Chapter 75: D-Stabilized

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(A/N: I know Valerie got the suit upgrade from Technus but I didn't do Flirting with Disater, for reason, so in my story she got the upgrade from Vlad and she's convinced her dad to continue her Ghost Hunting. Anyway on with the story.)


"Finally, I'm back." I said as I emerge from a group of boxes. Then I look in window, and see my reflection. "Uh-oh. Whoa, that's one scary ghost. I got to get to Danny and (y/n) fast." I said then start flying, slowly. "Or slow, slow’s good. Or slower, even slower's better." I said, sarcastically and I stop flying. Then my feet start to dissolve. "Ahh! I just hope Danny and (y/n) can help me!" I muttered then I re-absorb my feet. "I can't let him find me!" I said as I look around the alleyway. "Okay, pull yourself together Danielle. Vlad is all the way in Colorado. There's no way he can know you here." I said to myself as I fly up and fly over the town.

I land on a nearby alleyway next to an apple stand. I step to the side and turn back human. "If I wanna reach Danny and (y/n), I’ve gotta keep up my strength!" I said as I look at the nice delicious looking apple's. I turn out both pockets of my shorts, but I don't have any money. I sighed and I turn to the stand and hold up my hands. "I hate to do this, but…" I muttered and I turn my hands intangible, then reach into the apple stand to grab some apples.

The man turns to me and said, angrily. "Alright, let me see your hands!!" I raise my arms, my sleeves empty as if I had no hands. "Aaaah!" The man screamed and he runs away while I walk around the corner, into the alley, taking out the two apples I nabbed and bite into one.

Suddenly I heard an alarm and I spit out the apple and drop them as I look up and see a suited up figure, hovering up above me. Uh oh a Hunter! "Don’t worry, kid! I’m not gonna let some little ghost freak get ya! Hold on!" She said and I begin to run away and into an abandoned building.

I run behind a white clothed table just as the huntet enters, using a light on her helmet to see as she walks foward. "Listen, kid. I know you’re in here. And I know something evil is hunting you!" she said as she looks around the building. "Yeah, no kidding!" I muttered as I duck from the light. "But I can protect you if you just trust me and come out!" she said as she walks deeper into the room then the beam falls down.

Sand trickles down as the building begins falling apart. I let out a small yelp then I get up and transform into my ghost form as I rush towards the hunter. I grab her before turning us intangible just as two huge wooden planks fall where we were standing. I fly us through the wooden wall of the collapsing house and landed safely outside.

She recoils from me, staring at my ghost form in shock. "Huh? You’re—you’re a girl and a ghost?!" She asked, shocked. "And you’re welcome." I said with a smile. "The ghost girl!" The hunter exclaimed as she stands up. "Yeah, but you can just call me Dani!" I said as I stand up and hold my hand out to her. "Oh, I will." she growls then she takes out a red, glowing instrument that traps my hands together in it's red glow. "Dani Phantom!" she said and I stare at her in fear.

"Let me go!" I shouted. "Not on your afterlife, ghost girl!" the hunter said. I struggle in my restraints and my hands start to melt. "That’s what I’m afraid of...What are you going to do with me?!" I asked her. "Me? I’m not doing anything with you. I’ve got you all bundled up for delivery to Vlad Masters." she said. 

"You’re working for Vlad?! He’ll destroy me!" I exclaimed. "Ha! That’s a good one! He told me the only reason you came out of the Ghost Zone was to destroy him!" she said to me, angrily. "What?! No! He’s lying!" I said.

"Vlad Masters is a good man! He has never lied to me!" the hunter said as she holds up her phone.

"Are you crazy?! Look at me. Do I look like I could destroy anything?" I asked her and she turns her back on me. "Vlad is evil! And even though I knew he was hunting me, I chanced coming here because I’m dissolving into nothing! Only two people can help me: Danny Phantom and Shadow Girl." I said.

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