Chapter 31: You're Not Just A Ghost

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Once we arrived at the Circus, Sam, Tucker and I separated so that we could find Danny. Afterwhile, Tucker and I met up and ran into the tent and saw, high above, Sam standing on a tight rope on one end while a cloaked individual stood at the other end with a scythe. "Sam!" Tucker and I screamed just as the cloaked figure cut the rope, causing Sam to fall.

But then the cloaked figure flew down and caught her just before she hit the ground. The land just as Tucker and I ran towards her. Freakshow walked up to her for a moment then he and the hooded figure walked away. "Jeez, Sam, you nearly gave us a heart-attack!" I exclaimed. "No kidding! Can we take time off from your gothapalooza and actually look for Danny?" Tucker asked, angrily. "That was Danny, under the hood, Freakshow's controlling him with some kind of crystal ball! C'mon!" She said and leads is outside.

"Sam! Shouldn't you be in detention?" Mrs Manson asked as we ran into her, her husband, and a mob of parents behind them. "Uhm....Lancer let us out?" Sam said with uncertainty. "Are we late for the protest?" Mrs Fenton asked as she and Mr Fenton walk up to us. "I brought the Fenton Riot Gear." Mr Fenton said as he pulls out a large gun which, of course, goes off and hits the Manson's sign. Mr Fenton notices us and said. "Hey, isn't Danny supposed to be with you?"  

"Not according to this restraining order he's not." Mrs Manson said as she produces an official document. "Well he's not here and he's not at school, so where is he?" Mrs Fenton asked and the three of us just shrug.

"In the wake of parental protest, Circus Gothica ringmaster Freakshow had this challenge to his critics..."

"I invite you to attend a free performance for parents, police, and concerned authority figures. See the show and see for yourselves that we're harmless entertainment."

"In other news, police got a break in the recent rash of mysterious burglaries as security cam footage revealed the ghostly culprits." The female news anchor said as she shows a footage of a few ghost phasing out of a vault and Danny phases out as well. He looks at the camera, flies towards it and smiles as he raises his hand and blasts the camera. "Oh, Danny." I whispered as my laptop goes off. I open it and see Tucker and Sam appear on my screen.

"Guys, didja catch the news? We gotta do something to save Danny!" Tucker exclaimed. "How ironic is it that I'm stuck under house arrest while my parents get to go to a free Circus Gothica show?!" Sam asked, angrily. "Only slightly less ironic than the fact tbat they were right about it being evil." I remarked. Sam glares at me then rolls her eyes. 

We end our web call and I walk down the stairs. Luckily, my parents are working late tonight so I'm able to get out of the house.

I make it to the Circus and see Tucker and Sam standing by a train cart. Tucker had a bat on his beret, which Sam slaps off. "I'll take that as an or what." Tucker said as I approach them. Sam nods at me then points towards the train behind her and the three of us jump on the train and go through a tip hatch in the caboose. We land on piles of gold, money, jewelry, paintings and many other treasures while we look around and see the staff. "There's the crystal ball!" Sam exclaimed. The three of us stand up and head toward the staff. "Let's grab it and--" but before I could finish, the three of us were blasted out of the train and landed out on the ground. 

We look up and see Danny and Freakshow emerge from the door. The train whistle sounds and the train pulls away. "Danny! No!" I screamed as the three of us stand up and chase after the train. Since the train was too fast for us. We take a shortcut and make it to an overpass. We make the top of the overpass just as the train starts to scream down the railway.

"We have to jump!" Sam screamed.

"You crazy? We can't jump!" Tucker shouted.

"Well, I can't abandon Danny!" I said and I jump off of the overpass and land on the train. I stand up just as Sam and Tucker jump behind me. "C'mon!" I shouted and the three of us run towards the front of the train.

Then a group of ghost appear in front of us. We stop in our tracks and gasp. Then I heard a noise behind us and see Danny standing behind us. "Danny! It's us! Tucker, Sam and (y/n)! You're best friends and girlfriend, remember?!" I said to him. Danny glares at me then he blinks. "(Y/N)? Tucker? Sam? I...I..." He said and I smile hopefully at him. " a...ghost. I have no friends." Danny said as he glares at us. "Don't waste your breathe, children." We heard a voice say behind us. We turned around and see Freakshow with his staff. "He's under my control now." He said, softly. Then he looks over at Danny and shouts. "Don't just stand there, finish them!" Then I saw a scaffolding coming and apparently so did Tucker as he says, to Freakshow. "Maybe you should try holding that thing up alittle higher."

