Chapter 37: Leave Your Kids, Come To The Cuirse

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"Your parents ditched you too?" Tucker asked Sam and I the next day at school. After I went home, I also found a note and a brochure from my parents saying they went on a curise. 

I nod at Tucker as Sam says. "Yep, my parents are gone. And just because I like saying it, I'll say it again my parents are gone!" She raises her arms in the air as I say. "It's like this cruise is attracting every adult in town."  

"And my sister who thinks she's an adult." Danny remarked and I chuckle at this. "Think of it as the hand pushing the party on the air." Sam said while Danny and I give her a confused look. "Party? What party?" We asked her. She smiles and holds up a flyer for us to read. "Providing alternate radio to you!" She reads as Danny and I look at the flyer. "P.A.R.T.Y!" She cheers as Tucker comes up next to her and says. "We ain't got no alibi!"

"You already made up a logo?" I asked them. "And I got our first sponsor." Tucker replied as he holds up a bag from the Nasty Burger. "Plus all the Nasty burgers I can eat!" He said and he pulls out a burger and begins to eat. "This is serious, guys! There's something suspicous about this cruise!" Danny said as he grabs the flyer and the Nasty Burger bag and throws them away in a nearby trash can. "I can't focus on the party with my parents out of town." He said. "I can." Sam said as the four of us head to class. 

Later that night, Danny, in his ghost form, and I fly towards the port where we see a ship with all of our parents and Jazz abroad. He stops and lands on the ground and puts me down as we look out towards the ship. Every single adult was aboard this ship and they all had a smile on their face. 

"Still in port." I said as we hide behind some crates. "Good thing I'm not too late." Danny said and he starts to fly towards the ship while I pull out the ecto-lipstick and head towards the ship as well. But as I got closer to the ship, I heard Danny yelp in pain and I look up to see him being flung away from the ship. "Danny! Are you okay?" I asked him as run back to him. "Yeah, I just can't get aboard!" He said as we look over at the ship. "It's like there's some kind of....ghost shield!" He said, realization hitting him.

"Ye catch on quick for a land lover!" A voice said behind us. We turn around and see Youngblood and a few of his shipmates. "It's lubber." his parrot corrected. "It's lubber? That makes no sense!" Youngblood argued. Then he gestures for his crew to attack us, but I raise the ecto-lipstick and shoot at a couple of them as Danny makes it over to Youngblood.

Danny grabs his collar and said. "Ok, pewee, talk.Tell me what you want with these people or I'll--I'll spank you or something!" I shake my head as Youngblood smiles and said. "I'd love to see you try!" Then his eyes glow red and a red beam shoots out of them and hits Danny, making him fly backwards. I raise the lipstick and aim it at Youngblood but he deflects it. 

Suddenly the ship starts to flicker and turn into a pirate ship then it went back to looking like a cuirse ship. "Arrrg! There's another radio station jamming our transmission. Weigh anchor and set sail! Smartly there swabbies!" Youngblood ordered and a few of his shipmates fly into the ship. "Great, this snot nose punk can get people to follow orders but I can't?" Danny exclaims, angrily, as he walks up next to me. "You just need to know the right words. Watch; Fire!" Youngblood yelled and then some cannonball head towards us. Danny grabs me and flies away as he tries to avoid the oncoming cannons.

Unfortunately, one of them hit us and the both of us fall to the ground and we hit some crates. I open my eyes to see that I was on top of him. He groans as I asked. "Are you okay?" He nods and the both of us stand up and look over and see that the ship disappeared. "Well one things for sure, it's going to be awfully quiet at my house tonight." Danny said. 

We make it to Danny's house and we heard what sounded like music was playing. He opens it after he turns human, and we see our entire class dancing around the room, lights blinking different colors and music blasting. "Not getting invited to a party is one thing. But not getting invited to party at my own house!" Danny exclaims. "I know that's a new low." I remarked and both of us run towards the giant stereo and pull the plug but the music was still playing. "Hey, where's the music coming from?" Danny asked. I look up towards the roof and said. "I think its coming from up there. You don't think..?" I trailed off as I look over at Danny. He shrugs and the two of us head upstairs towards the emergency ops center.

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