Chapter 48: Micro-Management

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It was early in the morning when the boys, Sam and I went for a jog. We were doing this because we had to pass the Presidents test on physical fitness. Tucker and Danny looked like they were struggling while Sam was doing fantastic.

I was doing pretty good, better than the boys at least. "So, how's the four minute mile coming, Tucker?" Danny asked Tucker, in between gasps of air. Tucker looks at his stopwatch and said. "Nine minutes and counting, dude." Sam turns to me and said. "Watch this."

Then she starts running backwards and pass the boys. "This is just embarrassing." Tucker said, annoyed, as I pass the two boys as well. "I know! How are you two going to pass the President's test on physical fitness if you can't even pass me or (y/n)?" Sam asked. "So what? I have super powers. Why should I even care?" Danny asked just as an ecto-blast doors from the sky at us. 

We all fall down on our backs as we look up to see Skulker hovering in the sky. "Hello, ghost children. I saw you two running and thought Hey, I should give them something to run from!" Skulker said to us then Danny and I raised our hands and shot out ecto beams at him, taking out his wings. "Ha! Let's see the president do that!" Danny shouts as we go ghost and fly after Skulker.

Skulker, who is still screaming, flies into a dumpster, which closes from the impact. His head pops up from the dumpster, and he notices us racing towards him. We fly straight at Skulker, and use our hands to shoot another ecto-blast which hits the dumpster. 

Skulker is thrown from the dumpster then he flips into a wall upside-down with a grunt. He quickly gets to his knees and turns to look at us. Danny fires off another ecto-blast with his right hand and hits the wall behind Skulker.

Skulker ducks out of the way, only to be hit by several other blast from Danny and I, which break his left forearm and right foot to expose sparking wires. Skulker falls to his side, unable to maintain balance. He looks back to us as we land in front of him a few feet away.

"Dang, Skulker, without your suit you're pretty powerless." I said. 

"Maybe you need to learn to rely on your natural abilities!" Danny remarked.

"Tucker, hurry up!" Sam shouted. Tucker runs up to her, holding the thermos, still gasping for air. Sam grabs it and aims the thermos at Skulker. "No, no, no!" he shouts as he gets sucked into the thermos. Sam hands the thermos to Danny and said. "Speaking of natural abilities..."

At the gym in Casper High, Danny was hanging on to one of the bars to do a pull up, but he looked like he was struggling. "I think I liked fighting Skulker better. How many is that?" Danny asked after he pulled up. "One." Tucker replied while Sam runs up to the bar next to him, does several pulls up and jumps off as she does a flip and lands on her feet. "Hey Danny!" she said as he walks backwards again while I walk up to the bar and do some pull ups and Danny falls to the ground.

It seemed almost everyone was struggling with this fitness test. Some couldn't do pull ups or sit up or they would lose their breaths just for running a few feet. Tucker and I were by the ropes watching Danny climb it but he was only about half way up until he fell on his butt.

"Listen up people! This is the worst display of physical fitness in all my days at Casper High!" Ms Tetslaff said as she was eating a huge sandwich off her shoulder. "Says the woman who's eating a two foot long sandwhich." I whispered to the boys, making them chuckle.

Then Ms Tetslaff blows her whistle at us and said. "Apparently the only thing funny here is HOW MUCH YOU'RE BRINGING DOWN YOUR CLASS AVERAGE!" She shouted. "Now (l/n), you seem to do just fine but you boys, I'm going to have to assign you two fitness buddies." She said then she looks to her side. 

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