Chapter 21: Deprograming

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After my parents gave me a stern talking about the test and how I shouldn't worry about a concert, I sneak out and head over to Danny's. I don't know how I manage it but I was able to climb up to the window in Danny's room with a ladder; I snuck over and I see him sitting on his bed, cross-legged and his index and pinky fingers are up like he is meditating. I knock on the window and I see him turning to me and he smiles.

"(Y/N)! You snuck out to see me! Oh, this is just like Romeo and Juliette except I'm the one in the balcony and I can understand everything we're saying." He said.

"Danny, open up!" I said urgently. He comes over to the window and opens it. I climb inside and, of course with me being clumsy, I fall onto the floor.

"You want me to open up? Um, one time, I really wanted a puppy but my parents--" Danny started to say but I get up and say. "Danny, you need to snap out of this! We have each to stop Ember's concert before she takes over the world!"

I walk over to his bed and see there are hundreds of pictures of me on his bed; some of them are of me just sitting at the lunch table, some of them are of me, Tucker, Sam and Danny and in the middle of the pile is a big picture of me and Danny, arms around each other's shoulders, smiling. I remember that day; that was taking just a few days before he got his powers and then I see another big picture with us and this one was of us at the dance after we took care of that dragon amulet. I pick up that picture and smile.

"It doesn't matter! Just so long as we have each other." Danny said as he takes my hand in his and gives me that puppy dog look.

"Danny, this isn't you it's that spell. You don't really have those feelings about me and I don't have feelings about you." I forced myself to say.

It hurt to say that but maybe if I keep saying that he could snap out of it.

"So why are you still holding my hands and why are you still wearing those Fenton Phones I gave you?" Danny asked as I pull my hand away from his.

"Danny, they're not even real earrings! They're just communicators that......" I started to say but I stop myself as I realize something. "Filter out ghost noise! That's it! That's why I haven't been affected by Ember's music! I've been wearing the Fenton Phones the whole time! I can't believe I forgot about them! I'm so stupid sometimes." I exclaimed.

"Are we breaking up?" Danny asked me.

"Danny, no! We are gonna have to deprogram you like we did with Sam and Tuck!" I said as I grabbed his hand and head towards the window when I stop in my tracks. "Oh my gosh! Sam! Tucker!" I shouted.

Danny and I make it over to the school and to the classroom where we left Sam and Tucker. "Twelve....hours....of...." Sam started to say before Tucker talks over her. "Intensive standardized test prep."

I grab their helmets and pull it off of their heads. "Guy's, I'm so sorry!" I said as I untie them.

"You're beautiful when you're wracked with guilt." Danny said with admiration.

"Not now, Danny." I said as I got our two friends loose.

"It's about time!" Sam said.

"Yeah, deep down, I knew you two would end up together." Tucker said with a smile.

"We're not together. Ember put him under some kinda spell!" I replied.

"So you don't want to end up together?" Tucker asked me.

"Well....yes...but not like this! I want him to tell me how he feels without a love spell doing it for him. Please guys! We have to break the spell!" I said as I look between them.

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