Chapter 74: Frightmare

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I was walking to a table in the cafeteria, feeling proud of myself for acing that science test, when I see Dash standing in front of Tucker. "Oh no! Dash is going to destroy Tucker." I said to myself and make my way over to them. "Guys, wait! Violence is never the answer!" I said.

"Well, look who showed up!" Dash said as he turns to face me. "I've been waiting for you, Fenton!" He said and I closed my eyes waiting for the punches.....but they never came. 

"No, seriously, we've been saving your seat for like ten minutes! Where you been, buddy?" Dash asked and I look up at him confused. Then I look over at Tucker, who was smiling, as some of the jocks come up to me and cheer. I look down at the table and see a newspaper that had my picture on it. The picture showed me in a football jersey and helmet, holding the football, and the words Fenton Throws Winning Pass was under the picture.

"Throws? Winning? Fenton?" I said, shocked and confused.

"Three seconds left in the game and you called a reverse! You're the best quarterback Casper's ever had!" Dash informed me.

"I am? I-I-I mean, I am!" I said then my Ghost Sense goes off. "And speaking of comic book villians." I muttered as I turn to see the Fright Knight outside the window on his horse.

"Danny! Outside! The Fright Knight!" Dash said.

"Uh....why are you telling me?" I asked him.

"Duh...because you have ghost powers!" He replied and everyone starts to cheer for me.

"Uh....Going Ghost." I said then I transformed and and phased through the roof of the school. I fly towards the Fright Knight and said. "Hey, Fright nut! Do you know the freezing point of metal?" Then I raised my hands and freezed The Fright Knight, who turns into a block of ice and drops down. I pull out the Thermos and said. "I'm getting an A+ in my science class, so that was really a rhetorical question." I open up the Thermos and sucked the Fright Knight in then I make my way back into the school.

Everyone cheered as I turn back human and take my seat at the table. "Sweet! Must be nice, Fenton. Being a superhero and having all the girls lovesick for ya." Dash said.

"Sounds like someone's tired of taking their cousin to all the dances." Tucker teased.

"She's my mom's sister's step-daughter." Dash replied, annoyed.

"C'mon guys! You know that there's....only one girl for me." I said as I think about her, smiling.

"I hope you're talking about me." A voice said, but it wasn't (y/n)'s. 

I turn around and see that it is....

"Sam?!" I exclaimed as she stands behind me. "W-w-wha--what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Uh, hello? I'm your girlfriend." She said.

"No, you're not! Where's (y/n)?" I asked.

"Who's (y/n)? There's no one here by that name." She said. "Don't you remember, Danny? You gave me this!" And she holds up her hand to reveal she was wearing a ring. The ring I gave to (y/n) that I got from her future-self. And I start to panic...No this can't be! This...

Suddenly, I wake up and take a few deep breathes. "Huh? It was just a dream?" I asked as I look around and saw that I was in the Ghost Zone. "Whoa, more like a nightmare." I said as I look around. "How did I get all the way here into the Ghost Zone?" I asked.

I bend down and see shattered pieces of a helmet and then I started having flashes of green ghosts flying towards me and then a tall, dark shape. "I remember a tall shape, dark. A Ghost?" I said. I pick up the pieces and said. "Something tells me that I'm not gonna like what I'm going to find out there."

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