Chapter 58: Bring Me My Gems, If You Ever Want To See Your Families Alive Again

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Everyone is chattering and starts climbing up to the stage to approach Danny and I. Danny pushes me behind him as the crowd starts to gather around us. Suddenly, Tucker and Sam dive in to guard us, staving off the crowd with the drum stool and a microphone. "Back! Back, savages!" Tucker exclaimed. "Well, uh, it, could be worse?" Sam said to us, nervously. "Really? How?" Danny asked her, annoyed.

"Nobody move!" A voice called out. We look up and saw that it was the Guys in White as the land down on the stage and approach us, guns raised. "You two are coming in for questioning." The white skinned agent said. "And experiments. Lots and lots of really painful experiments." said the black skinned agent. "I don't think so! Tucker, Sam grab hold of us." Danny said and Tucker grabs hold of my arm and Sam grabs hold of Danny's arm. 

"I'm Going Ghost!" Danny and I exclaimed as we transforms and fly off to the crowd cheering and chanting mine and Danny's name. "Guys, you're rock stars." Tucker said but tlsuddenly Danny and I revert in midair. "Who can't do anything!" I said and we plummet, screaming, back to the stage.

All of sit up as Danny and I place a hand on our heads. "That Reality Gauntlet explosion must have messed with our ghost powers." said Danny. Sam looks out into the crowd and said. "I'll get us out of here." She grabs Danny and I by the shirt, then she flings us out into the crowd. "Mosh pit!" She shouts.

Cheering, the crowd helps us crowdsurf away. Sam grabs the Reality Gauntlet book and she and Tucker quickly follow us. We, then, disappeared into the mass of people. The agents fly by overhead, as we crawl out the back of the audience and run for it.

We hide behind the locker room and look back to see if we were being followed, when we were yanked inside. The lights come up in the dark locker room to reveal that our unlikely rescuers are Paulina and the football team. "You're...helping us?" Danny asked them. "Well, duh! You two only been helping us for like, ever!" Dash exclaimed. "Well that explains when you told me you were seeing someone." Paulina said, her arms crossed her chest as she glares at me. I rolled my eyes when Dash suggested to dress us up. 

Danny put on a football player uniform, Tucker puts on the mascot suit and Sam and I put on the cheerleading outfits. All of us walk out, our faces covered, as we see the Guys in White trying to find us. 

We walk into the woods when Tucker and Danny take off their helmets while Sam and I pull the pompoms down off of our face. "I want that back by Monday---minus the goth sweat." Paulina said to Sam. "We don't sweat, we simmer!" Sam shouts at her then I grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her away.

After we change to our normal clothes, we head over to Danny's house. Danny peeks around the corner from the alleyway we were standing in, scoping out the street. "Ok, we'll have to split up. Sam, you and (y/n) go to (y/n)'s house and get her stuff. Tucker and I can zip in, get my stuff--" 

"Then what? Run away from home?" Tucker asked him. "Well, what choice do we have? The whole world knows our secret!" I said to him. "But if I can get the Gauntlet, I can change reality so that none of this ever happened." Danny said as we walk in his house. "Believe me, it'll be better for everyone if (y/n) and I just--uh, disappear?" He said as we stop and see a squad of armed and armored Guys in White, then a couple of them seized Sam and Tucker. "For those still counting, that's three times we've been grabbed today." Sam informed us.

"Humans are secure. Take down the ghost children!" One of the agents ordered. "Where are my mom and dad? What have you done with them?" Danny asked them, angrily, but they don't answer him.

"Daniel Fenton and (y/n) (l/n), in accordance with the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act, Article 1, Section 1, Sub-section A, you two are under arrest." Another agent said.
"I'm only gonna say this once. Let my friends go, and get out of my house!" Danny shouted at them.

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