Chapter 30: Control Freaks

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"Hey Sam, I got that Morbid Anti-social Youth CD you wanted." Danny said as he and I walk through the door to Sam's kitchen. Her parents, who were dressed in really expensive clothes, glare at the two of us. "What? Have you heard My Parents Reek? That cut rocks!" I shouted, happily, but that makes Sam's parents glare at Danny and I even more.

Then on the TV, that was on the counter, was a commercial with a man wearing clown-like make-up and a little bowler hat on his head. " Freakshow." He said then the camera pulls back to show him holding a septor with a crystal ball at the top and he was wearing a long black coat, red pants and a red shirt with a black vest over it. "...ringmaster of the Circus Gothica where your nightmares come alive!" He said as a skeleton starts to juggle skulls on screen. "Circus Gothica where the clowns never smile." A clown, with sharp teeth, howls at the camera then it changes to a heavily pierced man in an iron mask. "Circus Gothica. Come and get your freak on...with real freaks. Circus Gothica! Coming to Amity Park." Freakshow said as he appears on screen. "Cross over to the dark side." He said as he holds up his staff. "Cross over to the dark side." Danny said, trance-like. I turn to him and gice him a confused look as Mrs Manson turns the TV off. "Now there's some evil mind pollution we won't be seeing any time soon, sweetie." Mrs Manson to Sam. "But we already bought our tickets." said Sam. Her parents raise their eyebrows at her and she sighs in exasperation. "We'll be fine, it's just harmless entertainment, right guys?" Sam asked us. I nod as Danny said. "Cross over to the dark side." I roll my eyes as Sam said. "Hilarious. Can we leave now, or do you want to stay and corrupt my grandma?" Both of us grab Danny's arm and drag him out of her house.

"Will you quit messing with my parents? That's my job!" Sam said, angrily, to Danny, who blinks several times. "What? Um, sorry, guys, musta got a little space. I was up pretty late last night." Danny said, apologetically.

"Just watch what you say around them, they already think I'm on the road to troubled teenhood." Sam said and she begins to walk away. "Where are you going? School's this way." I said as I point the opposite direction. "The Circus Gothica train pulled i to town last night, I'm cutting first period to watch the opening ceremony at the train station." She replied. "Sam..." Danny and I say in unison. 

"Take it easy, Tucker's got first period free, he's covering for me." She said before she turns and runs away. "Don't blame us if you get caught!" I shouted after her. Danny and I started to walk towards school when his ghost sense goes off. "Speaking of getting caught." Danny said as we look up to see a drawf ghost fly by, carrying a big sack of money and a police car chasing him. "I'll take care of this, you just head to the school. I'll be there as soon as I can." Danny said to me. "Okay." I said as I kiss his cheek and break into a run.


"I'm Going Ghost!" Danny shouts as he leaps onto a trashcan, then a truck, then into the air, goes ghost, and chases after the ghosts as the cops catch up to them. "Opening a new bank account? Don't forget your free toaster!" Danny shouts as he fires an ecto blast which knocks the money sack out of the drawf's hands and lands on a cruiser, causing it to swerve into a fire hydrant. "Curse you, ghost kid!" The officer shouted from the car, shaking his fist in the air. "Oh great, more fans." Danny muttered as he chases the ghosts across town.

They phase through a Circus Gothica billboard and Danny stops as he stares at the orb on the billboard. He floats there for a moment but shakes his head as he phases through the sign and found himself at the ceremony. "Terrific. The crooks got away, I'm late for school, and....I've never seen so many Goths out in broad daylight." Danny said just as a group of Goths open up some black umbrellas.

"Well, look who decided to slum it with the troubled teens." Sam said. Danny lands next to her and said. "What? I'm not in trouble." Then they heard sirens approaching. "Oh yeah, you're an upstanding citizen. Need to hide from the law?" Sam asked him. "Nope." Danny replied as he turns invisible and hides behind a bunch of iron drums and turns back into a human. Both he and Sam whistle, nonchalantly, as the cops run by. "Come back here, Inviso-Bill!" They shouted while Danny and Sam smile at each other 

One train car opens with a drop-down ramp and Freakshow slowly steps out of the shadows. "Greetings, fellow outcasts. I am Freakshow, your master of ceremonies.  Are you ready to smile, relax, and forget all your troubles amid the pleasant diversions of the circus?" He asked the crowd. 

