Chapter 35: You Wanted Fenton DNA

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I slowly regain consciousness as I open my eyes and looks around the room. "Uh ah, where am I?" I asked myself as I look to see I'm in some sort of surgery room. I try to move but I feel restrain. "Save it kid! Those restrants are ghost proof, you're in for the duration." Bertrand said as he floats towards me. "Somebody tell me what's happening here!" I shouted when suddenly a bright light shines upon my face. I blink several times to adjust my sight as I look up to see a familiar shadowy figure. "Allow me,  you know how we therapists love to talk it all out."

"Spectra?" I said as I glare at her.


Outside of the hospital, Tucker was hiding behind the bushes as he observes the old building. "Spooky hospital, ghost gaurding the joint, still no sign that Danny's in any real danger yet." Tucker said to himself.

"LET ME GO!" he hears Danny shout.

"Still technically not a cry for help." Tucker reassures himself.  


"Well not a cry for me." Tucker said, smiling to himself.


Tucker sighs as he says. "Ah dang." But he musters up the courage and heads towards the hospital. He stands in front of the guards and starts to spray them with his cologne. The two guards start to cough. "Oh please, you guys are ghosts. Do you have any idea what you smell like?" Tucker asked them before he aims the lipstick and fires ecto-beams at them. "Don't worry Danny, the cavalries coming! Whether he wants to or not." He said and he begins to sneak into the hospital.

Afterwhile, Tucker looks around the building, trying to find Danny when he heard a voice say. "Tucker? Is that you?" He turns around to see you standing behind him, holding a string. "(Y/N)? Thank goodness you're okay! But why are you holding onto that string?" Tucker asked you.

"Up here." He heard Sam's voice from above. He looks up to see Sam floating up above with a rope wrapped around her waist. "Sam. Ha, and you call me an air head." Tucker joked. "You know you should really stop and consider all the vile things I could do to you from up here." Sam warned which caused Tucker to step to the side.

"I think Danny's really in trouble, have you two seen him?" Tucker asked you two. "A while ago, but we fell asleep and when we woke up he was gone." Sam said. "There's something evil happening here." You say to him.

"It's a hospital, girls. There's always something evil happening here. We have to find Danny." Tucker said to you two.

"Unfortunately, I think "we" means "you two." I'm pretty useless and there are cameras and guards everywhere." Sam said. Tucker walks up to a wall and sees a vent. "Not in there. Push that vent open." Tucker instructs as you take Sam over to the vent.

Sam pulls the vent open as Tucker pulls an IV stand and takes your end of the string and ties it to the stand. Sam places her hands on her hips as you go place a chair underneath the vent. Tucker gestures for you to go ahead and you jump inside. Tucker jumps inside next then turns back to Sam and said. "If we're not back in 5 minutes, just...float there, okay?" Sam rolls her eyes as the two of you venture on in the vents.


"What do you want?" I asked Spectra. "What everybody wants Danny and for me that means being beautiful." She replied as she pushes me towards a cabinet. "That's why I'm assembling this! A brand new me, fashioned by only the best teen genetics." She exclaimed as she opens the cabinet to reveal her new body, which look like her old self only with a new costume.

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