Chapter 20: Teen Love

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Danny transformed into Danny Phantom and we headed off to Becky's. He wrapped his left arm around my waist and I wrapped my right arm around his shoulder and we took flight.

I look down at the city, admiring the view. I look up at Danny and smile at him, thinking about all of the times we spent together.

I do wish he knew how I feel about him but how do you tell a boy, that has been your best friend for months, that you love him without making it awkward? "Are you okay, (y/n)?" I hear Danny asked. I shake my head and realized that I was staring at him for too long. "It's just really nice up here, that's all. Flying's nice." I stammered as I look away and blush. I look back at him and see he is blushing as well and he is giving me this dreamy, loving look. 'Does he like me?' I thought and we hit something and we fall. "Falling stinks." I said. 

​​​​​​"Are you okay?" He asked with concern as he holds his hand out to me. I take his hand and nod. "I think so." I said as I look up and see that we hit a giant cardboard cut out of Ember.
I growled and shake my head and I hear Danny chuckling. "What?" I asked him. "Oh....uh...nothing. Um....we need to...." He stammers and I nod. "Oh yeah, right." I said and he places his arm around me and we phase through the wall.

We make it inside and see everyone is cheering her name as she stands there on stage with her arms spread out and she's glowing green. "Something tells me they're not gonna love seeing their idol sucked inside the Fenton Thermos." Danny replied.

I look around and I see another cardboard cutout of Ember and I come up with a plan. "I think I can distract them." I said and I whispered the plan to him. He flies me over to the cutout and I pull out a red marker and start to draw a mustache, goatee and glasses on Ember.

Once I was done, I look back and admire it. "Hey everybody!" I shouted and everyone looks up and see my artwork. "Look, it's Ember McLame!" I said, smirking.

"Oh great. A critic. Maybe you'll like my new song better!" Ember said and I see that she turns the dial on her guitar and is about to raise her fist but Danny blasts her with his energy beams.

"Hey! Do you take request? How about 'Beat It'?" Danny asked her, sarcastically. She floats up and said. "How about I just lay down a few power chords instead, dipstick!" And she strums her guitar and a green wave comes out and heads for Danny, who takes out the Fenton Thermos.

Before he could open the Thermos, the wave hits him and the thermos flies off and lands on the ear of the cutout of Ember that I was hanging on to. I look up and see Ember laughing and disappears from sight, Danny looks around and flies up to the roof. I climbed over to the thermos, as safely as I could, and I grab it.

I safely climb down from the cutout and head upstairs. I open the door and see Ember strums her guitar again and a wave hits Danny again and he screams and lands in between the legs of the cutout of Ember, which fell on top of the roof.

"Get away from him!" I shouted as I run over to him and face Ember.

"Awww, teen love! They say it never lasts but nothing distracts teenagers more than hormones. And I need to keep you busy for three next eight hours. I have more than just music for you. Now that they're chanting my name, my music can affect you! How about a love song!" She shouted as she turns a dial on her guitar and strums it again.

I scream as a pink wave hits me and I fly back and I land on the head of the cutout. I look back over to Danny, who is staring at me with this dreamy look and a goofy grin. "Well, I think I'll leave the new couple alone. Ciao, babies!" Ember said and she laughs and disappears.

"New couple? What the heck is she talking about?" I asked as Danny crawls closer to the corner of the crease and climbs into the cutout and I start to teeter. "Uh, Danny? Now would be a real good time to go ghost and fly me out of here." I said but he doesn't listen and continues to crawl towards me. "Danny, wait! What are you doing?" I asked as I stretch out my hand.

"Wow. I just never realized, you're really pretty when you're about to fall off a building." He said, dreamily.

"Danny, stop! Don't come any closer!" I shouted.

"But you're over there and I'm over here. I wanna be over there!" Danny said as he points at me.

"Wait, I know that look. That's the same, longing puppy-dog stare you give to Paulina!" I said.

"Who's Paulina?" He asked.

I smile and said. "That's a pleasant side-effect."

Then he continues to walk on the cutout and finally I fall and scream until I felt someone grab my hand. I open my eyes and see a SWAT officer had caught me and he was on a helicopter.

"Attention, Students! By authority of the Emergency Mass Grounding Act..." I hear Lancer shouted through the bullhorn as many officers swarm the store and grab my classmates and throw them into SWAT vans. "You will now be returned to your homes to await parental punishment. And, as for your precious Ember, she's going down!" Lancer said.

Then he looks up and sees the cutout of Ember falls and he screams and jumps off and the cutout lands on the bus. I see Danny emerge from the cutout looking dazed.

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