Freakshow raises his staff and it is knocked out of his grasp as the train passes under the scaffolding. Tucker makes a grab for it but misses. I facepalm at this as I look over and see that the staff lands into Danny's hand. "Way to go man! Give me five!" Tucker says as he walks over to Danny, who raises his hand and blasts Tucker away towards the large ghost, who grabbed him. 

"Very good, drone. Now bring me my staff. Come on, bring it." Freakshow said as he makes kissing noises at him. Danny looks at him with uncertainty. "Fight it Danny! He's not holding the crystal ball anymore, you are!" I shouted. Freakshow then grabbed my shoulders and threw me to the side, causing me to almost fall off the train but I regain my balance. "Silence!" He shouts then he turns to Danny and said. "Obey me, ghost! Give me my staff. Come on." He makes kissing noises again while Danny looks between him and the staff with uncertainty.

"I saw you in that high wire, you were fighting him the whole time! Fight him now, Danny!" Sam shouted but then Freakshow grabs her and throws her towards one of his minions. "You're not just a ghost, Danny! Fight him!" I shouted. "Quiet! All of you! I need to think!" Danny groaned as he holds hisbhead in his hand. "Stop her! Now!" Freakshow ordered, pointing at me. "Well, it's the crystal ball or your girlfriend, Danny, your choice!" I shouted as a few of the Ghost approaches me. I back away but I accidently back off the train.


"I didn't mean that to be so literal!" You shout as you fall off the train and scream. "(Y/N)! NO!" Sam and Tucker shout. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" Danny shouts in fear then he jumps after you, letting go if the staff as he races after you. He catches you, bridal style, and brings you back up while the staff smashes on the ground below. Danny's red eyes turn back to green. He looks around then looks down at you. You open your eyes and look up at him. "Danny....are you okay?" You asked him. "I think so. It's all a blur. I did some bad stuff, didn't I?" Danny asked you. You smile at him and said. "Nothing you can't fix." Then you lean up and kiss his lips as he flies towards the train. The two of you land on the train as Sam and Tucker smile at you two.

"Good. Now maybe you can convince Tiny here to let us go?" Tucker asked but then the Ghost minons's eyes turn back to normal. "H-huh? Where are we?" One of the ghosts asked. "Are we free? Finally free?" The dwarf ghost asked. "Only one way to find out." Danny said as him and the group of ghost glare at Freakshow then they all grab him and pull him down into the car.

Freakshow looks up at them then said. "Okay, uh, when I called you, er, minions, it was really a-a term if endearment like-like I love my minions!" 

"You wanted a big haul? Try this on for size!" Danny said and he blasts the boxes of treasure on top of him. "Oh! That....quite...smarted..." Freakshiw mutters as the train stops in front of police cruisers that have blocked the track. "So, what d'ya say we stick around and explain to the cops we were being controlled by an evil ringmaster?" Danny asked the others. They stare at him before they disappear. "You know, I had a feeling that would be their answer." He said to himself as he phases out odbthr car as well.


"Nice work, kids. You caught that weirdo goth punk thief red-handed!" Mr Fenton said as the police hauls Freakshow away. "I'm just happy you're all safe!" Mrs Manson said. "More than safe, their heroes!" Mr Manson exclaimed. "We're so proud of you!" Mrs Fenton said to us sweetly.

Next thing I know, all four of us are in the library, being forced to study. "BUT YOU'RE ALL STILL GROUNDED!!" Our Parents shouted at us while we all looked down at our books in dismay. "Grounded, shmounded! This is cruel and unusual punishment!" Sam's grandma said as she points at the purple and yellow flowery dress Sam was wearing.

"I know, but it was the only way I could convince them to lift their restraining order on Danny." Sam replied. "At least Freakshow is in custody and the stolen goods were returned." Danny said. "So why do I feel like we're forgetting something?" Tucker asked us and we all shrugged at him. If we did forget something, I'm sure it will come to us, eventually.

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