Chapter 59: Cape Canaveral and Gothapalooza

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The shuttle clamps the Fenton Jet in its metal jaws, sending us crashing into the bulkhead. "Going Ghost!" Danny and I shout, we transform and turn the jet intangible, allowing us to escape. Flying out through the bulkhead, we go back to confront the shuttle and throw a couple ineffective ectoblasts at it.

As we hesitates, the shuttle hits us, flattening us up against the windshield. Through the window, I can see the Gem of Life sitting in the pilot's seat. I tap Danny's shoulder and point it out to him. He grins, but before we can do anything about it, the shuttle growls and throws us off.

Plummeting, we hit the airfield so hard we leave a crater. The Fenton Jet swoops down to land nearby as we crawl out of it. "Guys, go, get the gem!" Sam shouted at us through the megaphone.

We fly up to the shuttle again, narrowly missing a snap and grab it by the fin. It tries again to shake us off, but we start climbing up the fuselage. A chunk of the outer hull peels away in Danny's hands. "I always wanted to ride on the Space Shuttle, just not on the outside!" Danny shouted as I look up ahead.

"Hang on!" I said and I push myself towards the front of the shuttle and I phase through the windshield and grab the gem. "Yes!" I exclaimed as I hold up the gem. Danny flies up next to me and said. "Awesome, babe." I smile when immediately the Shuttle reverts to its inanimate form, halting and falls straight down. By the looks of it, it's going to land on the Fenton Jet. 

Danny goes intangible and flies into the shuttle cockpit, sitting at the controls. I phase through the windshield as well and stand next to him. "Do you even know how to fly this?" I asked him. "I've run the simulation a million times on my computer." He replied.

"Well, I guess it's better than nothing." I said as Danny jabs at various buttons and switches, activating the landing gear. I grab onto hsi chair as the shuttle approaches the jet, but it narrowly misses. Danny releases the parachutes and brings the shuttle to a safe landing. He slumps tiredly, smiles briefly at the controls. "Way to go, Danny!" I exclaimed and kissed his cheek. He smiles and takes my hand and the two of us fly back outside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the eagle has landed intact!" Danny announced and I just shake my head at him with a smile on my face. 

"Attention Daniel Fenton and (y/n) (l/n), AKA Danny Phantom and the Ghost Girl. Give yourselves up!" One of the Guys and White orders over a megaphone. Two GiW jets start approaching, one of them firing a torpedo at the Fenton Jet. Danny and I shield our faces as there was a blue-white explosion, sending debris everywhere. 

However, Sam and Tucker spring out of the smoke cloud on a pair of motorcarts, perfectly safe and sound. "Yes!" Danny and I exclaimed while the agents fire more torpedos and Sam and Tucker drive to evade them, Danny and I zoom after them in the air. Placing a hand on their carts, we make them intangible and we all sink through the tarmac.

We phase back up on a roadway in the middle of nowhere. I pull out the Gem of Life as Danny pulls out the Thermos. "Let's just put you someplace where your ghostly energy can't get out." I said as I drop the gem into the device. "One Reality Gem found, two to go." 

"We'll never make it across the country in time on these things!" Sam scoffs. Flying over, Danny pushes a button on Sam's dashboard. The cart converts itself into a hovercraft and Sam smiles. "And now we will." He said then he offers his crooked arm to me and said. "Shall we?" I nod and take his arm while Tucker converts his cart as well, and the four of us sail off into the sunset.

"Can you hurry it up, Tucker? We're on a deadline. Emphasis on dead." Sam said, her arms crossed her shoulders and an annoyed look on her face while Danny and I finished our dinner. We stopped at a restaurant called Good Eatin' All-Nite Bar-B-Que Restaurant for the night and, of course, Tucker was taking his time to eat. "We have to eat, Sam. And I'm a meat connoisseur in the land of barbeque and bacon fat." Tucker said as he picks up a whole fried chicken and begins to eat.

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