as he shows us the screen of his PDA.

"I suppose we could have a trail period." Danny said. "See? I've also scheduled some zoo times so we can check out that gorilla. Let's go!" Tucker said and the four of us leave the library.

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