Chapter 15: Poindexter

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"And all of a sudden, this locker door flies open and nails me."

​​​​​​"I'm gonna be brushing this stuff out of my hair for a week!"

​​​​​​"It's like, this school is haunted."

Danny, Tucker, Sam and I were sitting a few ttables away from the popular kids and all they could talk about was some kind of bad luck happening to them. I glare at Danny and said. "Apparently, someone's been busy." Danny turns to me and says. "It wasn't me, I swear!" Then he turns invisible, I look over and see Dash is about to sit down at the popular table but he stops then he dumps his tray of food in Paulina. A second later, Danny appears next to me. "Now that was me." He said. "Danny, I don't think you should be using your powers like--" I started to say but Sam gasps and said. "Lancer. I'll be right back!" And she runs off. I look over and see Lancer entering the cafeteria as Tucker turns to Danny.

"Don't listen to (y/n), Danny. It's about time somebody struck a blow for Sidney Poindexter." He said and I scowl at him. "Sidney who-dexter?" Danny asked, confused. "Sidney Poindexter. Locker 724 was originally owned by a Poindexter back in the fifties. Poindexter was the victim of more cruel pranks than anybody in the history of Casper High School.

Apparently, picking on him was a graduation requirement. He got stuffed into his locker so many times, it's believed his spirit still inhabits it to this very day." Tucker informed us. We stare at him until Sam walks back to the table, carrying a box of frogs. "Sam, what are you doing?" I asked her. "Nothing. Certainly not trying to smuggle frogs out of the bio lab while Lancer isn't looking." She said, suspiciously, as she sets the box down. 

Suddenly, Danny is pelted in the face with several hamburger patties. "Hey, guys. What do you say we 'meat' my new locker neighbor?" Dash said as he holds more patties in his hand. Danny wipes off the patties and glares at Dash, his eyes glowing green. I place my hands on his shoulder and I whispered. "Easy, Danny. Take it easy." He sighs and turns to face me. "You're right, (y/n). I--" He started to say but he is suddenly pelted with more patties, cheese, veggies, and then a giant loaf of bread that lands on his head.

"Enjoy your sandwich, neighbor." Dash said as he walks away and laughs.

"THAT'S IT!" Danny shouted as he take the bread off his head. "Hmm. I wonder how Dash would feel if he had a frog in his throat." Tucker said. "Or twelve. In his pants." Danny growls as he looks at the box. Sam picks up the box and said. "Oh, no. You're not gonna exploit innocent amphibians for some juvenile revenge scheme." Danny's eye's look indifferent, then they glow green with mischief.

​​​​​​*DANNY'S POV*

I go ghost and see Dash opening his locker. I have the box of frogs in my hands and I smile and turn invisible. I yank open the back of Dash's pants a D I yank his underwear up and over his head. "Hey!" Dash said, then I dump the Frogs into his pants. His head tears through his underwear, and he cries out in pain as he hops down the hallway. I chuckle as he runs away. "You think that's funny, bustet?" I hear an unknown voice say. I open my eyes and see a ghost of a teenager wearing plaid pants, a white shirt with pens in the pocket, a bow tie and glasses.

"Huh? What? You can see me?" I asked.

"Yeah  that's right, bub. Now leave that poor kid alone." He said.

"What? Oh. Oh, man. That's good. Man, do you ever have it backwards." I chuckle as I turn visible.

"Don't had me that jazz, Clyde. You're the bully from where I'm standing." He said. I point at his feet and said. "Uh, floating."  

"Uh, okay. Floating. Let's see how you like getting bullied." He said as he raises his hands and he causes lockers in the hallway to glow green and his eyes turn red as school supplies fly out of the lockers.

"Look, you don't understand." I said.

"I understand a bully when I see one." said the ghost and he shoots out a ghost ray out of his eyes, which hit Danny me and sends me through a wall through the library and lands me in another hallway. I fly back and look around and see Sam and (y/n) rounding up the loose frogs and putting them back into the box. "There you go, little fellas." Sam said as (y/n) rolls her eyes but continues to collect the frogs.

"Put an egg in your shoe and beat it, bully. I'm Sidney Poindexter, and wherever there is a single nerd in need, I shall be there." Poindexter said and Tucker walks next to him as he talks and Poindexter gestures towards him. "Hey, who're calling a nerd?" Tucker asked him and I fly towards Poindexter but he turns invisible and I end up hitting Tucker instead and we run into a locker. "That's the guy who used to have your locker. In your face, Mr Skeptic." Tucker said to me and I glare at him. "In his face? Sweet idea." Poindexter said and he pulls out an ink pen and he causes it to spray ink in my face. He laughs and I turn intangible and fly towards him again and send us both through the floor and into the basement. 

I transform back to my human self and Poindexter looks at me, shocked. "Holy socks! You're the halfa!" He exclaims. "The what-a?" I asked him. "The half a. Everybody in the Ghost Zone talks about you. You're half a boy, half a ghost. The half a! You have all our powers on the human plane. An--and you're using your powers for evil?" He asked, angrily.
"No! Look! Just listen! I-I took over Dash's body because--" I started to explain but Poindexter talks over me. "Hey, wait. You can take over a person's body? Jeepers creepers, I would flip if I had your powers. I wonder...." He said then he turns intangible and flies into me. "Hey! What are you doing?" I asked as I struggle to resist him overshadowing get me. "Giving you a taste of your own medicine, bully." He said.

"Listen to me! Dash--isn't--" I said but suddenly my  body begins to distort into weird positions and weird noises were coming out of me then a sudden calm overcomes me. "You might use your powers to pick out  innocent kids. But I sure as sugar won't." Poindexter said and I feel myself leaving my body and float towards Locker 724 and into the mirror.

The next thing I know I see the locker doors open and the vision in front of me is black and white and I see some students, dressed like they are from there fifties, walking past my locker. Then one of them stops and looks in the locker. "Hey, Poindexter." He said. I look into the mirror behind me and see that I look like Poindexter and I scream.

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