Chapter 33: So You Have Wished It, So Shall It Be

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The next day, I walk into the hallways of Casper High and head to my locker. I look down and see Danny, Tucker and Sam just a few feet away, talking. I smile as I walk over to them. "Hey, guys." I said to them. 

Then all three of them look up at me, confused. "Do I know you?" Danny asked me. "Oh, very cute. I said I’d wished we never met, and now you’re pretending we didn’t meet." I scoffed as I rolled my eyes at him. "You’re hilarious." 

"No, seriously, do I know you?" Danny asked, genuinely confused. I raise my eyebrow at him as Tucker comes up to me and said. "And more importantly would you like to know me?" Then he takes out a breathe spray and sprays some in his mouth. Then he smiles at me, very flirtatious, and said. "Hi. I’m Tucker. Tucker Foley. That’s TF. As in Too Fine." I cringe at his attempted pick-up line and said. "Tucker, why are you hitting on me? You know I'm with Danny." 

All three of them stare at me in confusion. "I'm sorry I think you have the wrong guy." Sam said, arms folded across her chest. As she said this, she had a look of anger across her face. An anger, I've never seen on her face.

Then a green-skinned beast grows out of a locker then stands and towers over Dash and Kwan, while flexing his arms and roaring to the ceiling. The two jocks scream and run away as the beast chases after them. Then a female ghost with long black hair floats up towards Danny while Sam and Tucker cower in fear. "Boo!" she said. "Ghost!" Danny screamed in fear as he cowers down. The ghost flies away and I realized who the Ghost was. "That’s Desiree! The Wishing Ghost!" I exclaimed then I turn to Danny and said, as I grab his collar. "Danny, you’ve gotta do something. Why aren’t you going ghost?" 

Danny pulls my hands off his collar and said. "Look, kid. I don’t know who you are or what you’re talking about. All I know is, I am outta here!" And he runs away. I stare after him in shock as the beast shoves Dash and Kwan into a locker. "We're sorry!" Dash said in fear. Then the beast turned into Mickey, a geeky kid I knew from science class, and he slams the locker door shut. "I rock!" He exclaimed, happily, then he runs away. I turn around and open Danny's locker. 

Inside was just a few of his school books and a picture of him, Sam and Tucker. Sam was on Danny's left and Tucker was on his right but there was a gap between Danny and Tucker. "Oh no!" I muttered as I pull the picture out then I sighed into my backpack and pull out a small photo album and opened to the same photo only in my copy of the photo, I'm the one between Danny and Tucker. "Last night I wished Danny had never met me. And Desiree must’ve made it so we never met! Which means he never got his powers!" I said to myself. I look up and shout. "Danny! Wait! You’ve got to listen to me!"

Later that day, Danny was walking home and I was walking right behind him. "Why won’t you believe to me?" I asked him. "Believe what? That I had super powers? You and I are in relationship even though I never met you? And you’re the only one that knows it?" Danny asked, incredulous, as he walks up the steps to his house. "Yes! Isn’t that crystal clear?" I asked him. The response I got was a door slammed into my face. 

I groan as I start to head home. "I’ve gotta do something to get him to listen to me. But how do I get through the thick head of a fourteen-year-old boy?" I asked myself. Suddenly, I look down at my clothes and noticed that I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt and hoodie. My eyes open in realization as I figured out what I'm supposed to do. "Oh, darn it." I muttered as I run towards home, dreading the plan I just thought of.

Later that afternoon, I was walking into the Pharmacy, wearing a short black skirt that was above my knee, a tight white tank top that hugged my curves, black high heels and my hair was all done up. I look over and see Danny, Tucker and Sam sitting together at a table eating ice cream. I take a deep breathe and walk over to them. "Hi, mind if I join you?" I asked them, in a flirty attempt. Sam glares at me while Tucker and Danny look at me in shock. 

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