Chapter 72: Claw Of The Wild

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"Summer Camp....How great is this? We can go hiking, and canoeing, and exploring. I can't believe you guys aren't excited." Sam said to us as we sit on the bus heading to Summer Camp, like Sam said. She was sitting with Tucker, and their seat was across from mine and Danny's seat. "Oh, I'm really excited. Now instead of spending five days a week with these losers, I get to spend two whole months." Danny said, sarcastically, as someone threw a paper airplane. 

"I can't wait to show you all the wonders nature has to offer." Sam said, excitedly. "Does it offer a movie theater? Or a video arcade?" Danny asked her. I shake my head as Tucker replies. "Don't worry, Danny. You bring the anti-venom serum, I'll bring the arcade." Then he holds up two handheld games and a game box for Rain Forest Demolition II. "Here's all the nature we need." He said as he hands the game to Danny. "Rain Forest Demolition II? Oh-ho sweet! Who wants to help me build a virtual Fenton Acres?" Danny exclaimed. I just rolled my eyes as Sam said. "I'll stick to the real thing, thanks." Then she pulls up a brochure and reads it just as the bus starts to pull up to a very cryptic, very abandoned camp.

"Good choice." Tucker said as the bus stops by the mess hall, which is just as run-down as everything else. All of us get off the bus, our backpacks full of clothes strapped to our backs, and look up at it. "Well, the brochure may be outdated, but at least that sign's accurate." I said, pointing out the Mess Hall sign. 

Next to us was a sign that says Camp Skull and Crossbones on beautiful Lake Eerie. "Creepy with two E's alright. In fact, this may qualify for three." Tucker said, worridley. "Come on, you guys. There's nothing scary about this place." Sam reassured us. 

"Hello, pioneers." a voice greeted.

And then Mr Lancer and Ms Tetslaff emerge out of the Mess Hall. "Mr. Lancer? Ms. Tetslaff? What are you doing here?" Danny asked them while our classmates muttered. "Please say Just passing through. Please say Just passing through."

"Children, relax. For the next eight weeks, we're not your teachers." Mr Lancer replied and everyone let's put a sigh of relief. "Better: We're your counselors! So our hold over you no longer stops at 3:00 in the afternoon. It lasts the whole, entire, live-long day." Ms Tetslaff said. "Before I burst into tears at the thought of my lost summer, can you tell us where the bathrooms are?" Mikey asked her. "There aren't any." She replied and everyone gasped in horror. 

"Call of the Wild!" Mr Lancer exclaimed.

"Suck it up, Lancer. You're in the wilderness. All the world's your bathroom." She said as she hands a roll of toilet paper to Lester, and he and Mikey walk into the woods.

"I heard this camp is haunted." Kwan said, nervously. 

"Me too. They say there's a monster in the woods at Lake Eerie." Dash said.

"And two in the lake." Paulina said and the rest of the students begin to talk amongst themselves.

"Just what we need: Amateur ghost stories." Danny remakes, sarcastically. Then Ms Tetslaff blows her whistle. "Pipe down, campers. This camp is definitely not haunted." She shouts. 

But then we heard someone screaming. We turn and see Mikey running towards us. "There's a ghost monster in the woods, and it took Lester!" He screams and everyone gasps in fear.

After Ms Tetslaff gave Mikey a blanket, she said. "There are no monsters at this camp!" 

"Tell that to the beast that just ate Lester." Mikey yelled. "Beast? How big is a beast compared to a monster, anyone?" Lancer asked, worried.

"We should check out the woods." I said to Tetslaff. "Negative. This camp is now under lockdown. Everyone report to their cabins. Mr. Lancer and I will search for, uh, Lester's remains." She said and Lancer and Mikey scream in fear. "It's OK. We'll find Lester. Lancer and Tetslaff won't ruin the whole summer. We can still have fun." Sam said as her eye twitches.

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