Chapter 24: Halloween Battle

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"Where is he?" I aksed Sam. It has been awhile since Danny left and I was starting to get worried, Mr Lancer could show up any minute now.

Suddenly I felt someone tap on the back of my leg. I turn around and scream as Danny phases through the floor, hands behind his back. "If you think that's scary, get a load of this." He said as he pulls a green sword from behind his back. I look at the sword in awe but Sam stares at Danny in disbelief. "You went into the Ghost Zone and stole the Fright Knight's sword?" She asked him. "Stole, borrowed. Semantics." Danny said as he holds the sword downward with one hand.

"Danny this could be dangerous!" I said with worry. "You two worry too much." said Danny and he plunges the sword down on the floor and then the sword starts to glow.

Danny removes his hand and backs away from the sword and stands next to me as the three of us stare at the sword in awe.

As the sword glows, a ray of green light emits from the handles up through the ceiling and breaks through the roof to make a giant green cloud from above. "Zombies!" I hear Dash screaming from across the hall.

"Maybe I should get this thing back." Danny said.

"Gee, you think?" I asked, sarcastically but before Danny could do anything, Mr Lancer walks in. "Mr Fenton, it's time." He said, eyes staring get at his clipboard. 

Quickly, I stand in front of Danny and he transforms back to a human. "Right after Mr Lancer judges my room! Besides what's the worse that could happen?" Danny asked as lightening strikes. "Uh, Mr Lancer?" Sam started to ask but then we saw three zombies come towards the room.

"I don't know if it's safe in here." I said as Danny runs over to the door to prevent the zombies to come in.

"That's right, (y/n). Nothing is safe inside Danny Fenton's Room of Doom! Enter if you dare." Danny said as he grabs a flashlight, turns it on and shines it in his face. Then he runs over to a tape recorder on a table labeled Thunder, and he presses a button and a quiet sounds of thunder comes through the speaker. Danny, then, slides to the left and flips a switch and the lamp over Lancer's head flickers. Danny runs over to the other side of the room. Danny turns a rod handle and four purple rubber spiders descend on strings near Lancer's head.

I look over at Lancer and he seems unfazed and bored. 'Oh, great! Danny is going to get detention and eat Dash's underwear!' I thought as I face palm. "I'll have you know I don't fall for cheap theatrics and I don't scare easily." Lancer replied.

Then a giant green spider comes up behind Lancer and taps his shoulder. Lancer turns around and see the spider. Danny, Sam and I stare at the spider in terror as Lancer turns back around and writes on his clipboard. "But you're off to a promising start!" Lancer said. "All part of the show." Danny replied as he chuckles weakly.

The spider then grabs Mr Lancer and puts him in a cobweb cocoon and put him smack dab in the middle of its web. "This has potential. Sticky, gross. I like it!" Lancer said. "Danny? You might want to end this before things spin out of control!" Sam said as we keep staring at the spider in terror, afraid to do anything.  "I will, as soon as Lancer declares me the winner." Danny replied. "That's if he doesn't become that spider's meal first!" I shouted.

Lancer looks at the spider with a surprise look as it walks closer to him. "Okay, I'm mildly impressed. A few more surprises and you might have this thing wrapped up." Lancer said. "Yes! I'll take mildly impressed. That's my cue to clean up!" Danny said as he jerks his arms downward with victory. "Finally!" I said with exasperation.

Danny grabs the Fenton Foamer and shoots a stream of foam at the spider, which glows green for a second then turns into a small rubber spider. "(Y/N)! Catch!" Danny said as he oases the Foamer at me. I smile as I hear Sam screaming, for she was holding the door so the zombies couldn't get in. I looked over and see them bursting through the doors, knocking Sam back on the ground. I walk in front of her, aim the Foamer at the zombies and fired.

The zombies glow green for a second and then turn into haystack. "See? I told ya I had everything under control. We've got enough Fenton Foamer to keep Lancer safe and as soon as he says the words Danny wins I'll toss the sword back into the Ghost Zone." Danny said as he grabs the Foamer from my hands and aims it at a giant mouse, which was the next creature attacking Lancer, and it turns into a chair, which is weird and random but then again my boyfriend is a superhero with ghost powers and we fight ghost everyday so when is anything normal.

Then we heard a crash from above, we look up and see the Fright Knight, riding on his horse, descends down. I see that the Knight wasn't alone, for some reason Tucker was with him. "Hmm! That's one fancy flaming robot." Lancer replied.

"Danny! Whatever you do, don't let him get the sword!" Tucker shouted.

"SILENCE, whelp!" The Knight bellows as he tosses Tucker, who hits one of the tables then lands on the cobweb next to Lancer. "Hi! Come here often?" Tucker asked him.

"Tucker!" Danny shouted as he aims the Foamer at them but it's knocked out of his hands. "My sword. At last!" The Knight said as jumps off of his horse and walks towards the sword. Danny then runs over to the sword and grabs the hilt the the Knight grabs it after him.

"Hah!" Danny goats but then he is lifted from the air as the Knight grabbed his sword and tries to shake Danny off the sword but Danny hangs on the sword, tightly.

"That's certainly exciting, but is it scary?" I hear Lancer ask. Fright Knight takes a couple of steps back then swings the sword and it slices through Lancer and he disappears. "Mr Lancer!" Danny shouted.

"Where did he go?" I asked as Danny approaches to the cocoon web. Danny turns to the Knight and asked. "What did you do to him?"

 "I sent him to where all who feel the sting of my blade are sent. A dimension where his worst fears come to life." Fright Knight replied.

"YES! This contest is SO MINE!" Danny exclaimed.

"Danny!" I growled.

Danny looks over at me then said. "Uh, I mean....Bring him back, you fiend!" Danny said with a proud superhero voice and he transforms into Phantom.

Danny flies up then swoops down towards the Knight who gets into a fighting stance. As Danny gets closer, the Knight just bat's him away with one wave of his arm and Danny plunges, head first, into the drywall.

"Listen to the sound of your doom! Soon, my storm shall consume this planet. The world will be forever transformed! And no one can stop me!" The Knight declared.

"Not if I can help it." said Danny as he lifts himself out of the hole and takes flight and tries to ram the Knight again but he hits the Knight, head on, in the abs with a clang and falls down. "Which apparently I can't." Danny mumbles and the Knight walks up with his sword and raises it high above his head.

"Danny! Look out!" Tucker shouted and runs in between Danny and the Knight and the sword cuts through Tucker and he disappears.

"Tucker!" Danny and I shouted.

"No!" Sam shouted.

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