Chapter 7: The Dragon Slayer

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​​​​​"Paulina? (Y/N)?" I asked as I stand out side of the bathroom. I walk inside and see the dragon flying off with a person in their hand. I transform into my alter ego and fly after them. Once I met up with the dragon I fly above it and kick it in the back. The dragon falls and crashes into the football field. "Take it easy, Paulina. You don't want to hurt (y/n)." I said as I land but then I noticed something.
Paulina was in the dragons grasp.


I look over to the dragon and come to a disturbing conclusion.

"(Y/N)?!" I asked and (y/n) stands up on her hind legs and shouted. "Shallow girl!"  
"Yep, that's (y/n)." I said and (y/n) breathes fire on me and I go invisible to avoid it, then I reappear when she's done breathing fire. "Whoa! (Y/N)! Two words: breath mints." I said and I fly towards Paulina and grab her out of (y/n)'s hand and she roars at me then hits us with her tail, sending us towards the bleachers.

I turn us invisible and we phase throught them and hit the fence, turning tangible. I look up and see Dash is trying to flirt with another girl and the both of them are staring at us in surprise. "Uh, sorry." I said and at that moment (y/n) picks up a section of bleachers and roars, causing Dash and the girl screaming and running.

"Now, (y/n), be reasonable." I said then my walkie talkie beeps. I pick it up and Tucker's voice speaks. "Danny. Lancer's getting close to your dad." I put the walkie talkie away and look up at (y/n). "I hate to do this, (y/n)." I said and I fly towards her and strain to pick up her tail, then I pull her into the air by it. I swing her around and fling her off into the distance. "Oh, man. Dad!" I exclaimed and I fly back towards the school.

I phase through the wall of the gym and see my folks talking to Mr Lancer. "Jack, this is Mr Lancer." My mom said. Then she continues in a hushed voice. "From the parent teacher conference." I phase throught him to overshadow him. "Right, right. I'm sorry, it's just in this light I thought you were George Clooney. Isn't he sharp, Mom? I mean, Maddie." I said. "Well....Thank you." said Mr Lancer. "Now if you'll Excuse me, I'd like to dance with my wife. That's what we adults do, dance with our wives." I said as I pull mom to the dance floor and we begin to dance.

"Doesn't this bring back memories?" Mom asked me.
"If by memories you mean things you remember that I don't, then yes! Go ahead and remind me of stuff. I'll totally agree to remembering." I said and the music ends and my classmates start to cheer. I figured that was my cue to leave and I leave my dad's body and I fly up to the roof and I see (y/n) coming back. She breathes fire at me three times and all three times she misses. "I hate to say this, but you throw fire like a girl!" I shouted at her and she growls in response.

I pull out the Fenton Fisher and fly towards her. "The Fenton Fisher. It can capture ghosts and dragon ghosts. Way to go, Dad!" I shouted as I cast a line at (y/n) and I wrap it around her neck. She continually breathes fire at me but I dodge them as I keep wrapping the line around her.

Finally I have her wings and arms secure and I let go of the Fisher and she falls to the ground. I fly down next to her and removed the Amulet and she transforms back to her human self  "(y/n)? Are you alright?" I asked her, softly, as I transformed back to a human. She holds her head as she said. "Wow. Did I have fun at the dance?" I chuckled and said. "Well, let's just say you had a roaring time." And she smiles up at me.


Later that night, alot of our classmates have left. Danny, Tucker, Sam and I are standing in the middle of the floor. "Dude, sorry your date didn't pan out. Where is Paulina anyway?" Tucker asked. I looked over to the side and see Dash trying to flirt with her but she doesn't seem interested. I was about to answer Tuck but I changed my mind.

"Ah, who cares? Look! The DJ'S still playing." I said and I turn to face Danny. "And I think there's time for one last dance?" I asked. "Sure, I'd love to. Keep an eye on this, will ya?" Danny said as he hands the Amulet to Tucker, who nods.

Danny takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor and the both of us slow dance together. "Promise me you'll keep your pants up." I said, smiling up at him. "I'll do my best." He said and the both of us laugh and I realize in that moment that what I feel towards Danny isn't an ordinary crush, I think I've fallen in love with him. How the heck am I supposed to tell him?

​​​​​​*DANNY'S POV*

As I'm slow dancing with (y/n), I realize that what I feel towards her is something that's strong. Something stronger than the feeling I had towards Paulina. I think I'm fallen in love with (y/n), but how do I tell her?

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