Chapter 38: Kids vs Pirates

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Danny and I stand on the side of the ops center as we watch the pirates take Tucker, who's disguised as an old man, to Youngblood's ship. "The fish has swallowed the bait." Danny said. "But how do we get our offense up to the pirate ship?" I asked him. "I just have to think like a Fenton. Now if I were my dad where would I put the secret control panal for the Ops center? Some place I would see everytime I come here." Danny said as he Looks off to the side for a moment before his eyes widen then he smiles.

The two of us go inside the room and run up to the fridge and see a plate of ham with a huge red button on the side of the fridge. "Yep, next to the ham!" Danny said and he pushes the button.

Defense system activated. Also the ham has spoiled!

I raise my eyebrow when the Ops center shakes and several items retract from the roof including the attachment cables. Then the blimp portion with Jack Fention's face on it inflates and the Ops center floats into the air. "Now your dad's only the second biggest blimp in the family." Sam said, making me laugh, as the blimp flies towards the Ghost ship.

Danny gets up to the steering wheel and steers the blimp towards the ship. "Steady as she goes!" Danny shouts and Sam scratches the record causing the signal dish to create soundwaves that bash into the pirate ship, knocking it away.

In retailation, the ship fires a barrage of red, glowing cannon balls at the ship. Danny punches a button on his dashboard, causing armor like protection to form around the Ops Center of the blimp and the cannon balls to be reflected harmlessly. The blimp then lands on the ship. 

All of us climb out of the room and stand on top of the blimp and stand at the ready. "On my signal....Now!" Danny said and all of us release a barrage of Fenton gadgets which latch onto parts of the ship, acting as a means to swing through the ghost shield onto the pirate ship, kicking aside members of Youngblood's ship as we do so.

I land on the ship and start to pull out my staff and started to swing it around once some pirates approached me. I twirl the staff as a pirates starts to throw ecto energy at me to block all the blows. I dig into my pocket and pull out the ecto-lipstick and shoot it at the pirate and he goes flying backwards. I smile and start to beat up more ghosts pirates.

Suddenly, a soundwave hits all of us and knocks us down and fall on top of each other, like bowling pins. "The only one rocking this boat is me!" Ember said, angrily, then she casts an ectoblast that restrains and surrounds us in a small dome. All of us try to get out until I see Youngblood grab Danny and pulls him out of the dome. "Danny!" I shout as Youngblood pulls Danny closer to him. "Time to walk the plank, sharkbait." He said.

Then he placed Danny on the plank and approaches him, swinging the pirate hook on his arm. Danny attempts to dodge and falls off the plank. "No!" I shouted until I notice that the Ghost shield disappeared. "So, where's the splat?" Ember asked Youngblood. Then Danny raises above the plank, in phantom form, fists glowing with ectoplasmic energy which he shoots at Ember and Youngblood causing both to fly back, and Ember to lose her guitar which Danny grabs. I smile as Ember looks around dor her guitar. "Looking for this?" Danny asked, mockingly, holding the guitar. 

Ember glares furously before removing her pirate hat and, with eyes glowing red, shoots streams of electric blue fire at him. Danny dodges flying up to the flag which Ember burns with her flames. "Ok, maybe not the best idea. Oh well, bon voyage, catch you on my come back tour." Ember said as she disappears and laughs, abandoning Youngblood.

Youngblood launches at Danny, cutting Ember's guitar in half, the top of which Danny uses as a weapon. "Bring it on, snotnose" Danny said as he readies the guitar neck and gets into a fighting stance. Danny and Youngblood fly up and battle on the mast while the flag's burning.

Youngblood slashes at Danny, who separates his body so the slash goes through the space created by the separation and causes no damage. Youngblood turns one of his arms and legs into some type of weapon that shoots ectoplasmic flames. Danny dodges the blasts and the whole mast, along with Youngblood on it, catches on fire. Danny flys down to us.

I smile at him as Paulina gushes over him. "Oh look, it's the ghost boy!" She said as Danny removes ectoplasmic orb. "Hey, where's Fenton?" Dash asked. "He's safe. I--uh rescued him." Danny said. 

Then all of us run down to the lower deck and run towards a door. Dash breaks down the door with a shout and bursting in to rescue our parents, which they were all leaning against the treadmilla, tired. "Wow, looks like a PTA health club." Dash remarks.

After we gather all of our parents, we run up to the deck just as the ship starta to fall. "Everyone huddle together now!" Danny shouts and the Paulina runs up to him and hugs him. "With you? It's my dream come true!" She said and I glare at the scene before while Danny recoils at this. "Um...just to let you know, I'm seeing someone. So....." He trails off as Paulina looks up and I could tell she's angry.

But all of us huddle together around Danny and he turns all of us intangible. The pirate ship sails down into the water as we hover in mid-air. Danny flies us above the wooden dock before collapsing onto it like everyone else. 

"What happened? Where are we?" Jazz said in a daze. "And why do I suddenly feel like I have buns of steel?" Mr Fenton asked. "At last!" Mrs Fenton exclaims in excitement then she calms down and goes to hug him. "I mean I love you just the way you are!" She says. "Eewww." Jazz groans as out of the corner of my eyes I see Danny go hide behind some crates then a second later he pops up as a human.

"Hey, is everyone ok?" He asked then Dash comes up and punches his arm. "Ow, what was that for?!" Danny asked him. "Abandoning us in the middle of the fight! That's the last time I listen to you, Fentidict Arnold!" Dash shouts, angrily, as he and the others start to walk away.

"Hey, nice jumpsuit, kid! You too! And you! And--wait a minute! Danny did you use the emergency Op center while we away?" Mr Fenton asked Danny. Danny looks at me, nervously, then looks at his dad. "Uh, whatever would give you that idea?" He asked just as the ops center floats near by us. "Hi Danny! Thanks for letting us use the Op center!" Sam shouts and the Fentons glare at us.

"So I'm grounded for a month while I clean up the damage from the party." Danny said as he sweeps up some garbage and Sam, Tucker and I help clean up the living room. "Look at the bright side Danny, at least we brought some decent radio to this town." Sam said, happily. I took my dustbin full of garbage and dump the contents in the garbage can next to Tucker, who let's out a loud belch.

"Man, I got serious heartburn from eating all those Nasty Burgers!" He said. "Still I can't help wondering why Youngblood didn't abandon ship?" I asked. "Oh, didn't I tell you?" Tucker asked as Sam and Danny walk up to us to listen. "After we escaped, I used my PDA to kick in the back-up power for the ghost shield in set it in reverse. They're  not going anywhere." He said and we couldn't help but laugh as we continue to clean.

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