Chapter 56: You Wanna Ask Questions? Or Do You Wanna Kick Some Butt?

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I groaned as I opened my eyes and see that I'm trapped inside of a cube. I look around and see Danny was the same way, trapped inside a cube. We look ahead and see Vlad standing in front of us. I look over and see a computer that was showing different videos of me or Danny going ghost. "You've been spying on us?" I asked Vlad. "Okay, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You really are one seriously crazed up fruit loop!" Danny sneered at him.

"A fruit loop would have been able to make his first million with a series of invisible burglaries. A fruit loop would never have thought to overshadow enough millionaires to become the richest man on the planet. I. Am. Not. A. Fruit. Loop! And I am not a villain. All I wanted was love." Vlad said and he presses a button to a nearby pod to reveal an exact clone of Danny. "It's taken months, and the good clone still needs more time before they can accept your DNA." Vlad said to us. 

"So those ghosts..." I said as the little green ball ghost floats around. "Bad clones. Mistakes." Vlad replied as the green light grows into a very sloppy clone of Danny. He growls at us as his eye falls out and lands on the floor then turns into green goo. "And I would watch a hundred more failures devolve into ectoplasm to get the perfect half clone ghost son." Vlad said.

"Oh yeah. Nothing loopy about that." Danny said, sarcastically. "I know, right?" I chuckled.

"Are you two under the impression that you're getting out of this? I need a DNA sample of you two mid-morphing to complete my work." Vlad said. He snaps his finger and the clone turns back into a small green ball then duplicates itself and one of them flies straight into Danny. I gasped as Danny's face begins to contort as he tries to fight the clone from overshadowing him. "Danny!" I shouted. "Get out of me!" Danny shouted then he lets out a yell then smacks his face forward before he raises it up, his eyes fully green. Then the second clone flies into me and I begin to struggle with the clone overshadowing me. "And then you two will be obsolete." Vlad said.

Afterwhile, Danny and I were put inside two containment chambers. Vlad chained us up inside then he closed the chamber and walked away as a hologram of Mrs Fenton stood by. She places her hand on the dial of the main control panel and turns it. Immediately, I felt something electric running through my body. I scream out as I felt myself turning into a ghost. No! I must...resist! I thought as I forced myself to turn back human but it was like an internal struggle was going on inside of me.

I grit my teeth as I keep fighting the shocks, that seemed to be going up higher and higher in voltage, until the chambers exploded. I fall out of the chamber on my hands and knees. I turn my head to see Danny has changed into a ghost and he looks over at me. "(Y/N)." He said, weakly, as he walks over to me. He helps me up as I go ghost as well and the two of us fly out of the lab. 


"Agh! I will--Danielle." Vlad said as he turns to face me. "How-how long have you been floating there?" He asked me. "Am I an imperfetion? A mistake?" I asked him, tears streaming down my face. "What? Haha dearest, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the other clones." Vlad said and he gestures over to the pods and one of the clones falls down then suddenly he melts into goo. I let out a shriek as Vlad said. "I know. It's horrible, isn't it? That's why I need Daniel's and (y/n)'s DNA. To stabilize you. My greatest creation." He places a hand on my shoulder as I ask. "Really?"

"Uh huh." He said, turning his head away. Then he smiles and looks over at me. "But here's what I need you to do."


Danny and I phase up to a room in and looked around. "Which way should we--" I started to say before the both of us were blasted away and slammed against a wall. "You're not goin' anywhere." Danielle said and she raises her hands to blast us again but Danny summons a ecto dome around us to block the blast. "Stop fighting. I know you two are too weak to beat me." She said as she raises her glowing hands. "We're not gonna fight you." I said. "Every time we fight a clone they turn to goop." Danny said.

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