Chapter 60: Comic Book Convention

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At the convention. We look around and see several more cosplayers as Sam, Danny and I. "Still no Tuckers. A crying shame. I even come with gadgets!" Tucker complained as he pulls out his electronics out of his pocket.
"Hm. Everything here looks normal." I said as we look around the passing cosplayers.
"Compared to what?" Sam asked me.
"Oh, you know what I mean. I don't think anyone's triggered the Gem of Fantasy yet." I replied as we walk inside.

We see three exaggeratedly nerdy cosplayers: a girl in a vaguely wolfish outfit, a big guy in a blue outfit studded with rocks, and a skinny chap in a red samurai costume. Blue Chunk holds up the Gem of Fantasy. "Shouldn't we do something?" I asked when suddenly Blue Chunk transforms into a monster of blue crystal, Red Samurai changes into a real red samurai with a flaming sword, and Wolfgirl transforms into a scary The three of them hover in the air. 

I gasped as Danny smiles. "Awesome! The Gem of Fantasy turned three regular nerds into superheroes! They can help us rescue our parents!" He said. "You need to read more comic books." I said. "She's right! Those aren't superheroes--they're supervillains!" Tucker said, pointing at them.

Wolfgirl, Blue Chunk, and Red Samurai start attacking people. We scatter as Red throws a red blast at us. Danny and I tumbling and land at Blue Chunk's feet,. "I've gotta get that gem before these geeks do some real damage." Danny muttered as I sit up and he fires an ectoblast at Blue Chunk, knocking the Gem of Fantasy to the ground. Danny and I lunge to retrieve it, but Blue tackles us and throws us into a display. A comic book lands open on our face. Picking it up, we realized that it was a comic book about Danny and I.

"Hey! We never approved of this!" Danny exclaimed as I read the book. "Although, I have to admit: I like the name they gave me in this book." I said. "Which is?" Danny asked me. "Shadow Girl." I said. "Shadow Girl, huh? I like it." He said just as we look up and see She-Wolf about to attack Sam and Tucker, in a very wolf like form.

We tackle She-Wolf to the floor, and she morphs back into her semi-human form, dazed. "Aah! Our comics have come alive!" one nerd screamed. "I don't know whether to be horrified or run and report this on the internet!" Another nerd screamed as he runs away.

 Going intangible, we fly up through the roof. Red and Blue Chunk go after us, smashing a hole in the ceiling, and She-Wolf follows. We fly over the street, the supervillains running after us on top of the streetlights. Suddenly, something grabs me by the ankle and I slam down to the roof. "(Y/N)!" Danny yells as he avoids getting crushed by Blue Chunk, who he grabs by the leg and ties to a nearby flagpole.

"Now to finish off the reset of the legion of super-dweebs." Danny said as I get up and Danny smashes headlong into Red, sending them both crashing to the roof. Then, as if we didn't have enough problems, the GiW land nearby with their jetpacks. The agents shoot a pair of nets out of their ectoguns, trapping Danny and Red. "Danny!" I shout as the agents launch back into the air, they fire several more shots at Blue Chunk, who somehow got free, She-Wolf, and I, but they miss. Red slashes through the net with his sword, attacking the agents and apparently damaging their jetpacks.

The Agents crash to the roof. Danny throws off the net, springing into the air as I shoot out ecto beams at Red and Blue Chunk. From the resulting flash of light the Gem of Fantasy falls, Danny catches it. The supervillains crash to the roof, and when the smoke clears away they're a tumbled heap of normal cosplayers. 

"Nice work, you two. We've got all three gems now!" Sam said as we land in front of her and Tucker. "And Freakshow only has one! Which means once we find him, we can beat him and take the Gauntlet!" Danny said as he puts the gem in the thermos. "We can save our parents!" Tucker exclaimed. "And we can change reality so that nobody remembers our secret." I said when I noticed that the tattoo ghosts were back and they swirl around us, making us all vanish, then reappearing by a train. The four of us fall to the ground, dazed.

"Well, well. Look what the bats dragged in...with my Reality Gems!" Freakshow said as he approaches us and rubs his hands together. Danny looks down at the thermos then stands up. "I don't think so." He said but some of the tattoo ghosts snatch it from his hands and he tries ineffectively to catch it. "What? Ah!" He exclaimed. The ghosts drop it into Freakshow's hand. "Oh, no." Danny mutteres as another tattoo creature wraps around us, binding us together helplessly. Freakshow opens the Fenton Thermos, pours the gems into his hand, and tosses the thermos away. 

"The Gem of Life...the Gem of Form...the Gem of Fantasy...and put them with a power source, and thanks to you, I now know how to activate the Gauntlet!" Freakshow said as he taps his head. He lets out a laugh and starts to tap a sequence on the gauntlet. "Guys, stop him!" Sam shouted at Me and Danny. "I can't break free!" Danny said as he struggles against the restraints. I struggled too as Freakshow finishes tapping on the gauntlet. 

"Thanks to you, I am now ringmaster of all reality!" he shouts as he changes his clothes to black pants and a white shirt with a long red coat and a top hat. He stands on a pedestal in triumph as fireworks go off behind him.

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