Chapter 69: Torrent Of Terror

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My God is it hot out! I thought to myself as Danny, Sam, Tucker and I were standing outside of City Hall, waiting for Vlad to make a speech. The past few days have just brutal with the heat. It was so hot, Tucker was able to make a fried egg on a good of a car. "Man, I can't ever remember being this hot for so long, can you Danny?" Tucker said as he looks over at Danny, who was extremely angry and annoyed. "Uh oh, looks like Commander Crab is off fighting the happies again!" I said, teasingly, as I placed my fingers on each corner of his mouth, forcing a smile on his face. I removed my fingers from his face and he glares at me while I just stick my tongue out at him.

Tucker begins to dig in his backpack and pulls out a helmet, that looked like his beret, and said. "No worries, my Foley Mood Medler, Paton pending, will clear that up in a flash!" He places the Mood Medler on Danny's head. The thing beeps then dings but Danny still looked angry. "Will you get this thing off of me!" Danny said, annoyed. Tucker takes the helmet off and said. "Must still have some bugs to work out."

"Yeah, in your head!" shouted Danny. "Danny!" I growled just as Vlad comes out and said. "My dearest citizens! Our current heatwave and subsequent water shortage has Amity Park in a state of Emergency! Being as I am your Mayor, and many of you are undoubtedly questioning why or even how you voted for me, I vow that the fortunes of Amity Park are about to change with this!" Vlad said and he pulls out some devixe that looked like an over-sized thermometer. "My very own Rain Machine!" He finished.

"There's no way Vlad's going to make it rain with that thing!" Tucker said in disbelief. "So, why are we even wasting our time here?!" Danny asked. "Because your dad is Vlad's biggest supporter?" I replied, questionably, as we look over and see Mr Fenton in a Vlad mascot suit, shouting at the people.

Danny scoffs. "He's probably going to keep this up until Vlad isn't the mayor anymore!" He said. "Will we have to put up with your cruddy attitude too?" Sam asked him annoyed. "Yeah, seriously." I muttered as I cross my arms across my chest. "I'm sorry guys. I can't help but be embarrassed...and annoyed. It's not like I can turn off my emotions." Danny said. "If only Vlad's machine could change your mood swings, he'd be on to something." Tucker said just as Vlad walks up behind him. "Well, I'll have to work on that, won't I? But for now, my loyal constituents will have to settle for alittle change of weather!" Vlad said and he aims the device into the sky and a purple beam shoots up into the sky.

Seconds go by and nothing happened. "Sorry V-Man! Looks like your weather machines a total---" said Danny but then we heard thunder and I felt a few rains drops before it suddenly started to pour rain. I look up in the sky in shock as the people cheered. Then I look over and see that Vlad has a smug look on his face as one of his guards come up and put an umbrella, which had his face on it, over his head. Soon his guards started handing out umbrellas to everyone as they cheered for the mayor. "Whenever I think Vlad's crazy, I forget to add like a fox!" Sam said. "Seriously, there's no way he actually made it rain!" I said as Vlad's limo drives by and splash a huge puddle of water at me and Danny. I groan as Danny glares after the limo.

There's just no ducking the rain here in Amity Park. And that's the best news in weeks! The drought is over and we have our super neato mayor, Vlad Masters, to thank. We owe you a debt a gratitude and feel free to send us the bill.

I groan as we watch the Lance Thunder have his finger be bitten by a duck. He runs and screams. That's what you get for making a bad pun! I thought as I head up to my room and finish my homework. Afterwhile, the rain was coming down harder and the wind was blowing even faster. "(Y/N)! Get in here, sweetheart!" Dad hollered and I run down the stairs and in to the living room. "Dad, what's going on? The wind sounds alot stronger than it did awhile ago." I said as he points at the TV which had a Breaking News title on it and, once again Lance Thunder appeared on screen. 

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