Chapter 76: Phantom Planet

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"What a glorious morning. Defeating Frostbite and pilvering the all powerful Infi-map. If this keeps up I should be ruling the galaxy by lunch." Vlad said as he holds up the Infi-map with a smile.

Then a beam shoots Vlad's space helmet, he turns to see that the Specter Speeder comes up behind him, with you, Danny, Tucker and Sam inside. "Kitchen's closed, Plasmuis! Give us back the map!" Danny orders as Tucker keeps shooting at Vlad. You and Danny walk into the back and Danny pulls a lever that closes a door between you, him and the other two. You and Danny put on a space helmet as you said. "Let's rock!"

"3...2...1...Punch it!" Sam said as she slams her fist down on the button, the door opens which you and Danny fly out of. Vlad fires ectoplasmic beams at you two several times. "I know you're a lost guy, Vlad, but no map is going to help you find your way." Danny said. "Yeah, you need therapy for that." You quip as you two shoot ecto beams at Vlad, who blocks it with a ecto shield. The ecto beam bounces off the shield and hits a meteor near him. You create a giant snow ball and throw it at Vlad, freezing him.

Danny turns intangible and reaches through the ice and grabs the Infi-map. "Seriously Dude." Danny said as Tucker drives the Specter Speeder through you and Danny, and he stopped once you two were in the back. Danny sticks his head through the door. "Therapy." he said and The Specter Speeder takes off. Vlad breaks the ice off, freeing himself. Then he chases the Specter Speeder and shoots ecto beams at it. His beams hit his satellite and then one of them hits a fuel tank, causing a fire.

"The fusion reactor! If the flames reach it, it will explode!" Vlad exclaimed and he goes intangible and flies into the satellite. He phases in to a space ship, similar to the Specter Speeder. "Taking my map, destroying my satellite, mocking my mental health, I think it's time I finally finished off Danny Phantom and Shadow Girl once and for all." He said as he takes off and his satellite explodes. 


Danny, Sam, Tucker and I were walking along the street as Sam said. "Ah, home sweet home. Nothing like good ol' solid terra firma."

"I thought you liked being in space, Sam. All that infinite darkness everywhere." I said to her.

"Yeah. Well, I like my darkness with a little more oxygen and a lot less asteroids." she replied.

"Still, it's cool we were able to help out Frostbite. I bet he'll be glad to get his map back." Tucker said as he holds up the Infi-map.

"Yeah. We'll return it to him as soon as we can. But right now, though, I'm with Sam. It's good to be back to where things are normal." Danny said when suddenly we were interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice on a megaphone. A voice we all knew meant total humiliation.

"Attention, Amity Park! The Fentons are on patrol! Rest assured--the streets are safe!" Mr Fenton said as the RV loses control and starts skidding. It slips to the right and rams a yellow fire hydrant on the sidewalk. It only leaks at the bottom for a few seconds but then pressure builds up to the point where the hydrant is blasted into the air by the water, and now there is a geyser in its place. "Uh, city water supply A-Okay." He said. "Yep, normal." I said, sarcastically.

Then mine and Danny's ghost sense goes off as we see The doors of a nearby electronics store blew up and behind the smoke was the shadow of a familiar ghost and the shadows of some electronic devices hovering with him. "Nothing like a lazy day of shopping, lattes and terrorizing minimum-wage workers." Technus said as he hovers on the customer side of the cashier counter. The cashier was cowering at Technus. The scientific specter then put his head closer to the cashier. "Boo." He said and the cashier screamed like a girl as he ran away in fear.

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