Chapter 19: Ember

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Ooohh will remember.....Ember, so warm and tender....

​​"I don't get it! This Ember McClain comes outta nowhere and suddenly she's the biggest thing since MP3's! It's so---" Danny started to say but I finished for him. "Infuriating how mindless pre-packaged corporate bubble gum is preventing true musical artists from being heard?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him.

We were walking through the hallway of the school and Tucker was wearing a black t-shirt with a blue flame reading Ember in purple letters and a gray wristband and a purple beret with a blue flame on it. He has his PDA out and listening to that stupid Ember song again for the thousandth time. "I was gonna say weird but, uh, okay." Danny replied, shrugging. "Ember's not just about music. She's an expression of my unique individuality." Tucker said as we round the corner and we see all of our classmates wearing an Ember shirt or product of some kind.

"Oh yeah, you're one of a kind! Every single one of you." Sam remarked, sarcastically. Paulina approaches us and notices something on my ear.

"Nice earrings. Sale at the 89 cent store?" She asked, smiling nastier.

"For your information, Paulina. They're a gift. Danny gave them to me." I said as I gesture towards Danny who looks scared.

"Really? He gave you earrings?" She asked then she scoffs.

"I always knew you two losers would end up together." She said then walks away.

"We're not losers!" I shouted after her.

"We're not together." Danny said.

"Ember! Go Ember! Ember! Remember! Ember! Go Ember!" Tucker shouts. Danny and I crowd around him and shouted, simultaneously. "Will you keep it down?!"  

"Hey check it out! The lovebirds are ganging up on Foley." I hear Dash say then Danny and I turn around and shouted, together. "We're not lovebirds!"
We look at each other for a moment before the bell rings and head to Mr Lancer's class.

Moments later, the whole class is wearing a helmet with four prongs with a keyboards and three computer screens, which are flashing STAND BY, in front of us on our desk. "As you know, the Northwestern Nine Standardized testing starts in two days, and because my bound is proportional to your grades, we have installed the CramTastic Mark Five. The latest in state-of-the-art subliminal study-aid technology. Let the learning begin!" Mr Lancer said as he heads over to the machine and presses a red button. The STAND BY screen is, then, replaced by a video of Ember singing that stupid song.

​​​​​​Eeeember! So warm and teeender! You will remember my name!

The whole classroom cheers except for me and Danny. I look over my shoulder and see that Sam is entranced by the song as well. "Sam?" I asked as the song ends because of Lancer, who pushed another button and the disc drive opens to reveal an Ember CD inside.

Lancer removes it and obviously is miffed about it and was about to say something when suddenly a drum solo is playing out of nowhere. "FOLEY! Turn off that blasted PDA!" Lancer shouts as he throws the CD at Tucker. "It's not me! It's coming from outside!" Tucker replied and all of us run towards the window to look out and see that he was right.

Outside, there is a truck with a Soundstage on it with large amps and a black banner reading EMBER in purple letters. A riff is heard and with a flash of light, the stage fills with billowing purple smoke and it reveals Ember and her band in stage as they start to play the song.

Everybody runs out of the classroom and head outside. As the gather round her stage, she heads towards the microphone and says. "Hello Casper High! Tell me who you love!"  Then everyone chants. "Ember! Ember!"

Then Ember's ponytail surges up like an intense flame. "That's it, babies! Say my name! Are you ready for a little youth revolution?!" She asked and everyone cheers.
Danny and I stop at the stoop of the entrance of the school as the rest of the students rush outside, including Sam and Tucker, who jumps into the crowd like a pool but the crowd moves and he falls. 

Danny and I look at him with concern but then he is picked up in mush-pit style and carried through the crowd. "We love you, Ember!" Tucker shouted as he raises his hands in the air. "That's because I fill a void in your empty lives!" Ember replied. "You're right, Ember!" Tucker shouts then Danny gasps and blue smoke comes out of his mouth. He shifts his eyes, warily. "Uh oh." He said and I look out and see Lancer standing in the middle of the crowd, holding a bullhorn.

"Attention, freakishly dressed teen idol! I order you to cease and desist!" He ordered.

"Desist this, grandpa!" Ember fires back then she raises her arm and strums it, a purple vortex expands out to the crowd.

Then the kids turn, angrily, towards Lancer. "Pride and Prejudice!" Lancer shouted.

"Ember's the ghost? Oh my gosh!" Danny said then he transforms to Danny Phantom. "I've gotta save Lancer!" He said as he bends down.

"Wow that's bittersweet." I remarked and Danny chuckles and flies off after Lancer. He grabs Lancer on the shoulder as the students come charging at him and Danny turns him invisible as the kids run through them.

Seconds later, Lancer is tangible and looks around him. I look up in the sky and see Danny is in the sky and I see he looks to where Ember and her band was at but they are gone. What? Where did they go? I asked myself as my classmates look dazed and confused. I walk over to Sam and Tucker, who looks around annoyed. "Hey! No Encore? What's that all about?" Tucker asked.

The next day, Tucker and Sam, who is wearing a black Ember t-shirt, walks up to me and Danny and Tucker is wearing eyeliner and a blue flaming wig with a purple E on it. "Tucker, you're starting to scare me. And I fight ghosts!" Danny said as we look at their clothes, confusingly.

"It's an Ember thing." Tucker replied as he pats his wig.

"You two wouldn't understand." Sam said.

"You realize that she's an evil mind-cintrolling spirit from another dimension?" I aksed them.

"Yeah, but you said the same thing about Paulina." Tucker said, pointing at me.

"You know, he has a point." Danny said as I roll my eyes and, as if right on cue, Paulina shows up. "Hey, everyone! Ember's giving away free concert tickets at Becky's Music Megastore!" She said then looks over at Tucker and said. "Nice hair."  "Thanks. Nice hair!" Tucker replied back then all the kids start running towards the entrance.

Lancer blocked the doorway but that didn't stop the kids as they run him over. Danny grabbed Tucker and Sam as I grab him around the waist. "Must-have-Ember-tix!" They said in unison. "We're going to have to deprogram them." I replied. Danny looks down at my arms wrapped around him and I blush as we drag our two friends back to the classroom.

We tie Sam and Tucker into their own seats and place them in front of the CramTastic system. I put the helmet on Sam as Danny places it on Tucker. I push the button and the depeogram began. "This is where the healing starts." I said as I fold my arms and we watch our friend's.

Danny taps my shoulder and we head out of the classroom and towards Danny's locker. "I still don't get why we're not affected by Ember's music." He replies as he places his hand and turns it intangible and plunges it in the locker.

"Maybe because of your ghost powers and my--"  

"Individuality or intelligence?" Danny asked as he pulls out the thermos from his locker. "I was gonna say utter disdain for anything popular, but okay." I said, smiling and blushing. I look up at him and asked. "You really think I'm smart?"

Danny smiles and leans towards me. "(Y/n), I...." He started to say but was interrupted by Lancer. "Not so fast. You two lovebirds maybe the only students left in the entire school. But that's not going to stop me from giving you an education." Lancer said as he grabs our wrist and drags us down the hallway.

Danny and I exchange a look and smile. Danny winks and grabs my hand and we turn intangible and fly out of the school.

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