Chapter 47: Fusing Back Together

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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" I hear someone call out to me. I open my eyes and look over and see Sam and Tucker. "Ugh, hey guys....wait! Where's Danny?" I asked as I sit up. "Which one?" Sam asked me. "Both!" I said as they help me up. "Well after Mr Fenton blew you away, he grabbed Danny and they flew away in the Spectra Speeder." Tucker said. "But why.....oh my gosh!" I said as I start to run. "(Y/N) wait!" Sam shouted after me.

I run and see Mr Fenton on a small motor bike. Finally we see Danny Fenton standing at the edge of the pier. "Danny, are you alright, son?" Mr Fenton asked. "I have never felt better in my life!" Fenton said while Sam, Tucker, Mr Fenton and I look at each other woth questionable looks.

That night at Danny's house, we were sitting IN Danny's room when he suddenly exclaims. "Curse this infernal messy room! This looks like a job for a vacuum cleaner!" Then he grabs the vacuum and starts to vacuum up his room. "Danny, somethings up! You're definitely not yourself since you fused back together." Sam said. "Course I'm myself. I'm more than myself! I'm...." But what he was he didn't finish as suddenly he glows green and sticks his hands in himself. "Dude! Get out of me!" He said and he pulls Phantom out of him. "No! We must become one again!" Phantom said. "We didn't become one, dude. You overshadowed me." Fenton said as he looks at himself in the mirror. 

"You're right! Something must've gone horribly awry when I used the Ghost Catcher to duplicate myself." Phantom said. "You didn't duplicate yourself, you split yourself in half!" I exclaimed. "But in theory...another trip through the catcher should straighten out this mess." Tucker said as he walks over to the Ghost Catcher and both him and Sam pick it then hover it over Phantom and Fenton. They set the catcher down over them and moved it out of the way. "Or it could make it ten times worse." I said as now there are two Danny Fentons, only difference was one had blue eyes and the other had green eyes.

"Danny! Dad wants you to...." Jazz started to say when she walked in. But once she saw the two Dannys she screamed and ran out of the room. "Danny! What's going on in there?" Mr Fenton shouted. "Quick! Hide!" Tucker said and he starts to shove both Dannys in the closet. "No only one of you!" I said.

"I call fun Danny!" Tucker shouted.

"I call the....darn it!" Sam exclaimed as Tucker pulls out the Danny with blue eyes.

"Hey!" Mr Fenton said as he starts to walk to the room. Sam and I shoved Tucker in the closet with the green eyes Danny as Mr Fenton walks in. "What's the Ghost Catcher doing in your room? You march that down back into the lab, son!" Mr Fenton said as Danny picks up the catcher and carries it out of the room. 

Mr Fenton leaves the room but then, seconds later, Mrs Fenton walks in as the closet door comes out and the other Danny walks out with Tucker. "I don't know what has come over Jazz. Danny, be a dear and show her that you're alright." She said. "I'm more than alright! I'm Danny Fenton!" He exclaimed while I facepalmed. Mrs Fenton smiles then leaves the room while Danny leaves the room. 

We walk out behind Mrs Fenton out into the hall and see that the other Danny was walking down the stairs with the catcher. Tucker takes off his hat and shoves it into Mrs Fenton's face as she turned to face the stairs.

"Hey, does this smell funny to you?" He asked her. "Tucker, I don't have time for this. And you really should really check on that problem dandruff." She replied thrn she looks and sees Danny on the stairs. "Danny, the Ghost Catcher can wait! You need to talk to your sister!" She said. Danny sighs heavily and sets the catcher down and begins to walk back up the stairs.

But then the green eyes Danny and Mr Fenton start to walk out of Jazz's room. "Danny! Hide!" Sam, Tucker and I shouted. The Danny with Mr Fenton goes and hides behind Mr Fenton while the Danny walking up the stairs jumps off to the side of the stairscase. "Uh, ready or not, here we come?" Tucker said, questionably. Then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Mr and Mrs Fenton said. Turns out it was the police returning the Family Assualt Vehicle, which was pushed into the lake by the Dannys back at the pier.

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