Chapter 78: Not If We Can Make The Earth Intangible

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The next day, You and Elliot were sitting at your house, eating breakfast, when you heard the doorbell ring. "That's probably Danny." You said and you go to open the door and see not only Danny but Tucker and Sam as well. "Hey, guys." You said, putting on a fake smile as you look away from Sam. 

You haven't talked to her since she confessed to you about her feelings for Danny. "Hey, we're going to City Hall, wanna come with?" Danny asked. "Sure, is it okay if Elliot can come?" You ask. Danny nods as the other two look confused. You turn and said. "Hey, Elliot, want to come with us?"

"Sure." Elliot replied and he walks up next to you and out the door. You go and shut it and turned to your friends. "Tucker, Sam, this is Elliot, my cousin." You introduced. Elliot nods at them and Tucker waves at him while Sam stares at him transfixed, like she saw the most beautiful thing in the world. Then she shook her head and said. "Hi." Elliot smiles a flirtatious smile at her and said. "Hey." Sam blushes at this and you couldn't help but look between them, shocked.

"So are we ready?" Danny asked. 

"Oh, um, can you guys go ahead? I need to talk to (y/n)." Sam said. Danny looks between you and Sam before you nod at him and the boys begin to walk ahead. "(Y/N), I know you're mad at me and you probably don't want to speak to me, ever again. But I want to apologize for what I said, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. You're my friend, (y/n), and I thought about this and I value your friendship more than some dumb crush." Sam said and you look at her in the eyes. "I want us to go back to being friends, if these next few days are our last days then I don't want to spend them hating each other." Sam finished.

"And I don't want to lose you as a friend either, Sam, but you really hurt me. I-I-I'll have to think about this. It might even take me sometime to even trust you again." You said. She nods and said. "I understand." The two of you stand in silence for a moment then you look up at her. "C'mon, I'm sure the boys are wondering where we are." You said. Sam smiles and the two of you make your way down the streets and eventually meet up with the boys then head to City Hall.

Once there, the whole town seemed to be there and the news media were there too, not only that people all over the world were there too as they wait by the podium that was standing in front of the doors of City Hall. "Tell me again. Why are we here?" Sam asked Danny. "Because we've got to see what Vlad's up to. He says he has news that'll impact the entire world." Danny replied as Vlad shows up to the podium, along with Master's Blasters.

"Citizens of the Earth, I have news that will impact the entire world! Though at every attempt to destory the Disasteriod has failed, I come to you today offering an alternative solution. One I think you will find most suprising!" Vlad said and he stands on top of his podium and jumps in the air and flies up, hovering over the people and begins to transform into his ghost half. 

He lets out an evil laugh as everyone gasped. "Oh no." You and Danny muttered. "I did not see that coming." Mr Fenton, who was still burised up from the beatings Master's Blaster fave him. Master's Blasters begin to charge up their weapons but Vlad was able to knock them off, easily. "Yes, though I use my human half to walk among you, it's obvious I'm a far superior creature." He said.

"Who are you?" A reporter asked him.

"Though the world has come to know me as Vlad Masters, billionaire mayor of Amity Park. I prefer you call me by my chosen, slightly more evil name, Vlad Plasmius!" Vlad said. "Vlad's a ghost?!" Maddie said, shocked, as she backs up to her husband. "This is one strange town you live in, cuz." Elliot mutters to you. "You don't know the half of it." You said to him.

"I have a proposition to make: The nation's of the world must agree unanimously to pay me five hundred billion dollars and make me absolute ruler. In return, I shall use my ghost powers..."

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