Chapter 62: Eye For An Eye

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Although no ecto contraband was found, it's certain that the mansion itself didn't stand a ghost of a chance against the government onslaught! Now, on to the upcoming, mayoral elections…

Danny promptly shuts the computer off and he, Tucker and I start laughing, Sam looking at us disapprovingly. "Oh man! That's got to be the greatest practical joke ever!" Tucker said, still laughing. "YES! I really knocked Vlad off his High Horse this time!" Danny said as he raises his fists in the air. "Can you even imagine his face when the feds busted in on him like that?" I asked him when suddenly the wall to Danny's bedroom crumbles and the Guys in White jump in with rappelling equipment and mallets in hand. "Nobody move! This is a raid!" One of the agents said. "Um, I think I have a pretty good idea…" Sam said as Danny stares at the agents in shock.

Then the agents begin to destroy Danny's stuff. One of them comes up and destroys Danny's computer. "That's my computer!!!!" Danny shouts as they destroy his bed with their mallets. "My bed!!!" Danny shouts then they destroy his dresser. "My dresser!!!"

One od the agents was about to smash Danny's TV when the door opens and the agent hits something else accidentally; Mr Fenton. "MY DAD!" Danny shouts. Mr and Mrs Fenton enter Danny's room; Mr Fenton massages his head where the mallet hit him. "Danny, what on earth is going on?" Mrs Fenton asked him. Mr Fenton looks up and see the GiW standing there. "Cool! The Guys in White are trashing our house! They're my heroes!" Mr Fenton exclaimed, excitedly. "JACK!" Mrs Fenton shouted, angrily. "Er, I mean…QUIT TRASHING OUR HOUSE!" Mr Fenton shouts, shaking his fist, until he saw the equipment they were carrying. "Hey, is that the Ecto-Annihilator 47? Those things rock!" He said. 

"Stand down, Fenton. Our Intel says you're harboring Ghost Fugitives. We're shutting you down! Lock stock and Ghost lab!" One of the agents said to them. Mr Fenton stands in front of the doorway and said. "No way! You'll get to my lab over my--" but the GIW click their guns menacingly. "Gee…uh… I uh... kinda forgot how the rest of that goes…Show you to the Lab, fellas?" Mr Fenton said as he steps aside. 

"Hold on a second. Do you've a Search Warrant?" Sam asked the GiW. "Warrant?" The agents asked before they bust out laughing. "Laugh it up boys, but page 198, subchapter 7; paragraph 37B of the Anti-Ghost Code says you need a warrant, unless ex-agent circumstances supersede the authority of the Judge Ministry." Sam said, quickly, a gloating smile on her lips. "Ex-agent circumstances?" One of the agents asked then he laughs again. "Save it, K. We don't even know what that means." the other agent said to his partner.

The agents turn to the door, ready to leave. "You're off the hook until we can get a warrant….Or a legal dictionary…." They said to Mr Fenton before they walk out of the room. "Stayin' to dinner, fellas?" Mr Fenton asked them until Mrs Fenton glares at him. "Er…I mean… GET OUTTA MY HOUSE!" Henshouts but then he starts to walk out and asked the agents. "And…I, uh…any chance you can hook me up with one of those ecto-annihilator thingies?" Mrs Fenton sighs and the two adults walk out of the room.

"Thanks for the backup, Sam. I'm glad you're up with your Anti-ghost laws." Danny said to Sam. "No problem." She replied as I look around his destroyed room. "Man, they really did a number on your room, though." I said to him. "Yeah…and I don't think they acted alone." He growled. "Want some help?" I asked him. He looks at me and we smile at each other.


At the Regal Hotel where Vlad is accommodated after his mansion was destroyed, Vlad was taking a shower when the anchor on the TV said. "One time millionaire pillar Vlad Masters insists he had nothing to hide."

"One time pillar indeed. Danny Fenton has tarnished my reputation and has made me the laughingstock of Wisconsin! And no one bows down to a laughingstock!" Vlad said to himself as he walks out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist. "But I'm sure that my shrewd countermove has put these kids to its heightenings." he said as he walks into the living room. "We now go live with breaking news from helicopter 2 flying above the hotel!" The anchor said when Vlad turns the TV off. But as soon as he does, his clothes starts flying around the room because of the strong gusts of wind produced by the helicopters hovering outside his window. The wall seems to disappear as Vlad is in full view of at least 3 news helicopters, the wind causing his towel to fly away. "Oh, butter brittle!" He exclaimed as he tries to cover himself. 

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