Chapter 32: Memory Blank

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"Guys, come on! We’re gonna be late for school!" Sam shouted at the two boys, who were drooling over this giant, yellow car. "Guys? Guys!" I said, annoyed. "Isn’t it everything I told you it would be and more?" Danny asked Tucker, ignoring us. "You did not lie, dude. You did not lie." Tucker said.

"The Gi-normo Six-Thousand!" The two boys said, in unison, as they continue to stare at the car. I walk up to the side window of the car and started reading the description. "Seats made of owl leather? Interior wood paneling made from the Amazon rainforest? 12 gallons to the mile?!" I said, slighty appalled. "This car is an environmental nightmare!" Sam saod, angrily. She gasped then points at Danny. 

"I know what you should do!" She said.

"No." Danny said, arms folded across his chest.

"You could totally haunt this place! Scare people away from here and make them buy something else!" Sam exclaimed, excitedly. I nod in agreement as Danny glares at us. "No." He replied, firmly. "Cut it out, you two. It’s a cool truck! Besides, this would not be the first time one of your bad ideas got Danny into trouble." Tucker said to us. "What are you talking about?" Sam asked, confused. 

Then Tucker reminded us about the day Danny got his powers. "How’s it bad we were there? If it wasn’t for me, he’d be flying around with his dad’s face on his chest." I replied, angrily.

"Know how you can say thank you?" Sam asked Danny. "By crushing a few trucks!"

"Sam, I’m the good guy! So unless these super-awesome trucks are being used for evil, I can’t do anything." Danny replied. "Except wonder if it’s got a GPS satellite guidance system." Tucker said as he walks up to the car and stares at it again. Danny walks up next to him and said. "And rims."

"Big, spinning rims." Both the boys said as they drool over that stupid car. "Oh, I give up." I grumbled and start to walk away, Sam walking close behind me. "I just wish somebody would destroy these stupid trucks!" Sam grumbled as we head towards school.


"Well, it’s about time you made a wish." Desiree said as she looks through the grate you and Sam walk by. She floats out of the grate and raises her hands. "And so you have wished it, so shall it be!" Desiree said as she puts her hands together into a pink beam of magical energy which flies towards a restaurant called DAISY’S DAIRY DINER. There’s a giant cow on top and a board with an ice cream cone on the side. 

The beam hits the very happy looking cow, causing it to become angry. The giant cow becomes alive and starts to walk towards the boys and the car. "I wonder what this button does." Danny said as he presses one of the five buttons beneath the door panel.

Suddenly the boys are flung back screaming as the car is stepped on by a giant cow hoof, bending the metal and shattering the windows. Danny and Tucker land on the ground, on their backs. They bounce once and land by a tire of another car, looking up in shock as a yellow metal shard lands next to them. The boys look up at the giant cow with another truck in the foreground next to them. The cow moos. 

"Get away, fiend! Whatever you do, leave this truck alone!" Danny shouted, pointing at the truck behind him. The giant cow moos as it turns to the side of him, lifting up its leg to reveal its udder. Danny and Tucker, lean against the truck and look up in total shock as a wave of milk squirted out at them. "Aw, man! I just became lactose intolerant!" Tucker groaned as another wave of milk hits them.


After the fight with the giant cow, the four of us were walking down the street when Tucker says, proudly. "Good job beating the big cow, Danny." 

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