Chapter 22: Fright Night

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"What if we did something with....skeletons?" Danny asked me as he draws in his notebook.

Earlier today when Danny was fighting a ghost, he accidently knocked some paint onto Dash and, of course, Dash had to start a fight with Danny but luckily Lancer caught them and told them they were to be punished.
And apparently their punishment was to make a haunted house for Mr Lancer so that he could beat Ms. Tetslaff for the haunted house party that the school hosts every year.

And then Danny and Dash had to make a bet, if Danny wins Dash has to run around the school parking lot in his underwear and if Dash wins Danny has to eat one of Dash's underwear.

Danny shows me his drawings and said. "See? How scary is that?" I raise my eyebrows at him and said. "On a scale of not to ten? Not." He tears the page out, crumbles it and throws it to his trash bins. "How about this?" Danny asked as he stands up on his bed and transforms to Danny Phantom then turns invisible. Then his bedsheets raises up and floats above the bed. "Wheee-oooo...." Danny moans.

"Lame." Sam said as she walks into the room with Tucker. Danny goes tangible and throws the sheet off of him and turns back to a human. "Oh, man! Halloween's a week away and I still don't have a clue what I'm gonna do for my haunted house room." Danny said as he sits, cross-legged on his bed with his right hand on his chin. I give him a small smile and kiss his cheek.

"We'll think of something." I said.

"Well I did pick up this book at the old bookshop where I like to skulk and lurk." Sam said as she digs into her bag and pulls out a large brown book and hands it to Danny. "The Chronicles of the Fright Knight?" Danny asked as he reads the title.

"He's the age old spirit of Halloween. Legend has it, that if his sword, The Soul Shredder, cuts through you, you get teleported to a dimension where you live out your worst fear." Sam said as Danny flips through the book. He stops at a page and looks at it for a moment longer. "Wait a minuted.....I've seen this before." He said and he opens the draw on his nightstand and pulls out some paper labeled Map of the Ghost Zone and he places it next to a page of the Fright Knights lair. "Look familiar?" Danny asked us.

"It matches the map we've been making of the Ghost Zone!" I exclaimed.

"This is great! He's a ghost and he's the spirit of Halloween? That means I can take the best ideas from this guy and fuse them into my haunted house room!" He said with excitement.

Later that day, Danny carries me, bridal style, and flies me back home. "You know you don't have to do this Danny." I said as we fly over Amity Park. "But I want to. Really, (y/n), I don't mind! I like spending as much time with you as I can." Danny said, smiling. I smile back and asked. "Are you worried about this haunted house thing?" He shakes his head and said. "I think I've got this, babe! Shouldn't be that hard."

He lands in the alleyway next to my house and he transforms to human and we walk up to the steps of my house. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow Danny." I said. "See ya!" He replied. I smile and stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. He kisses back and he cups my face in his hands.

I drop my books on the ground and place my left hand on his cheek and I tangle my right hand fingers in his raven black hair. We continue to kiss for awhile until the porch light flickers on and off. I pull back and chuckle. "That's my que to leave." I said as Danny chuckles.

"I love you, (y/n)." He said, softly.

"I love you too, Danny." I said and I kiss him lightly on the lips.

I bend down and pick up my books and walk to the door and open it. Once I enter the house I turn back around and smile at Danny as I close it.

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