Chapter 66: Girl's Night Out

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Danny and I were flying up along a building, away from Johnny 13. Johnny was a ghost Danny had to deal with almost a year ago when Johnny was trying to get Jazz to switch places with his girlfriend, Kitty. Johnny was shooting ecto-beams at us when Danny and I fire our own ecto-beams back at him. 

"So, Johnny! You work alone now? Finally ditched that stupid..." Danny said just as we get grabbed by the Shadow in both hands, tackling us. Danny screams. "SHADOOOOOOOW!" Then the shadow grabs onto a pole and flings both of us away like a slingshot. We skipped across some rooftops until we crashed into a billboard about Vlad. "Eck, talk about urban blight." I muttered just as the Shadow grabs both of us and floats next to Johnny. 

"What do you want, Johnny?" Danny asked him.

"Relax, kid, relax! I'm just blowing off some steam." Johnny assured us. "Me and Kitty had a spat. What do you do when you and this ghost chick have a lover's quarrel?" Johnny asked him.  "" Danny stammers as I raise an eyebrow at Johnny. "Well, I mean, we rarely get into arguments but....all I can say Johnny is give her some space, calm down for awhile then you go and talk to her." I said to him.

Johnny thinks about this for a moment until he said. "Fair enough. Well, I'm gone." He starts his bike as Danny points at the Shadow. "And take Dork of Darkness with you!" Danny said. Shadow growls at him but he sets us down. "See ya on the flip side, love birds! Thanks for the game." Johnny said and he drives away. The Shadow glares at us for a moment before he flies away....until Danny raises a finger up and shoots out an ecto-beam at Shadow's backside. I rolled my eyes and the two of us fly off. 

The next day, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Mr and Mrs Fenton and I were standing outside of the Fenton's house. Apparently, Danny and Mr Fenton were about to have a father son fishing trip. "Danny! Chop, chop, boy! We've got a busy day!" Mr Fenton exclaimed. "Fishing is a busy day?" Jazz asked, unimpressed.

"Oh, you betcha baby! Floating, napping, eating snacks out of a cooler! Heh heh, it's not for the weak." Mr Fenton replied as Danny walks out of the house, wearing overalls and carrying fishing poles and a tackle box. "It's a guy thing, Jazz. You wouldn't understand." He said as he walks over to the RV to put the stuff up. "Thank goodness!" Jazz said.

"I think I'll bring along my famous FlapJack Fentons!" Mr Fenton said as he pulls a fork out of his pocket then pulls out a stack of pancakes out of his other pocket. I gag at this, wondering how long those have been in his pockets. "Anybody want some?" He asked us.

"No, thanks!" Jazz said.

"Already ate." Sam said

"Allergies." Tucker stated

"Not hungry." I said while Mr Fenton begins to eat the pancakes. 

Danny puts up the stuff in the RV as we walk over to him. "I told Danny not to worry, if anything ghostly happens today, we four will handle it!" Jazz said, happily, as she hugs Tucker, Sam and I. "Uh, we three will handle it. Heck not even that since (y/n) has powers, she might be able to do it herself." Sam said. "Yeah, but I wouldn't mind having you guys around." I replied, making Sam and Tucker smile.

"You just can't accept I'm apart of your ghost fighting team, can you?" Jazz asked Sam. "Who said you were a part of our team?" Sam remarked back. "I rest my case!" Jazz said, in a sort of snotty voice. Then she turns to her brother, hands the Thermos to him and said. "Here you go, Danny. Just in case." 

"Jazz, c'mon! I need to know that you guys can get along!" Danny said as he accepts theThermos. "Me?! How is this my problem?" Jazz asked, angrily. "Don't look at me! I'm already on the team!" Sam said while Jazz glares at her. "C'mon guys! Lighten up!" I said. Jazz and Sam continue to glare at each other and they walk away. Tucker shrugs as I groan and turn to face Danny. "You'll keep them together, right?" Danny asked me. "You're asking alot from me, aren't you?" I asked him, teasingly. He chuckles as he walks closer to me. "But I'll try my best." I said. "I believe you can do it." Danny said, encouragingly. I let out a small chuckle.

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