Chapter 23: Haunted House Competition

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"And by fuse you meant totally rip off?" Sam asked Danny. We were at the old abandoned building that Dash and Danny had to build their haunted houses. And I love Danny but....he's house is kinda lame.

There's rubber purple spiders hanging off the roof, hay stuffed skeletons hanging on the right, a throne was displayed at the end of the room and Danny even tore stuffed animal heads and placed them on some stands. There was also a makeshift brick fireplace with a paper fire taped in a stand with a pile of purple skulls lying next to it and a white sheet resembling a ghost hanging on top with three word BOO painted on it in orange letters.

"Well, it's not about being original, it's about not eating Dash's underwear." Danny replied as he heads over to his Fright Knight dummy, goes ghost and over shadows the dummy. "I AM THE FRIGHT KNIGHT! TREMBLE BEFORE THROUGH SOUL SHREDDER!" Danny said in a gruff voice and he pulls out a yellow balloon sword, jumps over to me and bops the sword on my head making it squeak. "It slices, It dices, it creates your worst fear!" He said in a salesman as he continues to bop me with the squeaking sword. "Now, how much would ya pay?" He asked.
"For this thing? About 59 cents." I replied as I pinch the sword.

"Well, if you guys will excuse me." Tucker said as Danny sets the dummy back in the throne and flies out of the dummy and turns human. "I'm a little Ltd to start scamming some free candy. Got my route planned out for OCP." Tucker replied as he shows us on his PDA. "Optimum Chocolate Payload. You want to stay clear of the red zone. Nothing but fresh fruit and granola bars in the red zone." Tucker said.

"So where's your costume?" Sam asked him. Tucker then pulls out a pair of glasses with a big nose and puts it over his glasses while Sam, Danny and I exchange glances at one another. "Gotta travel light if you wanna maximize your haul. C'mon, baby! Hit me with something sweet!" Tucker exclaimed as he walks out of the building but as he opens the door he suddenly gets covered in green foam and is flown backwards.

Then Danny's parents walk in, both with their hhoods on and carrying bazooka. "Haha! Look at that, baby! The Fenton Foamer works like a charm!" Jack exclaimed.

"I know! There's was a ghost reading u  this very room seconds ago and now the room is clean!" Maddie said as she looks around the room.

"Speak for yourself. If anybody needs me, I'll be in a different doorway every 38 seconds." Tucker said as he stomps out of the building. "Isn't he a little old to be walking around in public in a stupid costume?" Jack asked Maddie.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" Danny asked them.

"Decontaminating the area, son!" Maddie replied, happily.

"You know ecto storms always flare up around Halloween, Danny." Jack said.

"This is all very riveting and by riveting I mean Dull with a capital D, but I need you guys to leave before Lancer thinks you're helping me." Danny said as he points over his shoulder with his thumb.

"Lancer? Hey, this isn't some sort of anti detention project, is it?" Jack asked Danny, suspiciously.

"No! No, no, no! Um, I'm just starting to get interested in ghosts, like my old man!" Danny said as he walks his parents out of the building. Jack smiles proudly at Danny and starts to cry with joy.
"Finally! If I didn't consider it a sign of weakness, I'd weep with joy!" He exclaimed and the both of them walk out the door.

Danny let's out a breath and transforms to Danny Phantom. "Decorated room, faked out parents, only thing left to do is to check out what Dash's lame theme is then spend the rest of three night gloating!" Danny exclaims as he flies downwards while Sam and I shake our head at this.

"Ugh boys! Can't live with them, can't live without them." I said as I roll my eyes and Sam chuckles.

"But seriously what do you think of his haunted house?" Sam asked as she puts air quotes on Haunted house. I look over the room and sigh. "I hate to say it but it's really lame and I'm afraid he is gonna end up eating Dash's underwear. I told him I could help but he said he wanted to do it on his own." I said.

Sam smiles at me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. Maybe Dash has a lame haunted house and who knows maybe Danny will win." Sam said. I take a deep breath and look up at her and smile. "Your right, Sam. I've gotta stay positive! Hopefully everything will be all right!" 

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