"No!" They shouted back at him.

"Then you've come to the right place! Prepare to be disturbed and appalled by a small sample of the bizarre and abnormal world of Circus Gothica!" Freak show exclaimed as he gestures towards the train car. Just then a line of people started piling out of the car as they do weird acts just to give the audience a taste of what's to come. Danny looks over at Freakshow and suddenly gets hypnotize by Freakshow's staff again.

"This is the greatest moment ever! Nothing could ruin this for me!" Sam exclaimed, excitedly. But her happiness was short lived.

"Parents of Amity Park! We urge you to boycott this morbid assault in the morals of our children!" Her mother shouted through a megaphone. The Goths all booed her while Sam glares over at them. "What are they doing here?!?! Why can't they have day-jobs like regular parents?!?" She asked herself. Freakshow stands on a crate and shouts. "Don't let the rantings of the closed-minded norms beat you down. Show them your true colors! And when I say 'colors', I mean 'all black'. Make them see you for who you are!" 

"Make them see us for who we are..." Danny said, trance-like, and then his blue eyes turn red. He turns around and raises his hands and shouts. "Hey everyone! Over here! We're Danny Fenton and Sam Manson! We cut school and we're proud of it!" The Goths cheer as Danny stands and poses proudly while Sam hides her face in her hands. One goth walks up to Danny and sprays his shirt black. "You're one of us, now." He said.

"Sam?" Mr and Mrs Manson ask as Sam looks down in embarrassment.

Later at Casper High, Sam, Danny and their parents were sitting in Principle Ishiyama office. "Some might call this little act of rebellion a cry for attention, but I call it a cry for detention. Isn't that clever!" She chuckled. "Nice job, Danny. Maybe I should have cried Hey! It's Inviso-Bill!" Sam whispered to Danny. "I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me back there." Danny exclaimed. "Bad judgement. That's what! Next time, think before you act!" Jack Fenton replied as a small gun on his arm engages and squirts ecto goo all over the Mansons.

"Obviously, the apple doesn't fall very far from the over-bearing, orange-jumped suit tree!" Mrs Manson said, angrily. The Fentons stand up in anger as Jack shouts. "You got a problem with jump suits?!?" Maddie places her hand on his arm and said. "Jack, let me handle this." Then she turns to the Mansons and shouts. "You got a problem with jump suits?!"

"Samantha, I forbid you from seeing this boy or any if your other troubled friends!" Mrs Manson said to Sam as she points at Danny. "My friends are perfectly normal!" Sam said, defensively. At that moment, the door opens and Mr Lancer walks in with you and Tucker, who was in Sam's outfit. "This is so wrong." Ishiyama said to herself.


The next day, Sam, Tucker, Danny and I were sitting library for our detention with Mr Lancer. Sam looks down at her Circus Gothica ticket and said. "I wanted to experience something horrific and unimaginable. This isn't what I had in mind." She gestures towards Lancer, who was clipping his toenails in front of us. "We can always go to the Circus tomorrow." Danny said. "That is, assuming we're not grounded and her parents let us within two-hundred feet of you." I said to him. "Guess we'll have to settle for the live web-cast of opening night." Tucker said as he hides his PDA behind a book and Freakshow appears on screen.

"Creatures of the night, unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica!" He exclaimed. "Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica..." Danny said, trance-like, then he stands up and starts to head for the door, until Lancer jumps in front of him. "And just where do you think you're going, Mr Fenton?" He asked. Danny then leaps into Lancer and his eyes are red. "Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica." He said and he walks into the janitors closet.

Then Danny, in his ghost form, floats outside of the door and locks Lancer inside. "Cask of Amontillado! Let me out, let me out!" Mr Lancer shouts as he bangs on the door. I walk up to Danny and place my hands on my hips and said. "Danny, what are you doing? We're in too much trouble as it is!"

"No such thing as too much trouble. Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica." Danny said and he phases through the roof. "Man, we better follow him." Tucker said. "Oh no! But that would mean skipping detention and going to the circus!" Sam said, sarcastically. Tucker stares at her and I roll my eyes at him. "Hello?! Irony." I said as Sam and I grab his arms and we run out of the school and head towards the circus. 

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